Praise the Lord!
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Some Golden Daybreak
Some glorious morning sorrow will cease,
Some glorious morning all will be peace;
Heartaches all ended, schooldays all done,
Heaven will open Jesus will come.
Sad hearts will gladden, all shall be bright,
Goodbye forever to earth's dark night;
Changed in a moment, like Him to be,
Oh, glorious daybreak, Jesus I'll see.
Oh, what a meeting, there in the skies,
No tears nor crying shall dim our eyes;
Loved ones united eternally,
Oh, what a daybreak, that morn will be.
Some golden daybreak, Jesus will come;
Some golden daybreak, battles all won,
He'll shout the vict'ry, break through the blue,
Some golden daybreak, for me, for you.
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
What a Day That Will Be
There is coming a day, when no heartaches shall come,
No more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye;
All is peace forever more, on that happy golden shore,
What a day, glorious day that will be.
What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace,
When He takes me by the hand, and leads me through the promise land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.
Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!
Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!
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