English mistranslations of the Greek word "pisteuo".
Romans 10:9-11
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt "believe" (mistranslation) in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved . 10 For with the heart man "believeth" (mistranslation) unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith , Whosoever "believeth" (mistranslation) on him shall not be ashamed .
Corrected English translations of the Greek word "pisteuo".
Romans 10:9-11
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt "commit theirs lives to Him" (pisteuo) in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved . 10 For with the heart man "commits his life to Him" (pisteuo) unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith , Whosoever "surrenders their life to Him" (pisteuo) shall not be ashamed ."
Pisteuo was mistranslated into the English texts, because the English language has no verb form of the word "faith", Pistis in the Greek.
Pistis is a noun, "Faith" in English. Pisteuo is the cooresponing verb to pistis. The English should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe available to the translators. But those words are not in the English language so they were forced to use the words believe, believer, and believing. These English words the translators were forced to use do not define "pisteuo" , not even close.
A verb is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. So the mistranslated words believe, believer, and believing, don't even satisfy the definition of a verb much less the precise word pisteuo.
Pisteuo being a verb also describes the specific act, based on a specific belief, and sustained by a specific kind of confidence.
This is why the Vines Greek definition is the exact, precise definition of this word 'pisteuo used 248 times through out the NT.
That definition is: "A personal surrender to Him". " And a life inspired by such surrender."
This definition defines the specific action of what saving faith is. It starts the relationship, it maintains the relationship, and completes the relationship here on earth.
This is the only way one can be in Christ. There is no such thing as "believing."
Half measures avail nothing!