Then they should be excluded from the discussion completely. Right?
Nope. Men are fathers even though the situation isn't physically equivalent.
Then they should be excluded from the discussion completely. Right?
Talking about manipulative behaviour, you are aware that the western Christian church taught that abortion was not murder between the 5th and 16th centuries? St. Augustine, St. Jerome, Theodore, Pope Innocent III, Pope Gregory XIV and St. Thomas Aquinas all said that killing an unanimated foetus was not murder.
You are arguing, in effect, that 'liberals' want a return to common Christian though of the middle ages, not they are anti-Christian in their outlook.
Men do not know what pregnancy is.
Because some guy said so? Not only that, but the reimbursement also covers things like staff time and supplies required.
Surely you're not arguing that there's absolutely no cost to PP for this?
Old News: a hysterical fixation on the unborn prevents acknowledging the unborn once they are born.News: Babies are murdered and their parts sold.
Liberals: It's OK, the murderers agreed to the deal.
Your ability to create fictious expenses that PP would incur would come in handy during congressional investigation. Here a are a few suggestions, a chair and the rental of that space for the chair to accommdate the stem express collecter
Old News: a hysterical fixation on the unborn prevents acknowledging the unborn once they are born.
So you really are taking the position that there's absolutely no expense to PP to collect and prepare the tissues and organs for medical research. No staff time or equipment needed.
I guess you think the tissues and organs just pop out all ready to go! :rotfl:
BTW, St. Augustine was no scientist so his scientific theories need to be taken in context. You can read this article if interested "Modern Look at Abortion Not Same as St. Augustine's"
Staff time is a joke, what are they getting paid 100 dollars extra per hour? Forcreps and ultrasound that they already owned. Honestly much extra is a collection bin certainly not thousands of dollars per year assuming the bin is not provided by stem express already.
the baby dismemberment business isn't something that I can stomach reading up on. Secondly the discussion in the video itself does not give a picture of much added time just using dismemberment tools in a different manner to acquire the valuable baby parts.You really have no clue what all is involved in these procedures, do you?
There is no scientific theory for what counts as a person for the purposes of abortion ethics, although science can illuminate issues.
(I looked at the article you suggested, thanks. But there is no science in the article, and no reference to scientific theories. Just a paen to an anti-abortion video.)
So that's a "No, I have no idea".the baby dismemberment business isn't something that I can stomach reading up on. Secondly the disuccion in the video itself does not give a picture of much added time just using dismemberment tools in a different manner acquire the valuable baby parts.
So that's a "No, I have no idea".
I found this article below very informative on why A PP abortionist would continue to perform a partial birth abortion despite the legal risks associated with it.
Do you? Can you name and quantify all the added supplies and the amount of extra staff time needed for baby parts collection minus the amount they received so it all comes out to zero. Or are you just a foot soldier for PP that uncritically accepts whatever they tell you.
You are confused. Science states a human life is created at conception. Human law doesn't address whether a person has a soul or not in order to grant them rights but rather is only based on their recognition as a human being.
I do have some experience in acquiring, preparing, packaging, and shipping biological samples, and there's absolutely no doubt that it ain't free.
Frankly, I'm surprised at how low PP's rates are.
The President of Operation Rescue, Troy Newman, said that they have more undercover videos about Planned Parenthood’s abortion business they plan on releasing in the coming weeks. In fact, the group plans to drop another shocking video sometime next week. Newman worked as a consultant for the Center for Medical Progress on their three-year investigation into Planned Parenthood.
Newman told the Boston Herald the following about the videos: “We have thousands upon thousands of hours of video and notes, and this is the first piece that we’re going to release. Whatever lies Planned Parenthood used to cover this up to try and justify what they do, we’ve got the evidence to prove they’re lying and they’re breaking the law.”
Newman also said that they have pro-lifers “embedded” in Planned Parenthood’s organization that feed them information. He said, “We’ve gone to their meetings. We built relationships within the abortion industry.”...
David Daleiden, the founder of the group Center for Medical Progress told CBS News, “Planned Parenthood is still receiving $50, $75, sometimes $100 per specimen per fetal part. So all of that is just straight up profit that goes to their bottom line.”
Although there are many questions left unanswered, regardless of the legality of their sales, the fact that Planned Parenthood caters procedures for organ harvesting questions their true intent. Dr. Arther Caplain from NYU’s Langone Medical Center said, “You’ve got to be sure that it’s the patient, the woman who is at the center of your concern and nothing else is diverting from that. Supplying fetal tissue from the remains to third parties is diverting. I would not do it.”
I do have some experience in acquiring, preparing, packaging, and shipping biological samples, and there's absolutely no doubt that it ain't free.
Frankly, I'm surprised at how low PP's rates are.