Pro-life and Democrat

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How is it morally correct to deny a woman bodily autonomy?

then you'd consider it morally acceptable for a new mother to abandon her infant in order to satisfy her bodily autonomy?

Is it morally permissible to force an unwanted child into poverty, abuse, neglect.

all the more reason to allow the new mother of an unwanted child the choice to kill her infant

Is it morally corect to force a woman into single-motherhood before she's capable of caring for another on her own.

again, a good argument for allowing a woman who finds herself in that situation the choice to kill her infant

Is it morally acceptable to demand a child wrought from rape be birthed by the victim...

once again, a good argument for allowing a woman who finds herself in that situation the choice to kill her unwanted infant

Presuming her right to make her own choices regarding her body ...

and if her choice is to leave the infant in an apartment in chicago and take her body to san diego?

on what basis would you deny her that choice?


and if her choice is to leave the infant in an apartment in chicago and take her body to san diego?

on what basis would you deny her that choice?
On what basis would you deny this irresponsible woman an abortion knowing such a woman couldn't handle the responsibility and neglect/abandon her newborn. Do you even care for her plight and by extension... the newborn's?


that requires her body - effort to apply for, receive and use benefits

who are you to force her to use her body (and her time and effort) in a manner against her wishes?

You're reduced to the captious extremes!

You're grasping. Anything else?


so you're willing to force her to care for her child?

and you don't see this as a contradiction in your concern for her autonomy?

Lol. YOU should be wouldn't allow her to abort.


On what basis would you deny this irresponsible woman an abortion knowing such a woman couldn't handle the responsibility and neglect/abandon her newborn. Do you even care for her plight and by extension... the newborn's?


have you ever been the sole (or primary) caregiver for a newborn? I have

by denying this hypothetical woman the right to choose whether or not kill her infant, you're forcing her into a situation more consuming than pregnancy

Let's see where this is going...


so you're willing to force her to care for her child?

and you don't see this as a contradiction in your concern for her autonomy?

Reiterate: (again)

On what basis would you deny this irresponsible woman an abortion knowing such a woman couldn't handle the responsibility and neglect/abandon her newborn. Do you even care for her plight and by extension... the newborn's?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Lol. YOU should be wouldn't allow her to abort.

i've told you before quip - i'm not discussing abortion

i'm trying to get you to articulate your reasons for denying the new mother her choice to terminate her motherhood

have been since here:

that's why I kept trying to get you to articulate what you thought were the significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn

so far the best you've managed to come up with is that a woman's autonomy in that regard evaporates in a puff of smoke upon delivery

but you haven't managed to explain why

keep trying - you'll get there eventually :)