Please help me with what the Deity of Christ means

Gary K

New member

I don't know if anyone has addressed this as I haven't read the entire thread.

Let's start right at the beginning of the Torah.

Genesis 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The Hebrew word translated as God is elohiym. It is plural in meaning, iow's it says more than one. It is related to elowahh which is singular. What does that tell you? It tells me Moses understood that God is in nature more than a single individual. If he had not he would not have used the plural form he would have used the singular form. And, this plural form is used throughout the OT by all the OT writers in referring to God.

430 'elohiym el-o-heem' plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:--angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty. see HEBREW for 0433

433 'elowahh el-o'-ah; rarely (shortened) eloahh {el-o'-ah probably prolonged (emphat.) from 410; a deity or the Deity:--God, god. See 430. see HEBREW for 0410 see HEBREW for 0430


Well-known member
Nope, He was God, who is spirit, and became flesh to dwell among the form of a servant and the likeness of man.

It was a god who is spirit that dwelled in a man called Jesus.
God sent his son, not himself. You just do not have the power to let go of all the stuff you have been brainwashed with over the years.

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Well-known member
Yeah, and once I had all day to get a mule up the hill and I had to beat his rear every step of the way. We don't have that luxury with you, Keypurr.

Because you do not possess the understanding to do so friend.

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Well-known member
It was a god who is spirit that dwelled in a man called Jesus.
God sent his son, not himself. You just do not have the power to let go of all the stuff you have been brainwashed with over the years.

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Nope, I was saved when John 1:1 was opened to my eyes and my understanding......just as a cult, like you are, was telling me Jesus was A GOD. It didn't take me years of prayer and studying. It took a moment in time through the Holy Spirit's enlightening.


Well-known member
Because you do not possess the understanding to do so friend.

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You're right, I don't understand how anyone can be as blind as you are when Scripture is presented to well and amazingly as God has done.


Well-known member
Nope, I was saved when John 1:1 was opened to my eyes and my understanding......just as a cult, like you are, was telling me Jesus was A GOD. It didn't take me years of prayer and studying. It took a moment in time through the Holy Spirit's enlightening.

Your misunderstanding of John 1:1 will not help you to see truth. I was not content in my faith when I believed as you do. How do you know that the Holy Spirit is not working through me? You just assume that what you know is correct.

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Well-known member
You're right, I don't understand how anyone can be as blind as you are when Scripture is presented to well and amazingly as God has done.

More dribble coming from you because you can not disprove my thoughts. Tell me what you believe the express image really is when you know that God is a spirit.

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Well-known member
Your misunderstanding of John 1:1 will not help you to see truth. I was not content in my faith when I believed as you do. How do you know that the Holy Spirit is not working through me? You just assume that what you know is correct.

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No, what I believe is written as clear as day. What you believe is written NO WHERE.


Well-known member
No, what I believe is written as clear as day. What you believe is written NO WHERE.

Truth is not clear as day, one must seek it. Do not be content with what you know, I'm not, I need to know more. Thats what we need to do, never think you know enough.

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Well-known member
More dribble coming from you because you can not disprove my thoughts. Tell me what you believe the express image really is when you know that God is a spirit.

The image of the invisible God, as Paul corroberates in Col. 1.


Well-known member
The image of the invisible God, as Paul corroberates in Col. 1.

Combine that with Heb 1:3

Every image is a creation, every image.

The son is a creation, a creature. The firstborn of all creation for all things were created through him. Only God is not created, only God the Father is the true God.

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I disagreed at one time also. But I know that only YHWH is the True God and I needed to find scripture to prove it. And it was given to me.

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You can take what you have learned and go beyond it or discard whatever is not true.

YHVH is God.



I don't know if anyone has addressed this as I haven't read the entire thread.

Let's start right at the beginning of the Torah.

The Hebrew word translated as God is elohiym. It is plural in meaning, iow's it says more than one. It is related to elowahh which is singular. What does that tell you? It tells me Moses understood that God is in nature more than a single individual. If he had not he would not have used the plural form he would have used the singular form. And, this plural form is used throughout the OT by all the OT writers in referring to God.
I do not know what to say to this.


Which of these do you deny?

1. The father is God
2. The son is God
3. The Holy Spirit is God
I have questions about the second and third one. First, God is our Father.

Jesus is the Son of God, the only begotten Son of God. All the fullness of Deity dwells in Him in bodily form.

I need to understand more about the Holy Spirit and not just from the Christian perspective. I am a Jew now. But I do believe that the Holy Spirit is God.

