Evening Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!
Then the angel said to them, “…I bring you good tidings of great joy…”
Luke 2:10
Carol, Sweetly Carol
Carol, sweetly carol, a coming Savior today;
Bear the joyful tidings, oh, bear them far away:
Carol, sweetly carol, till earth’s remotest bound
Shall hear the mighty chorus, and echo back the sound.
Carol, sweetly carol, as when the angel throng
O’er the vales of Judah awoke the heavenly song:
Carol, sweetly carol, goodwill, and peace, and love,
Glory in the highest to God who reigns above.
Carol, sweetly carol, the happy Christmas time:
Hark! When the bells are pealing their merry, merry chime:
Carol, sweetly carol ye shining angels above,
Sing in loudest numbers oh, sing of redeeming love.
Carol, sing the carol sweetly today;
Sing the joyful tidings, oh, bear them far away.
Sweetly sing the carol, the sweet carol today;
Sing joyfully tidings, and bear them far away.
Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!
Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!