Our brains , our eyes , our hands , our mouths , are all gifts from God , but we are accountable on how we use those gifts .
Faith and faithing are exactly the same gifts as I presented above . We as created human beings , have been created to perform or fulfill acts of Faith and faithing continually .
Every time you perform an act , based upon a belief , sustained by confidence , that is " faithing " the corresponding verb to the noun Faith . We fulfill possibly thousands of acts of Faith and faithing everyday .
Now " pisteuo " , the NT Greek word used for the application of Faith , used 248 times , is a specific act of faithing . It's" a personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."
Yes ,God has given us the ability to " faithe " ( pisteuo ) , but we have to choose to faithe. We must choose to start maintain , and complete the specfic life of NT pisteuo
It's one of the hardest paradoxical truths of God to explain . It's not all of Him , and it's certainly not all of us .