ECT PneumaPsucheSoma and AMR Discuss Trinitarianism


TOL Subscriber
When does the discussion start?


The pace for this thread will be slow for most onlookers.. AMR has a substantial home situation that requires much time and energy, and I'm intermittently available.

For you and other Unitarians, it may not be very interesting or vital, since we'll be addressing exactly the manner in which Jesus Christ is ontologically divine.


New member
OK, guys,

We all know that these two want to be alone together.

So , let us give them some room to be alone .



TOL Subscriber
Not in impatience at all, but to keep the thread semi-fresh; I'm copy/pasting two successive posts from another thread wherein I indicated I could delineate exegetical lexicography to determine the "how" for the alleged mystery of the "what" of the Virgin Birth.

It also includes a glimpse at Theology Proper, the Logos and Pneuma procession, and a bit more attention to Christological cataphatics and apophatics.

Okay. It'll take at least minimal framework for the two fundamental understandings the Patristics missed: the applied definition of Rhema contrasted to the same for Logos; and to recognize that God alone is eternal, uncreated, and Self-existent as a singular hypostasis. In that pre-existence, there is nothing but God, and from that utter transcendence He created both sempiternity (the heavenly realm) and temporality (the cosmos with chronology).

God alone has inherent phenomenologicality. His Logos and Pneuma have both phenomenologicality and noumenologicality. All creation is noumenological and is given non-inherent phenomenologicality at its instantiation into existence at the divine utterance. The Logos and Pneuma are the qualitative two-fold singular procession of God's singular hypostasis from transcendence into both realms of immanence, when/as creation is spoken into existence and all animating life breathed into those realms.

Rhema is the thing thought and spoken about; the subject matter of thought and speech; the content for all context and concept; the substance that underlies the faculties and functionalities of all intellect and expression.

There is no Logos without Rhema, for without the substantial content of subject matter there can be no thought or expression (whether spoken or written).

Logos is the entirety of the faculties and functionalities of intellect, and if there is expression it's also Logos (written/spoken). It's the wisely reasoned intelligent and rational ponderance, contemplation, and conceptual apprehension of subject matter for all expression. There are both Rhema and Logos in silence.

Rhema is the sword of the Spirit. Logos is the wielding or thrusting of that sword. Logos is the map for the territory that is the Rhema. Rhema is from reo (to speak), homonymic with reo (to flow); and -ma is the Greek suffix indicating "result of". Rhema is the resulting flow of speaking by the thrusting of the Logos.

Since God alone is eternal, uncreated, Self-existent, and transcendent; there was nothing (no thing) else to think and speak about. Since Rhema is the thing spoken about, and God is a singular transcendent hypostasis; and since faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Rhema; and since faith is a hypostasis...

Mary, as evidenced in Luke 1, heard the Rhema (God's hypostasis) for faith (a hypostasis) to come; and by her own profession of "be (ginomai) it unto me according to thy Rhema", the hypostasis of her faith hearing the very hypostasis of God conceived the hypostasis of Theanthropos in her womb. The Logos as the seed, by the breath of the Spirit, brought forth both the physical and spiritual life of Messiah as a supernatural procreative act.

Neither procession (at creation) nor conception are inception, and the eternality of the Son is the eternality of the Logos. They're coterminous. THIS is the eternal Son, Fathered through procession and conception.

The hypostasis of faith hearing the hypostasis as God's Rhema conceived the Theanthropic hypostasis of Messiah.

There's more exegetical detail from Luke 1 and other passages, but the truth is in the lexicography as well.

And this all precedes the Orthodox beginning point for formulation, the Patristics having omitted the creation of heaven and sempiternity (everlastingness) along with the cosmos and temporality with chronology.

Starting post-procession, what they've perceived as three hypostases is actually the singularly-processed two-fold qualitative hypostatic distinctions of the phenomeno-/noumeno-logical Logos and Pneuma, which are co-inherent and are conjoined to God's inherently phenomenological hypostasis.

God cannot be quantified or divided into parts. Multiple hypostases are parts. And the two "kinds" of eternity postulated by Aquinas in the 13th century are actually God's innate uncreated eternity and the created sempiternity of heaven.

In mathematics terms for contrast...
God alone is a line. Aidios. Eternal. Eternity.
The heavenly realm is a ray. Aionios. Everlasting. Sempiternity.
The cosmos is a line segment. Aion/s. Temporal. Temporality.

The Orthodox and anathema formulaics ALL combined the first two, while presuming not to. The Logos/Pneuma procession is the key. Exerchomai and ekporeuomai are both external. Since the hypostasis underlies the ousia (rather than the ousia "having" the hypostasis), the processions cannot be internal to the ousia. So the Logos and Pneuma must be inherently ontological and the procession must be economic and singular. God spoke and breathed forth His hypostasis external to Himself, and the intrinsic phenomenology and noumenology mean the internal Logos became the external Son (just as Tertullian and others insisted).

The noumenology of the Logos means the processed qualitative hypostatic distinction is the Son and not the Father. They are not discreet as multiple individuated hypostases.

The inherent hypostasis and the two-fold qualitative hypostatic distinctions are what the ACFs inferred to be three hypostases. They're not, and their co-inherence is innate, obviating the need for a nebulous inter-penetrating of perichoresis.

[Can that be substantiated biblically as cause, rather than effect?]

It is wholly effect. The Rhema as God's hypostasis is the cause, just as it is for all else. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Rhema. The hypostasis of faith IS the resulting flow of God's pre-existent hypostasis AS the Rhema, underlying His ousia and its physis, with the Incarnate Logos being the prosopon.

Christology is according to the Chalcedonian Dyophysitic Hypostatic Union. No Monophysitism; and thus no Eutychianism. No Dyohypostaticism; and thus no Nestorianism. No Apollinarianism, for Theanthropos had a human rational soul. But with some potential semantical concession to Cyrillianism as Miaphysitism being acceptable.

Arians perceive the procession of the Logos to be a (celestial) creative act.
Unitarians perceive the conception of the Logos to be a (terrestrial) creative act.
Sabellians perceive the hypostasis and two-fold processed Logos and Pneuma distinctions to be non-simultaneous and non-concurrent sequential or dynamic modalities.
Other anathema formulaics have misperceived in other manners and details.

patrick jane

Saint John W - And stuff this..

I also affirm Chalcedonian Dyophysitic Christology of the Hypostatic Union, though allowing for some inclusion of Cyrillian Miaphysitism. I DISaffirm Nestorian, Eutychian, and Apollinarian variants of Christology and any hint of pure Monophysitism. Theanthropos is the singular qualitatively-processed divine hypostasis, having taken on (and underlying) a human physis to accompany the inherent divine physis for God's singular ousia.

Anyones got sum ousia's or physis I can munch on?

this is hungry work, it seems - OUISA Daddy ? -

Ask Mr. Religion

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Have I accurately captured your basic thesis statement with your suggested elaborations?

1. God is a singular transcendent hypostasis underlying an ousia.

2. God's literal Logos and Pneuma, are the two-fold, singular, external, economic procession of His hypostasis into creation when and as He spoke to create.

3. God’s Logos and Pneuma, are intrinsically and ontologically divine and are qualitatively, rather than quantitatively distinct.

As we proceed, I will build up a running glossary of terms in our discussion that can be viewed using the spoiler button shown at the bottom of my posts.

Glossary of terms :


I would appreciate your definitions of the terms contained in the glossary above.



TOL Subscriber

Have I accurately captured your basic thesis statement with your suggested elaborations?

1. God is a singular transcendent hypostasis underlying an ousia.

2. God's literal Logos and Pneuma, are the two-fold, singular, external, economic procession of His hypostasis into creation when and as He spoke to create.

3. God’s Logos and Pneuma, are intrinsically and ontologically divine and are qualitatively, rather than quantitatively distinct.

Yes, that's an accurate partial framework to begin. :)

As we proceed, I will build up a running glossary of terms in our discussion that can be viewed using the spoiler button shown at the bottom of my posts.

Glossary of terms :


I would appreciate your definitions of the terms contained in the glossary above.


Initially, I'll present excerpted verbatim lexicography from Zodhiates (highlighted with particular emphases for clarity), including cataphatic and apophatic specificity, followed by my explanatory applicational summary.

I'm also including several additional terms for lexical definition. I'll be posting the terms sequentially and editing the spoiler content as I add each glossary entry. I want to be deliberate and meticulous in laying the foundation of these crucial definitions for the necessary terms, so bear with me as it may take a bit of time.

In addition, I'm including a simple listing of other Greek and English terms that might need definition as we proceed to address the Logos and Pneuma procession and overall Aseity and Phenomenology, etc.

I'd also like to further preface with the general statement that we can never know God in His inherent transcendent ontological essence; but we may know all that He has expressed by the active economy of His energies OF/FROM that essence; and He has spoken unto us by His (eternal) Son. There must be clear distinction between ontology and economy, just as there must be clear distinction between transcendence and immanence and between eternal, everlasting, and temporal.


RHEMA (Word) [G4487]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From reo, to speak. A word spoken or uttered; a speech or sentence consisting of several words; a word or command of God; a report, account. Rhema stands for the subject matter of the word, the thing which is spoken about.

Rhema is not merely the spoken word, though inseparable from Logos in that regard.

Functionally and Summarily...
Rhema is the thing thought and spoken about; the subject matter of thought and speech; the content for all context and concept; the substance that underlies the faculties and functionalities of all intellect and expression.

There is no Logos without Rhema, for without the substantial content of subject matter there can be no thought or expression (whether spoken or written).

LOGOS (Word) [G3056]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From lego (G3004), to speak. Intelligence, a word as the expression of that intelligence. (Contrast lalia (G2981), to speak without necessarily saying anything intelligent or understanding it as such. Logos is the articulate utterance of human language. It can be unspoken as formulation of thought in the mind which in that case stands in contrast to phone (G5456), voice.

When the differentiation is between intelligent speech by man and unintelligent sounds by animals, the two contrasted words are logos and lalia. Logos, when it refers to discourse, is regarded as the orderly linking and knitting together in connected arrangement of words of the inward thoughts and feelings of the mind.

The animals produce sounds, laloun, while God and human beings produce thoughtful expressions, legoun. Laleo can express the opening of the mouth to speak, as opposed to remaining silent.

In the first chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ in His preincarnate state is called ho Logos, the Word, meaning first immaterial intelligence and then the expression of that intelligence in speech that humans could understand.

Logos is the expression of thought, while Rhema stands for the subject matter of the word or the thing which is spoken about.

Logos is not merely the written word, though writing is an expression of Rhema via Logos in the same manner as speaking.

Functionally and Summarily...
Logos is the entirety of the faculties and functionalities of intellect, and if there is written or spoken expression it's also Logos. It's the wisely reasoned intelligent and rational ponderance, contemplation, and conceptual apprehension of subject matter for all expression. There are both Rhema and Logos in silence.

HYPOSTASIS (Substance) [G5287]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From huphistemi, to place or set under. In general, that which underlies the apparent, hence reality, essence, substance; that which is the basis of something, hence assurance, guarantee, confidence (with objective sense). Substance, what really exists under any appearance, reality, essential nature; therefore used for the basis or foundation, subsistence, existence.

The ground of confidence, assurance, guarantee, or proof; not fides but fiducia; standing in parallel to elegchos (G1650); certainty, proof, demonstration. Metonymically of that quality which leads one to stand under, endure, or undertake something; firmness, boldness, confidence.

Hypostasis is not merely a responsive and/or subjective disposition of the mind by assent, or by/as self-application of the mind or will; though it metonymically refers to the ground of confidence and assurance which is faith. Hypostasis is not "person" in any English sense, considering faith is the hypostasis of things hoped for; though the hypostasis includes traits and personal characteristics which represent the individuality of the hypostasis as distinct from the special (species) traits and general characteristics that are the physis of the ousia.

Functionally and Summarily...
The ousia (essence) as the being does not "have" the hypostasis; the hypostasis underlies the being as the unique and distinct individuality and particularity for the speciality (species-ality) of the essential being, and for the generality of speciality in the nature of the being; the hypostasis serving as the "who-ness" for the ousia as the "what-ness", with both outwardly presented by/as the prosopon. The hypostasis is not superimposed upon or from the ousia or its physis; but is substantial to the essential ousia and giving it stasis, and determines the quality of the physis.

The hypostasis is not superficially the "person", but is that which contributes traits and characteristics of individuated created phenomenology as personality for determining individuality for the generality that is the nature of the being; and for the intangible sustance and essence (and its nature) to be demonstrated tangibly by/as/through the prosopon. The prosopon (being the tangible outward reality and personal presence/appearance for the entirety of the intangible substance, essence, and nature) "has" the hypostasis and the ousia/nature it underlies.

Hypostasis is that which stands under for foundational and objective reality of existence as subsistence; that which gives the undergirding for the static existence and nature of that which it underlies. The substrate for existence. The substantial for the essential being. The absolute assured foundational underlying substantial objective reality as subsistence for existence.

OUSIA (Essence) [G3776]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From ousia, being, which is the present participle feminine of eimi (G1510), to be. Entity, essence, substance, nature. In the NT, it means that which belongs to someone, or what he has; his substance, property, goods.

Also from the feminine of ousa, which is on (G5607). Being, it refers to existence. It does not, however, refer to the beginning of existence.

Eimi, to be, is the usual verb of existence, and also the usual logical copula or link, connecting subject and predicate. To be, to have existence; where the predicate specifies who or what a person or thing is in respect to nature, origin, office, condition, circumstances, state, place, habits, and disposition of mind. But this all lies in the predicate and not in the copula, which merely connects the predicate with the subject.

Though the ousia does "have" the physis, the ousia does not "have" the hypostasis a la Neo-Platonism and (allegedly) Valentinian Gnosticism. The ousia is underlied by the hypostasis.

Functionally and Summarily...
Ousia is the special (species) designation of a being. It is the divinity for God as the "God-ness", or the humanity for man as the "human-ness". The ousia is the kind of "what-ness" that gives no designation or distinction between individuals of said species or kind of beings. The hypostasis designates all "who-ness" as it underlies the "what-ness" that is the ousia.

The ousia "has" the physis as the nature, and the quality of the nature is determined by the quality of the underlying hypostasis. Ousia and hypostasis are both intangible, and both are outwardly presented as/by the prosopon. The physis is the general traits and characteristics of the ousia, while the hypostasis is the personal and individual traits and characteristics that gives "who-ness" to the ousiac "what-ness" for both to appear visibly and tangibly as the prosopon.

PHYSIS (Nature) [G5449]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From phuo (G5453), to bring forth. Nature, natural birth or condition; natural disposition. Physis means nature, essence, essential constitution and order of God in the natural world. It also refers to species of living creatures. God's physis refers not to the divine essence, but to certain of God's attributes or divine qualities. The same is applicable to the human physis.

The physis, unlike the ousia and hypostasis, is not considered to be able to be manifested directly in tangible visibility.

Functionally and Summarily...
Physis is the inherent qualities of the being. The nature, including that which reflects instinct.

PROSOPON (Person) [G4383]
Lexically and Cataphatically...
From pros (G4314), toward, and ops, the eye or face. Literally, the part toward, at, or around the eye. Hence the face, countenance, presence, person. In general, that part of anything which is turned or presented to the eye of another; external or outward appearance.

The prosopon is not merely the body (soma), including the inward reaching of connectedness to that which underlies as the intangible. As the body is conjoined to the soul, so is the prosopon conjoined to and "has" the hypostasis, which underlies the ousia which "has" the physis. Thus the prosopon is the complete outward representation and expression of substance, essence, and nature.

Functionally and Summarily...
Prosopon is face, presence, personal appearance, person. The outward personal presence and appearance of one in the sight of another.

PNEUMA (Spirit)




SOMA (Body)


SARX (Flesh)


PHAINO (Phenomenon)


NOUS/NOEMA (Nooumenon)


AIDIOS (Eternal/ity)


AIONIOS (Everlasting/ness; Sempiternity)


AION/S (Age/s; Temporality)


ONTOS (Ontology)




ENERGEIA (Energy/ies)


EXERCHOMAI (Procession)


EKPOREUOMAI (Procession)


PISTIS (Faith)

ELPIS (Hope/Trust)

AGAPE (Love)


CHARIS (Grace)

ELEOS (Mercy)




THEOTES (Divinity)

THEIOTES (Divinity)


NEKROS (Death)



PERICHORESIS (Interpenetration)

From Latin of climbing or going beyond. Used primarily with reference to God's relation to creation. God is beyond (transcendent to) His creation. Transcendence is God's inherent "beyondness", reflecting His attributes of eternity in contrast to created sempiternity and temporality. That which is innately relative to sempiternity would also be transcendent to temporality, just as eternity is transcendent to both sempiternity and temporality.

(Others to Add)


(Others to Add)

I've also decided it best to change the nomenclature of my formulaic to Uni-Hypostatic Trinity (one hypostasis) instead of Mono-Hypostatic Trinity; primarily because of any confusion with Monohypostatic Christology references. This is still in contrast to the Orthodox and modern diluted versions of a Multi-Hypostatic Trinity (three hypostases).

The "Tri-" prefix for my formulaic is referring to phenomenology/nooumenology relative to the inherent ontology and economic procession of the Logos and Pneuma as qualitative hypostatic distinctions. This contrasts to the "Tri-" prefix being relative to quantitative individuated hypostases.
Last edited:

Lazy afternoon

other definitions for the uneducated

other definitions for the uneducated

PNEUMA (Spirit) A tyre.

PSUCHE (Soul) A tyre blowing out.

SOMA (Body) Not all.

SARX (Flesh) A British way of saying that other word.

HYPOSTASIS (Substance) secret police.

OUSIA (Essence) buzz off

PHYSIS (Nature) Shush

PROSOPON (Person) a prod.

PHENOMENON seven men on.

NOOUMENON no men on.

AIDIOS (Eternal/ity) Sound

AIONIOS (Everlasting/ness; Sempiternity) no sound.

AION/S (Age/s; Temporality) for wrinkled clothes.

ONTOS (Ontology) more than one toe.

ECONOMY Congress.

ENERGEIA (Energy/ies) A softdrink

EXERCHOMAI (Procession) going and coming

EKPOREUOMAI (Procession) going and remaining

TRANSCENDENT A long scratch on the car.

IMMANENT Moslem note.

PISTIS (Faith) I would not like to say

ELPIS (Hope/Trust) Elephants one of the same.

AGAPE (Love) Mouth wide open.

PHILEO (Love) His TV show.

CHARIS (Grace) A city in France.

ELEOS (Mercy) He owes me.

THEOS (God) She owes me.

ANTHROPOS (Man) and jump off.

THEANTHROPOS (God-Man) a particular jump off.

THEOTES (Divinity) Poster Oats

THEIOTES (Divinity) many poster Oats.

THANATOS (Death) a particular poster Oats.

NEKROS (Death) A medalion usually worn around neck.

HAMARTIA (Sin) hurting people with a hammer.

HAMATANO (Sinning) hurting a lot of people with a hammer.


John W.


New member
''And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:'' 1 Cor 2:4

What these persuasive words of man’s wisdom are, will quickly appear to any that considers there are but two human arts that pretend to any thing of persuading; rhetoric, and logic, or the art of reasoning. Rhetoric persuadeth more weakly, working more upon the affections than upon the understanding and judgment. Logic, or the art of reasoning, more strongly, working upon the understanding and judgment, and teaching men to conclude from connate natural principles. Now, saith Paul, my preaching was neither of these ways, I neither studied neat and fine words and phrases, nor did I make it my work to demonstrate gospel propositions to you from principles of natural reason. (Matthew Poole.)


Well-known member
The Hypostatic pneuma only belongs to the transcendent union of the Logos

into and inside of the Father and expelled and sent down to inbreed Mary.

This is the God-quest that was prophesied long ago by the prophets chosen by God.

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,

and as a root out of a dry ground:

he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him,

Psalms 80:17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand,

upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.

Ezekiel 3:4 And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel,

and speak with my words unto them.

Great verses!


TOL Subscriber
''And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:'' 1 Cor 2:4

What these persuasive words of man’s wisdom are, will quickly appear to any that considers there are but two human arts that pretend to any thing of persuading; rhetoric, and logic, or the art of reasoning. Rhetoric persuadeth more weakly, working more upon the affections than upon the understanding and judgment. Logic, or the art of reasoning, more strongly, working upon the understanding and judgment, and teaching men to conclude from connate natural principles. Now, saith Paul, my preaching was neither of these ways, I neither studied neat and fine words and phrases, nor did I make it my work to demonstrate gospel propositions to you from principles of natural reason. (Matthew Poole.)

Oh, lookie... A singular verse of scripture (misapplied) and then a lengthy quote with (not so) enticing words of man's wisdom. How... ironic.

This thread is for a practical approach in pursuing God's Rhema (Word), which is of His power and upholds all things. The extensive lexicography is for careful stewardship by faith.

There are plenty of other threads for alleged "simplicity" and dogma and diatribe and humor. AMR established this thread for the one purpose of our 1-on-1 communication via a specific format as fellowship and an in-depth God-honoring search for truth and unity.

It would be a great blessing and encouragement if others would confine their expressions to other threads instead of displaying their egomania and narcissism here, in spite of the obvious timbre of this thread.

Lexicography is neither enticing words of man's wisdom nor preaching. It's a necessary language tool for understanding that accompanies spiritual communion. Paul and his audience didn't have to study high-context Greek while constrained by inherently low-context English. We do.


New member
Oh, lookie... A singular verse of scripture (misapplied) and then a lengthy quote with (not so) enticing words of man's wisdom. How... ironic.

This thread is for a practical approach in pursuing God's Rhema (Word), which is of His power and upholds all things. The extensive lexicography is for careful stewardship by faith.

There are plenty of other threads for alleged "simplicity" and dogma and diatribe and humor. AMR established this thread for the one purpose of our 1-on-1 communication via a specific format as fellowship and an in-depth God-honoring search for truth and unity.

It would be a great blessing and encouragement if others would confine their expressions to other threads instead of displaying their egomania and narcissism here, in spite of the obvious timbre of this thread.

Lexicography is neither enticing words of man's wisdom nor preaching. It's a necessary language tool for understanding that accompanies spiritual communion. Paul and his audience didn't have to study high-context Greek while constrained by inherently low-context English. We do.

You might kid others with your smoke screen, but not me. We are expected to speak spiritual truths using spiritual words. Thankfully there is a promise to make foolish the wisdom of the wise and in your cases it is fulfilled.


TOL Subscriber
You might kid others with your smoke screen, but not me. We are expected to speak spiritual truths using spiritual words. Thankfully there is a promise to make foolish the wisdom of the wise and in your cases it is fulfilled.

Greek lexicography from the inspired text of scripture isn't "spiritual words" to you? Okay.

Sigh. Your self-determined unfounded subjective opinions are noted. Any chance you could troll other threads instead of this one? Thanks.

Lazy afternoon

It's a necessary language tool for understanding that accompanies spiritual communion.

It is not.

Revelation of God and His Son speaks far deeper than words of any language or depths of language.

One will not discover the truth by words, but will try to describe the truth more accurately to the mind, so that those who hear it can become convinced that they know the truth when they have never received it.



TOL Subscriber
It is not.

Revelation of God and His Son speaks far deeper than words of any language or depths of language.

One will not discover the truth by words, but will try to describe the truth more accurately to the mind, so that those who hear it can become convinced that they know the truth when they have never received it.


I well know the futility of any attempts to converse with beligerant Unitarians about such things (when they have to depend upon a nominal definition of Logos for their fallacious doctrine while decrying definitions for words), and I have no time or energy to argue with those who obliviously live predominantly by double standards.

Beyond that, it never ceases to amaze me how all the narcissistic egomaniacs without an ounce of basic decency and courtesy have to demand an audience on this thread when it's clearly a low-profile 1-on-1 conversation initiated by AMR for a specific purpose.

This thread is initially about defining Greek terms in English for communication. And dialektos (language) is from dia- and lego (logos), so language study is a focus on God's Logos that is revelatory rather than scholasticism.

The solution for you is simple, even for a deluded Unitarian. Just abstain from posting here out of simple consideration and spend time on the bazillion other threads, or start a bazillion of your own.

We already know your position on most everything. Why not just desist by self control? How hard is that?


Well-known member
What these persuasive words of man’s wisdom are, will quickly appear to any that considers ....
Your 'quick' assessment quickly appears to all else, that big words aren't your forte'.

Er, if you can't understand the conversation, just say so, though even saying so is thread-disrupting and trolling. Just admit you cannot follow and move along. The Corinthians couldn't either. The Bereans were a bit more studious than this. The Thessalonians weren't very studious either.
1 Corinthians 2:4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power

So, you have some willing to study, and you have some who are pretty lazy, and some who can't get it, regardless.


TOL Subscriber
I'll not be responding to, or interacting further with, interlopers who are seeking attention for themselves as the final arbitrage of truth while posting here.
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Well-known member
I am not a "Trinitarian" as it is commonly defined. I see the triune nature of God as one of many ways He has encouraged us to see Him that is no more and no less important than the other ways He has offered us to glean His nature. That said, I am interested in the potential of this proposed conversation and share an interest in it and hope that the protagonists ignore the white noise offered by others and get on with it to see where it goes ...

Lazy afternoon

I well know the futility of any attempts to converse with beligerant Unitarians about such things (when they have to depend upon a nominal definition of Logos for their fallacious doctrine while decrying definitions for words), and I have no time or energy to argue with those who obliviously live predominantly by double standards.

Beyond that, it never ceases to amaze me how all the narcissistic egomaniacs without an ounce of basic decency and courtesy have to demand an audience on this thread when it's clearly a low-profile 1-on-1 conversation initiated by AMR for a specific purpose.

This thread is initially about defining Greek terms in English for communication. And dialektos (language) is from dia- and lego (logos), so language study is a focus on God's Logos that is revelatory rather than scholasticism.

The solution for you is simple, even for a deluded Unitarian. Just abstain from posting here out of simple consideration and spend time on the bazillion other threads, or start a bazillion of your own.

We already know your position on most everything. Why not just desist by self control? How hard is that?

Using big words to belittle me is akin to Hitler talking about the Jews.
