Here are three of my experiences with the Catholic Church:
[1] When I was a teen student at a Catholic school, I noticed some important differences when I compared what are known as Church’s teachings (taught at school) and Jesus ones on the Gospel. So I had to ask, in a private meeting, each of the priests, whom I used respecting, about this dilemma; to me in the least. The various replies that I got from them were somehow similar and say something like:
"If we preach, openly and in our Churches, Jesus teachings exactly and clearly as Jesus does on the Gospel, most of our Christian subjects will likely leave the Church and stop funding it, for good. And this would be a great loss of support for the Church to go on in its vocation".
[2] When I was studying at the university, I joined the young teachers of Catechism in my city. On a Sunday, the subject was about Trinity. So I told my teen students that God, as revealed by Jesus, refers to the One Will/Power of our Father in Heaven and Jesus, unified, since before Creation, by the divine spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit. And I liked giving them a practical analogy by asking them if there are two real friends in the classroom. To my big surprise, almost all students pointed to two of their colleagues. So, I asked the two friends: How did others notice your real friendship? One of them replied: “We take always one decision only in each situation, as if we were just one person.”
But, at that time, there was a supervisor who was hearing me while he stood at a dark corner

When the class was over, he came to me and said:
"You were supposed to give the students an analogy approved by the Catholic Church; as of the triangle or the sun. But you didn't. So I would like you know that we don't need your services here anymore."
[3] When I was about 30, I thought that it is better for me to be a priest. Since the Church of my family is Roman Catholic, my first meeting was with the patriarch of the city. After he knew that my intent is to preach Jesus sayings accurately and clearly as Jesus did, he was sincere and told me that the role of his priests is just to organize and celebrate various religious ceremonies as funerals, marriages, baptisms... etc. He advised me to join the Jesuit Church which is interested in the Bible studies. I followed his advice and I had a meeting with a Jesuit priest. Naturally, we started, in this meeting, with ‘Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience’.
About Poverty; I used working for my daily bread only.
About Chastity; I was, as I am now, never interested in living a sexual relation of any sort.
About Obedience; it is obvious to me always that a newcomer should obey some elders before being obeyed, in turn, by the future newcomers

But, when the Jesuit priest knew my main reason of being a priest, he commented (actually insisted) that I should preach the teachings of the Church and not of Jesus as written on the Gospel. And he asked me to leave and pray for a while, in order to find out if being a Catholic priest is really my vocation or not. So I told him: “You are right, I will surely ask Jesus if He doesn't mind that I leave Him in order to be accepted in a formal Christian Church, Catholic or else”.