"They didn't have to be observed after the cross because the NC had been implemented at the cross.
It took awhile for the transition from the OC to the NC to be learned and understood by the Apostles, especially considering the Gentiles were now considered equal to the Jews, and that the Jews had grown up under the law."-Tellalie
Caught, in another lie. The 12 were taught directly, by the Lord Jesus Christ, for 40 days, post cross. The 12/early Actsters followed the law, including Pentecost, and Paul observed the law, the feasts, post cross.They were told to observe everything, that the LORD God told them to observe, including the law, which included the feasts.
You say the law of Moses was nailed to the cross, did not exist, post cross.
"The law was fulfilled by Christ Jesus, it isn't in place anymore."-Tellafib
"However, the law was are schoolmaster. Without it we wouldn't know what sin is, and thus the need for a Savior. "-Tellalie
So, it brought the lost to Christ, after the cross, was our schoolmaster, and showed us what sin is, "post cross," but it was nailed to the cross, it isn't in place anymore for anyone, as it does not exist anymore, for the lost, even though it brought us, when we were lost, to Christ, "post cross."
Got it. That is how a demon talks. You talk like it-it talks like you.
You filthy, little demonic liar.
"It took awhile for the transition from the OC to the NC to be learned and understood by the Apostles, especially considering the Gentiles were now considered equal to the Jews, and that the Jews had grown up under the law."-Tellafib
Made up. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and had the word of knowledge, you biblical idiot. No scriptures says that. Your "men" teachers taught you that "invention."