*You seemed to have forgotten that the path is wide that leads to destruction. If anyone is to be judged by their works, they have already joined those on the wide path. You've attempted to recreate God as you want Him to be, not who He is. He will have mercy on whom He elects to have mercy on. Nothing you can do can change that.
I don't believe anything that I cannot SEE in scripture, if somebody shows me I am wrong from scripture I will [to the best of my ability] bow before scripture.
You did add in some words there "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy"
Paul draws his doctrine of ELECTION from Jacob and Esau, now I have to think, Esau was passed over before either had done good or evil, while still in the womb and the election passed to Jacob.
's that mean Esau was damned? he was still the genuine seed of Isaac and Abraham. I don't think you can prove Esau was damned.
This scripture concerning the narrow road and the broad does present me with difficulties I admit it. I balance it with other scriptures which say God's house [which is not small] is going to be FILLED, MANY will come from the east and from the west and sit at table with Abe, Ike and Jake. MANY have already come and they are STILL coming and they will continue to come until the end.
So I can balance these many with the few...perfectly legit, no twisting.
Peter had asked "Lord will only a few be saved?" and Jesus kindly but firmly to pay mind to his own life and walk. YOU seek to enter in at the straight gate for many will seek to enter and will not enter. YOU walk the narrow road....few there be that find it.
But Peter did find it, John Wesley found it. What did they do ? they went out into the highways and the byways and compelled those they found therein to come in.
"Lord will only few be saved?" Not if christians mind what they are about.
Is that stretching it a little? I don't think so, I will NEVER believe the devil is going to be in the majority, he wasn't in heaven when he rebelled, he took just a third with him.
I BELIEVE in election, I BELIEVE in predestiny but reformed christians do not handle certain parables very well in my opinion. Such as the talents or the wise and foolish maidens or the sheep and goats with their rewards for good works or punishment for evil.
It is not that I believe in works salvation, I don't...but I believe in the wider mercy.
If you believe as I do in the 1,000 year reign of Christ in glory then you must see that the Great White Throne judgement [which must correspond with the Sheep and Goats comes after, long after the saints have been gathered to the Lord [so shall they ever be with Him] and after they have reigned with Him during a thousand years. There is NO WAY that either the sheep or the goats can be the church.
And yet the sheep have a reward for good works.