ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

God's Truth

New member
When Paul told the Corinthian elders to kick out the man having sex with his own mother...did Paul believe the man was saved or lost?

Paul was trying to get this man saved. Paul said throw him out so that Satan will have his way with his flesh. What does that mean? That means may this man come to REPENTANCE of his sins so he can be truly saved.


Well-known member
She rejects that particular scripture. Along with some other similar ones.

For the same reason he says we're to reckon ourselves dead to sin. It's a fact we are often slow to accept. It doesn't mean it's not a fact, but our slowness to accept it causes us to be ineffective with doubt.

1 Cor 15:34 and Eph 4:22-24 makes no sense if believers can't, in our flesh, still sin.


Well-known member
Oh so then that means you believe as I do and that is that we have to obey or we are not saved. LoL

You're willfully blind, aren't you? You preach obedience to commands. I don't. The obedience of faith is believing unto salvation....trusting in Christ's obedience not our own.

God's Truth

New member
That has NOTHING to do with anything. Christ death and resurrection DOES have everything to do with all of it.

Christ's death and resurrection means it is finished. The Jews didn't have to sacrifice animals anymore; and the Gentiles didn't have to be kept far apart for not sacrificing animals.


Well-known member
I don't think Paul believed the man was saved. He talks about how his excommunication might result in his being saved at some future day. In fact, Paul understood that not everyone who attends an assembly is a believer. Many just think they are...many claim to be.

I agree that Paul may well have wondered about many in Corinth, including that guy, but I believe Paul treated him with apostolic authority exactly as a sinning believer was to be treated at that time. Sorry, but it's beyond miraculous that this unsaved sinning guy would be so convicted by being kicked out of the church that he then back out into the world, was free to indulge his sin...but THEN somehow got saved while completely cut off from believers. I don't buy it. But we've discussed this before and won't agree on it. And that's okay. :)

God's Truth

New member
I agree that Paul may well have wondered about many in Corinth, including that guy, but I believe Paul treated him with apostolic authority exactly as a sinning believer was to be treated at that time. Sorry, but it's beyond miraculous that this unsaved sinning guy would be so convicted by being kicked out of the church that he then back out into the world, was free to indulge his sin...but THEN somehow got saved while completely cut off from believers. I don't buy it. But we've discussed this before and won't agree on it. And that's okay. :)

GD, Danoh, and you all keep missing the Truth.

If the man was not a believer---it shows because he does NOT obey.

If the man is a believer, yet sins, he needs to stop sinning.

If the man is a believer, yet sins, and then stops sinning, then he has saved himself.


Well-known member
Paul was trying to get this man saved. Paul said throw him out so that Satan will have his way with his flesh. What does that mean? That means may this man come to REPENTANCE of his sins so he can be truly saved.


Unbelievers LOVE their sin and don't give it up. This man LOVED fornicating with his own mother but eventually gave it up. We never read that he got saved after being kicked out; only that he repented. At THAT point he was restored because he was a believer the whole time.

God's Truth

New member

Unbelievers LOVE their sin and don't give it up. This man LOVED fornicating with his own mother but eventually gave it up.
You are making things up that are not in the scriptures. You should watch yourself better because it is a grave sin.

It was his father's wife, and you do not know if he gave it up.

We never read that he got saved after being kicked out; only that he repented.

Where does it say he repented? If he repented then that is PROOF that he is saved and that Paul was speaking about a believer.

At THAT point he was restored because he was a believer the whole time.

You are one confused person.


Well-known member
1 Cor 15:34 and Eph 4:22-24 makes no sense if believers can't, in our flesh, still sin.

We've been delivered from the law.

This is all talking about what happens TO US when we are quickened after hearing and believing the Gospel. This is what happened to you. You were crucified with Christ. This is the "new creature" that has been created IN Christ Jesus. If you have believed unto righteousness...been crucified with Christ, you are raised in newness of life....a new man...renewed in the spirit of your mind. The old man has been put off....that's not something we accomplish, but what has been accomplished in us.

Eph. 4:20-24 But ye have not so learned Christ; 21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: 22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.​

Otherwise, wouldn't we have a reason to boast?

Do you see all the IF's in this chapter. This verse isn't talking about the believer who has already believed unto righteousness and all things are new. This is speaking of those IF's and those who have not the knowledge of God.

1 Corinthians 15:34
Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.​

patrick jane

GD, Danoh, and you all keep missing the Truth.

If the man was not a believer---it shows because he does NOT obey.

If the man is a believer, yet sins, he needs to stop sinning.

If the man is a believer, yet sins, and then stops sinning, then he has saved himself.

Impossible to save yourself


Well-known member
Where does it say he repented?

2 Cor ch. 2.

If he repented then that is PROOF that he is saved and that Paul was speaking about a believer.

That's right. I agree with many that Paul might well have doubted the man was saved ("so-called brother") but he acted on faith that the man was saved and treated him as such...harshly. His actions demonstrate this:

But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one. 12For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.

1. Paul judged this wicked man guilty of sinning and as a threat to the church, so he ordered him expelled.

2. Paul also said he does not judge those "outside the church," meaning unbelievers. Nor should we. That's God's job. But those WITHIN the church -- believers -- are a different matter.

3. Paul assumed this man was saved and judged he be treated very harshly, for his own good.

4. Paul desired to see as many saved as possible; he would not have prescribed expulsion had he known the man was unsaved. He would have had someone preach the saving Gospel to him to make sure he believed it, then they could proceed accordingly. I refuse to believe that Paul would have ordered him cut off from THE ONLY PEOPLE IN CORINTH he'd hear the saving Gospel.

5. This incident shows that believers can sin to the point of being literally "wicked."


Well-known member
I agree that Paul may well have wondered about many in Corinth, including that guy, but I believe Paul treated him with apostolic authority exactly as a sinning believer was to be treated at that time. Sorry, but it's beyond miraculous that this unsaved sinning guy would be so convicted by being kicked out of the church that he then back out into the world, was free to indulge his sin...but THEN somehow got saved while completely cut off from believers. I don't buy it. But we've discussed this before and won't agree on it. And that's okay. :)

I don't think we've spent much time discussing this, and it would be nice to be able to do so without GT butting in at every turn.

As far as this particular guy being saved, I doubt it. I've seen believers do things they shouldn't, but they don't revel in it. This guy was doing things even the gentiles didn't do and all they had was their God given conscience. Putting that aside, though, Paul was very concerned that the assembly was ignoring it ....thereby seeming to condone it, and therefore he admonished them. Paul knew that if the man was flaunting his deeds in the assembly, he would not turn from his evil deed by having his deed condoned. His one chance was to be cast into the world where he would be forced to once again seek out the light. A person cannot bring their own darkness into the light and expect to keep it.

We go out into the world to preach the Gospel for a reason.


Well-known member
1 Corinthians 15:34
Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.​

Those "some" without knowledge of God are the malnourished, stunted Christians who still indulge their flesh because they evidently did not know everything you're rightly pointing out about who and what we are in Christ. THAT is why Paul speaks this to their shame -- the shame of the derelict Corinthian elders who were supposed to have raised those new believers on meat by now but hadn't even been giving them milk, apparently. Everything wrong with the Corinthian church was their fault.