Presentation of myself

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New member
Hello everyone!

My name is Johan and I am a Divine Scientist living in Sweden interested in scientific metaphysics and similar teachings.
I enjoy to post comments on different threads from time to time.
Would like to meet similar-minded people here on TOL for great discussions and sharings. If anyone like to share something on divine metaphysics/ New Thought theology I am pleased to join the discussion.

Greetings from Sweden

John Mortimer

New member
Greetings from Scotland, Infinity.

I'm sure we will have many great discussions. There are quite a few people here who bring different perspectives with an open heart and a genuine desire to grow and expand consciousness.




New member


Hello everyone!

My name is Johan and I am a Divine Scientist living in Sweden interested in scientific metaphysics and similar teachings.
I enjoy to post comments on different threads from time to time.
Would like to meet similar-minded people here on TOL for great discussions and sharings. If anyone like to share something on divine metaphysics/ New Thought theology I am pleased to join the discussion.

Greetings from Sweden

Greetings from Minnesota, USA! There are lots of Swedes here! I'm too old to have new thoughts but you will find many very interesting people here. Welcome, bybee


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Greetings from Psalmist in Texas . . . Houston, Texas :wave2:​


New member
Greetings from Scotland, Infinity.

I'm sure we will have many great discussions. There are quite a few people here who bring different perspectives with an open heart and a genuine desire to grow and expand consciousness.



Thank you dear John!
I am happy to be here even if it is still very hard for me to navigate at the site. Hope to learn more on how to use TOL more effectively.
Very much look forward to sharings and discussions on different topics.




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Freelight is a poster that would explore esoteric philosophies with you. Do you have interest in Emanuel Swedenborg?

Do you have a link to your views (New Thought), etc.? Do you have a syncretistic view or identification with a formal group with a formal founder?

It is good to be open to spiritual truth, but we must be discerning since there is a myriad of false philosophies/views that may have some behavioral principles, but lack truth that leads to God.

Redemptive truth is found only in the person and work of Christ (Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Rom. 1:16; Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Cor. 11:4; Jude 3, etc.).

Your searching will eventually keep coming back to Jesus Christ. Biblical, historical, orthodox, evangelical Christianity has the key to abundant and eternal life.

You can dialogue about philosophies forever, but what you really need is to come to the Lord Jesus Christ as God, Savior, King.


Eclectic Theosophist
gnosis divina

gnosis divina


Hi Johan,

Welcome to TOL. Thanks for sharing on the Divine Science thread already, and look forward to more dialogues in the future as we explore the Infinite.


Mark F. Karns

New member
Hello Johan:

My name is Mark. I stumbled upon you forum, but I know that there is no such thing as co incidence. By the way I drive a 1996 Volvo 850, which is the best car I have ever owned but has 162,000 miles on it. I think we all are seekers of God to learn more about Him. At 65 years of age, I have seen the world go through many changes, and many not for the best. I have a respect for Swedish people, even though I was a marine biologist aboard and salmon fishing boat in Alaska during the 1960's with very nice Norwegian fisherman, many of whom were prejudiced against Swedish people.

I realize that I, like everybody, have a limited understanding of God, the Father of Jesus. But from many years of suffering and seeking Him, I am, just like everyone else, able to access the infinite mind of God even though I may only have a finite limited brain and mind to work with.
When we rely on human beings no matter how respected and brilliant they may be thought to be, we are leaving ourselves in unstable waters. All knowledge comes through the Father so anyone who acknowledges his limitations and speaks what is good which the Father God will approve should be thoughtfully listened to.
I attend both a Christian Church and a synagogue while seeking God and good meaningful conversation and friendship.
There is much confusion about the nature and being of God among us human beings (both angels and sons and daughters of Adam and Eve). It is good that we all seek truth in knowing more about God and how we can try to emulate Him by doing good deeds and repenting of our sins.
The theology of most of the Christian church accepts the Trinity which diminishes the infinite Father of Jesus, and creator of all life, and elevates Jesus, a finite man, of a most wonderful sacrificial character, to the same abilities of his omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent Father.
We should all try to purify our thoughts and thank the Father of Jesus for being sovereign of the universe and answering all our prayers and governing our lives through our wishes.
The people at the synagogue I attend do not believe all the words in their prayer books. Many lack the faith that God is sovereign and controls the weather, the seas, and all of the environment. They often tend to blame God for the holocaust instead of the men who rejected God and inflicted that evil upon them. I can understand why many of them feel that way because of what seems like an impossibility for God to know all things from the beginning of creation through eternity.
Mark F. Karns
Author of “The Serpent Messiah”

Mark F. Karns

New member

I did not mean that the Norwegian fisherman aboard the fishing boat I was on as a young man were nice because some of them said bad things about Swedish people. If I remembered every bad thing I heard in my life, there would be no point in salvation. Therefore I choose to remember the good things I have heard. I can remember being angered at such prejudice remarks, but I only replied in childish disagreement.

Mark F. Karns
Author of "The Serpent Messiah"
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Hall of Fame
The Deity and resurrection of Christ are essential to the gospel, the power of God. Jesus claimed to be God, equal with the Father. We are to honor the Son even as (same way) we honor the Father. Both are co-worshipped because they are God (Jn. 1:1; Rev. 4-5; Heb. 1:6; Jn. 5:23; Jn. 20:28; Jn. 5:18; Jn. 10:30-33).

Mark F. Karns

New member
Hello Johan:

I posted a qualifier to my last post last night but it did not show after my last reply to you. I wanted to say that I did not think the Norwegian fishermen who said prejudiced things about the Swedish people were very nice because of that. But I choose to remember the good things said, and the good Norwegian fishermen on board. I was unable to post a link to my web site because of being an newbie. Have a nice day in Sweden. The weather here cooled down that last 2 days, so it has been pleasant.

Mark F. Karns
Son of man
Author of "The Serpent Messiah"

Mark F. Karns

New member
Keith Green:

No man including either Christ or Jesus can be considered Deity. I overlook peoples wrong belief about that because it has been taught and passed down for centuries. But just a beginning understanding of infinity, ominpotence, omniscience, and omnipresense gives us the true understanding of the Spirit being of God. Jesus was His son who let the world know of the goodness and mercy of God even in His (God's) perfection and our imperfection.

Have a wonderful day once you accept this.

Mark F. Karns
Son of man
Author of"The Serpent Messiah"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Are you orthodox Jew? Keith Green was a Christian singer (had Jewish background). My name is William. Jesus is the Messiah and He is God (Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 10:21 el gibbor Deut. 6:4 only one true God; Is. 44, etc.).
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