"Sins blotted out for the Body of Christ before the day of atonement. How?"-Mayor
"Col 2 doesn't say sins were blotted out, it says the handwriting of ordinances were blotted out."-Tellalie
"The law was nailed to the cross. You can't divide the law into parts that suit your belief system."-Tet. lie
No scripture says that "the law was nailed to the cross," and I showed you, punk, for years, that the "the handwriting of ordinances were blotted out"-not the law. That is our habitual liar, Craigie, that he must do, to support his satanic "AD 70-ism/Preterism."
My question to Craigie:
“Was the OC in place after the cross? Was the law part of the OC?Was Pentecost part of the law? Was the OC in place, adhered to, in ‘’arly Acts,’ ‘post cross?’ Was the law part of the OC? Was going to the temple, part of the law?”
His disjointed, words have no meaning, "response," lie:
“Which part of my answer didn't you understand?
There was an overlap of the covenants from 30AD - 70AD.
Of course Pentecost was part of the law. So were the three fall feasts that weren't not fulfilled until 70AD.
That doesn't mean that the law wasn't nailed to the cross. The law was nailed to the cross.
You just don't understand the overlap of the covenants”-Tet.
No, I don’t understand how you can be so stupid, and so slick, like your father. So slick, that you fall down, from the snake oil you leave below your computer.
Catch that slick lie, TOl audience? Why, you little demon, Craigie, as words mean nothing to you, you satanic pawn. Catch that? He asserts that the "law was nailed to the cross," and yet, the OC was in place "post cross," was followed, the law was followed "post cross,".....but the law was nailed to the cross.
Tet: The law was followed after the cross, but "That doesn't mean that the law wasn't nailed to the cross."
How did you get so stupid, Craigie?
And He asserts that God the Father told the Izzies to observe the law, but never told/taught the Saviour to observe the law.