When does the discussion start?
When does the discussion start?
Have I accurately captured your basic thesis statement with your suggested elaborations?
1. God is a singular transcendent hypostasis underlying an ousia.
2. God's literal Logos and Pneuma, are the two-fold, singular, external, economic procession of His hypostasis into creation when and as He spoke to create.
3. God’s Logos and Pneuma, are intrinsically and ontologically divine and are qualitatively, rather than quantitatively distinct.
As we proceed, I will build up a running glossary of terms in our discussion that can be viewed using the spoiler button shown at the bottom of my posts.
Glossary of terms :Spoiler
I would appreciate your definitions of the terms contained in the glossary above.
The Hypostatic pneuma only belongs to the transcendent union of the Logos
into and inside of the Father and expelled and sent down to inbreed Mary.
This is the God-quest that was prophesied long ago by the prophets chosen by God.
Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,
and as a root out of a dry ground:
he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him,
Psalms 80:17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand,
upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.
Ezekiel 3:4 And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel,
and speak with my words unto them.
''And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:'' 1 Cor 2:4
What these persuasive words of man’s wisdom are, will quickly appear to any that considers there are but two human arts that pretend to any thing of persuading; rhetoric, and logic, or the art of reasoning. Rhetoric persuadeth more weakly, working more upon the affections than upon the understanding and judgment. Logic, or the art of reasoning, more strongly, working upon the understanding and judgment, and teaching men to conclude from connate natural principles. Now, saith Paul, my preaching was neither of these ways, I neither studied neat and fine words and phrases, nor did I make it my work to demonstrate gospel propositions to you from principles of natural reason. (Matthew Poole.)
Oh, lookie... A singular verse of scripture (misapplied) and then a lengthy quote with (not so) enticing words of man's wisdom. How... ironic.
This thread is for a practical approach in pursuing God's Rhema (Word), which is of His power and upholds all things. The extensive lexicography is for careful stewardship by faith.
There are plenty of other threads for alleged "simplicity" and dogma and diatribe and humor. AMR established this thread for the one purpose of our 1-on-1 communication via a specific format as fellowship and an in-depth God-honoring search for truth and unity.
It would be a great blessing and encouragement if others would confine their expressions to other threads instead of displaying their egomania and narcissism here, in spite of the obvious timbre of this thread.
Lexicography is neither enticing words of man's wisdom nor preaching. It's a necessary language tool for understanding that accompanies spiritual communion. Paul and his audience didn't have to study high-context Greek while constrained by inherently low-context English. We do.
You might kid others with your smoke screen, but not me. We are expected to speak spiritual truths using spiritual words. Thankfully there is a promise to make foolish the wisdom of the wise and in your cases it is fulfilled.
It's a necessary language tool for understanding that accompanies spiritual communion.
It is not.
Revelation of God and His Son speaks far deeper than words of any language or depths of language.
One will not discover the truth by words, but will try to describe the truth more accurately to the mind, so that those who hear it can become convinced that they know the truth when they have never received it.
Your 'quick' assessment quickly appears to all else, that big words aren't your forte'.What these persuasive words of man’s wisdom are, will quickly appear to any that considers ....
1 Corinthians 2:4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power
I well know the futility of any attempts to converse with beligerant Unitarians about such things (when they have to depend upon a nominal definition of Logos for their fallacious doctrine while decrying definitions for words), and I have no time or energy to argue with those who obliviously live predominantly by double standards.
Beyond that, it never ceases to amaze me how all the narcissistic egomaniacs without an ounce of basic decency and courtesy have to demand an audience on this thread when it's clearly a low-profile 1-on-1 conversation initiated by AMR for a specific purpose.
This thread is initially about defining Greek terms in English for communication. And dialektos (language) is from dia- and lego (logos), so language study is a focus on God's Logos that is revelatory rather than scholasticism.
The solution for you is simple, even for a deluded Unitarian. Just abstain from posting here out of simple consideration and spend time on the bazillion other threads, or start a bazillion of your own.
We already know your position on most everything. Why not just desist by self control? How hard is that?
Using big words to belittle me is akin to Hitler talking about the Jews.