This is an issue that has been hotly debated between Acts 9 Dispensationalists. Many say that it is in Acts 7 at the stoning of Steven that Israel was cut off. They say that Christ "standing at the right hand of the Father.." is indicative of pending judgment. And while this is probably by far the most popular position, I'm not completely convinced that this is correct because it would seem that if that were the case, then the world would be left without a covenent from the time Steven was stoned in Acts 7 to the time of Paul's conversion in Acts 9. It seems to me that the cutting off of Israel would have to have been practically simultanious with the beginning of the Dispensation of Grace. I place that event at Acts 9:1-2...dale said:Still here guy's...I've got another question if someone cares to respond.
Do the scriptures show just when it was that Isreal was cut off? I hear Acts 9, but I don't see it. I see Paul getting saved and being Baptized. I highlighted Baptized because I was under the impression that baptisim was no longer practiced after Israel was cut off. In fact, I see Paul talking about the fact that he himself baptized a couple in 1 Corinthians 1:14. Were these two baptized after Israel was cut off?
Shalom said:When someone likes your post in the thread they rep you by pushing the little man button in the upper lefthand corner of the post and click they liked it.
( she thinks "I cant believe I'm talking to a Redwings fan")
GO AV'S!!!!!!! :hockey:
I suppose this means you won't be "pushing the little man button" on any of my posts, eh? :nono:( she thinks "I cant believe I'm talking to a Redwings fan")
You're welcome. I happen to be going through a study on Acts 5-8 right now and so this stuff is fresh in my mind. It would seem that I need to modify my last comment about Israel having been cut off no earlier the the close of Chapter 7 because in chapter 8 we have Philip preaching to the Ethiopian Eununch who was thereby saved. So the covanent message preached by Philip had to still be in effect right up until the close of Chapter 8. I'd say that narrows the timing down quite a bit, wouldn't you?dale said:Thanks for the input Clete.
.... I'd say that norrows the timing down quite a bit, wouldn't you?
The three questions are very much related and the answer not as straight forward as one might expect.dale said:Another couple questions if you don't mind? :sinapisN:
1. Is the Old Covenant the same as the Covenant of Circumcision?
2. Did the close of the Old Covenant happen when Israel was cut off?
3. Did the New Covenant start immediately after the Old, or could there have been some overlapping?
Thanks in advance...
godrulz said:We cannot put experience above the Word.
godrulz said:The charismata have not passed away, as evidenced by hundreds of millions of Pentecostal/charismatic believers.
I think the guy believes this is true.Redfin said:From post #2 -
I think he was merely making an observation, that's all. For example: We know from the truth of God's Word that peace is available to those who call upon Jesus. We also know from observation that believers exhibit inner peace. By stating such I'm not placing my experience (observation) above the truth. No, but rather, I am merely making an observation. That's all.About 4 sentences later...:think:
Then you equate experience as a test for truth along with the Bible. It seems that according to you that any Biblical truth that does not have a corresponding experience(where applicable) is falsified and vise versa. Is this what you believe?godrulz said:Word + experience...they are not mutually exclusive...the Bible is an historical narrative of man's experiences with God. It is not just a systematic theology text book. It is both/and, not either/or.
All Word, no Spirit= dry up
All Spirit, no Word= blow up
Word + Spirit= grow up
(trite, but some truth)
I think I need to get his 1Cor series as well. I'm just about finished with The Plot and I noticed he barely touches the tongues issue. It does say there will be a chapter on it in the future, but then again it says The Script is due out around 2004. Anyone know if that's still being worked on?truthteller86 said:Thanks Brandon. I called KGOV today to make a pledge (I encourage others to do the same, as they are a little behind on their annual radiothon) and Bob happened to answer the phone. Since it's rare that I get to speak with him direct (and I know how busy he is), I decided to mention this thread I started. He said he addressed this issue in detail in his series on 1 Corinthians. Out of his sheer generosity and concern for me, he offered to send me this series right away. I already subscribe to the monthly Bible studes, so this is going to be a bonus for me . I can't wait to get this study ! As always, Bob said if, after I process the material, I still have questions, to let him know. In the mean time, if anyone who has insight on my original question would like to reply, please do so. I have not yet put this behind me as of yet. I would prefer responses that agree with Bob's teachings... I know there are a great number of TOLers who disgree and I do understand your position already.
Lucky said:Where it says "audiotape" does that mean one of those antique cassette tape things I last used in the early 90's? :shocked:
Clete said:Then you equate experience as a test for truth along with the Bible. It seems that according to you that any Biblical truth that does not have a corresponding experience(where applicable) is falsified and vise versa. Is this what you believe?
Resting in Him,
Yes it is still being worked on (as far as I know). And Bob did finally move into the modern era by making The Plot Seminar series available on mp3 cd's. :thumb:Lucky said:I think I need to get his 1Cor series as well. I'm just about finished with The Plot and I noticed he barely touches the tongues issue. It does say there will be a chapter on it in the future, but then again it says The Script is due out around 2004. Anyone know if that's still being worked on?
I can live with this.godrulz said:No sir. I criticize Mormons for having a subjective apologetic. They think if they pray about the Book of Mormon and get fuzzy feelings that it must be true. I counter that the objective, written revelation from God (properly translated and interpreted) is the standard for truth.
Experiences are very subjective. Sincerity does not create truth.
Other religions can experience peace, purpose, love, etc. It is a counterfeit to the real thing.
Practice or experience can flow out of the Word. If the Word says that we will experience power to be a witness when we are filled with the Spirit, then dynamic Christianity says that it is not just an abstract theory on paper. There can be a corresponding experience in reality (cf. joy in Philippians; love in John, etc.), but it must be consistent with objective revelation. Knowing God is not just an academic, intellectual pursuit. We can sense His presence, intimacy, love, joy, peace, power, etc. Just because these could be fleshly at times or a demonic counterfeit (Satanists feel supernatural power) does not mean that are relationship with God does not have an experiential component with a solid doctrinal/truth foundation.
Freak said:I think the guy believes this is true. I think he was merely making an observation, that's all. For example: We know from the truth of God's Word that peace is available to those who call upon Jesus. We also know from observation that believers exhibit inner peace. By stating such I'm not placing my experience (observation) above the truth. No, but rather, I am merely making an observation. That's all.
Redfin said:Yes, but in the context of an argument about tongues for instance, that chain of thought would be begging the question. Obviously, we don't all know from God's Word that miraculous gifts are still available today.
Godrulz makes his claim without backing it up, merely referring to a pentecostal/charismatic hermeneutic. He then turns immediately to the experience of millions of pentecostals, which from my perspective, contradicts his "experience vs. the Word "principle.
In his shoes, (and especially in light of his "experience" statement) I would've skipped the experience element altogether, and explicated the hermeneutic.
I'll make this easy.Redfin said:Yes, but in the context of an argument about tongues for instance, that chain of thought would be begging the question. Obviously, we don't all know from God's Word that miraculous gifts are still available today.