Thank you, Knight, for hosting this addendum to the formal debate between Zakath and Bob Enyart. Our thanks also to both Zakath and Bob Enyart for both the inspiration for our collective response and for the quality of their debate. And thank you especially, Pastor Bob, for agreeing to answer this addition to the formal Battle. Our only regrets are the space limitations imposed on us which have forced us to trim, rather painfully, each of our responses.
Taoist: A Supernatural, Eternal Creator
Pastor Enyart believes in a God who is (a) the supernatural Creator of the natural universe, (b) existing eternally, (c) powerful, (d) wise and knowledgeable, (e) personal, (f) loving, and (g) just.
Of the good pastor's seven attributes, the last five could describe any good mortal ruler, and are anything but unique to a divinity. The first two are impossible to ascertain by natural, mortal beings such as the good pastor and I. Unstated but implied is the belief that the God of these attributes is himself a unique being.
God and the infinite
While Pastor Enyart demonstrates a passing familiarity with large numbers, he is clearly ignorant of the infinite. In all of his arguments for his God, not once has he provided evidence of His eternal nature. It seems he has obscured this point deliberately in order to advance his other arguments.
When presented with an hypothesis of a second natural universe which budded off to form our own, he discards it in favor of a supernatural, infinite being, meanwhile claiming this is a less complex solution. To put it very simply, the supernatural is more complex than the natural, and infinity is more complex than two.
Pastor Enyart, can you count? Are you aware that infinity is not unique? Can you compare different infinities? Can you construct a larger infinity from a given one? Have you ever heard of cardinal numbers? Do you know their rules of arithmetic? Any beginning graduate student in topology could answer yes to all of the above. Pastor Enyart, if your God is infinite, then what order of infinity is your God? Is any other order of infinity more complex?
Life and statistics
Pastor Enyart's use of probabilistic arguments violates the fundamental requirement of statistics. In constructing a mathematical model to describe the natural universe, he inserts a supernatural being. In doing so, the statistical universe is corrupted and limits to natural processes are discarded.
Models of natural processes must assume the processes occur naturally. Calling this circular reasoning is intellectually dishonest. It is instead an investigation which limits itself to that which can be observed.
Life arose. This is an observation. Science can investigate this observation for a natural cause. When natural causes are discarded, there is no longer a place for science. Probabilistic arguments form only a tiny fraction of scientific investigations into the origins of life. At best they can show a particular natural model is unlikely. The natural response is to investigate another model.
Pastor Enyart instead considers a single model, that of random chance, and discards the natural universe when it fails. "I say we take off and nuke the place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure," said Commander Ripley. What's amusing when applied to aliens loses its appeal when directed at science itself.
Given that life arose, what is the probability that life has arisen?
Justice and extraordinary claims
A just God as preached by Pastor Enyart would gift me with the proof of Thomas, exhibiting his hands and side for examination to cure my unbelief. I hereby ask Him, if He exists, to appear before me now that I might see the wounds received vicariously in payment for my sins.
I ask you, Pastor Bob, which would be more believable: A claim that He answered my request or a claim that He did not? "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," said Carl Sagan. I know the answer to my request, but I choose not to feed the natural impulse of disbelief when truth is shoved down one's throat.
Heusden: A Being Cannot be Both Necessary and Conscious
Where to begin?
Whether we reason from a point of view of science, philosophy or religion, whatever we claim to know, our reasoning about and knowledge of the world needs to start from some point. Where does your outlook on reality begin if not in acknowledging the fact that we are conscious, and have conscious and sensuous awareness of a world that exists outside, apart and independent of our mind?
So, this means our basic position and our ground for any reasoned assumptions about the world, would have to start from the fact that the world itself, which is reflected and projected in our minds, denotes something that exists independent, outside and apart from our own minds.
A necessary being
The whole of existence consists of finite and temporal forms that interact with each other and transform into one other. Every finite part of the whole denotes something that has started at some point in time and will end at some point in time. All the finite and temporal parts of the whole, of which it consists, did not start or end in nothing, but always started in or ended in a finite and temporal part of the whole. The whole of existence must necessarily contain something, a collection of finite, temporal existence forms, because a "nothing" does not and cannot exist by definition.
No finite part of the whole of existence, as a temporal form of existence, is a necessary being, since it has not and will not exist always, and its existence is not essential for the rest of the world to exist. For something to be a necessary being, it means that it must be a necessity in order for there to be something instead of nothing. But no finite and temporal part of the whole of existence qualifies for that. Any finite and temporal part of the whole could have been left out, could in fact never have become existent, without denoting that the world itself would not exist. Only the non-existence of the whole of existence itself would require that there would not exist something.
A necessary being therefore cannot be anything less (or anything more) than the whole of existence.
A conscious being
A conscious being is a being that exists objectively. This being can state the existence of something that exists outside of, apart from and independent of itself. There must also exist something outside, apart and independent of this conscious being that can relate the existence of this conscious being. A conscious being can be conscious because it can have sensory awareness about things that exist outside, apart and independent of itself.
To be self-conscious means that one can distinguish between oneself and something that exists outside of oneself. If an objective form of existence cannot be stated, it must mean that nothing exists that is outside, apart and independent of itself, which means that there is no objective relationship between oneself and anything that exists outside, apart and independent of oneself. If a being does not exist objectively, neither can it have consciousness nor have conscious/sensory awareness of something outside of itself or of itself.
God as a necessary and conscious being
God is defined as both a necessary being (a being without which the world would not exist, eternal, infinite and omnipotent) and a conscious being (a personal being, that is omniscient, has will, intent and purpose and is all good). But a necessary being, since it is defined as the whole of everything that exists, cannot have anything that exists outside of itself. This necessary being cannot therefore exist in the objective sense, since there cannot be an objective relation between the necessary being and anything outside of it, as everything that exists is contained within the necessary being. Since the necessary being cannot be stated to have objective existence, neither it can be a conscious being. The necessary being can therefore neither be conscious of something outside of itself, nor of itself.
God therefore cannot be both a necessary being and a conscious being simultaneously. If God is said to exist, then either He is a conscious being that is not a necessary being, a finite and temporal form of existence or He is a necessary being which does not exist in the objective sense, and can therefore not be a conscious being.
God therefore, in the way He has been defined, does not exist.
Flipper: Pastor Bob and Science
The God of the gaps has been previously debated
ad nauseum. Bob’s tack appeared to be one which indicates science had stalled in its search for natural origins when in reality the opposite is true. His science is based more on rhetoric than analytical observation.
Hubble Deep Field Survey
Bob claimed to have outpredicted NASA’s astronomers with his eyeballing of an HST photograph released at the start of 1996 in which he predicted a uniform universe. Unfortunately, he never explained why he saw fit to draw attention to this or expand on what his divine universe should look like.
Do the Hubble Deep Field images show an unchanging universe? By no means.
The higher the red shift, the further away an object must be and the younger it is, according to General Relativity. Galactic filaments have been observed at high red shift, as predicted.
Quasars – supermassive, superluminous objects – from the early universe and
protoclusters (pdf) have been observed at high red shift, in a form predicted by bright cluster galaxy formation
simulations (pdf).
Distorted and misshapen galaxies indicate a much higher rate of collision in the early universe. The sizes of galaxies the galaxies themselves increase continuously from one billion years to six billion years after the big bang.
Hubble Deep Field images show many instances of
galaxy formation. Page three of a draft paper on
galaxy evolution (pdf) sets a computer simulation image of early galaxy and star formation 500 million years after the Big Bang next to some actually observed images.
An ancient universe
Let's quickly review some of the evidence that favors the Big Bang theory.
What we know of the
Hubble Constant, that measurement of the universal expansion rate that helps us to gauge its age and size. It again confirms that our universe is indeed ancient and expanding. We live in a vast universe filled with trillions of stars and other planetary systems.
Cosmic background radiation lets us build a picture of a universe growing from a high energy event. The extended
Standard Model (pdf) of physics at a sub-atomic level, built by theoretical prediction confirmed by experimental evidence within particle accelerators, allows extrapolation of conditions back to the first hundredth of a second after the Big Bang, as well as helping us make predictions for
the abundances of elements that we can observe today. CERN’s
Large Hadron Collider is expected to take us closer still to the origin event itself and Big Bang predictions will either be validated again, discarded, or incorporated into a better theory. We know that the closer you get to the primal expansion, the more the event appears to be governed by quantum interactions. In quantum physics, it is possible for “something” to come from “nothing.” Theorists have developed some highly speculative but mathematically allowable frameworks for the creation event. There are even some possible ways by which these models can be tested. What equivalency is offered by the theist?
A chaotic solar system
The clockwork orrery solar system Bob describes in his posts is not accurate – the solar system is, in fact, chaotic. An
interesting paper (pdf) presented this year by Professor Jacques Laskar, who models solar system dynamics, explains how. It gives an explanation of the retrograde orbit of Venus, it shows how planets are given to a slow motion tumble in their orbit in a similar way to asteroids, and how the effects of complexity on planetary orbits will disorder what we observe today.
Speaking of asteroids, those who believe in an orderly solar system need to fit massive chunks of planet-busting space debris into their model of divine order. The massive
Chixculub crater in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting KT layer of Iridium, which we know to be found in higher quantities in meteors and comets, is often advanced as one explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs. There’s no shortage of
impact craters on earth or
elsewhere in the solar system. Why is the vacuum of space filled with deadly missiles?
Why are some of these missiles]rich in amino acids[/url], the building blocks of life? But we need look no further than terrestrial volcanoes to find them
spewing out of the ground.
A natural universe suffices
So, for now, it seems best to proceed on a basis that a natural explanation is sufficient. What competing theories or models does intelligent design have to offer us? Can Bob explain what parts of General Relativity he accepts and why he doesn’t accept other parts? What are his problems with the Standard Model? Is the universe huge, ancient, and changing or isn’t it? What alternative explanation does he have to offer that explains the evidence we see more effectively?
Theists's cliché: If your world-view can be dismantled within eight seconds, then get a better one.
Atheist's rebuttal: Assume for a moment that God does exist, as defined by you. Then, Pastor Bob, if you can spare no more than eight seconds answering another's world-view, developed over millennia of philosophical, scientific, and mathematical thought, be prepared to answer your Maker for the disbelief you have sown.