Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... transference of authority from parents to the teachers as interchangeable authority figures...

wasn't long after i started teaching in the inner city that i realized that many of the kids didn't recognize their parents as authority figures, didn't respect them, didn't obey them

and that it was folly to expect them to respect us teachers


We do not need books about psychology in order to learn to respect our children.
What we need is a total revision of the methods of child rearing and our traditional view about it.

The way children are treated is the way we treat ourselves the rest of our lives--with cruelty or with tenderness and protection.

We often impose our most agonizing suffering upon ourselves and, later, on our children.

The people in Deuteronomy felt they had no choice but to kill their own children.
And this was way before hip-hop music, video games and Hollywood.

Generally we are bind to the evidence. People who are supposed to be experts claim to understand science.

Ressearch has clearly shown that children who have been hit or verbally humiliaited have formed different, abnormal pathways in their growing brains.


in many circumstances, yes

but not universally

Not according to Jesus.
Overturning convnetional wisdom was what got him killed.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
--Matthew 19:14


It’s not the task of the church to “Make America Great Again.”

The task of the church is to make Christianity countercultural again.
And once we separate Jesus from the interests of Empire, we begin to see just how countercultural and radical Jesus’ ideas actually are.

--Enemies? Love them.
--Violence? Renounce it.
--Money? Share it.
--Foreigners? Welcome them.
--Sinners? Forgiven them.

These are the kind of radical ideas that will always be opposed by the principalities and powers, but which the followers of Jesus are called to embrace, announce and enact.

The degree to which the church is faithful to Jesus and his radical ideas is the degree to which the church embodies a faith that is truly countercultural.


New member
wasn't long after i started teaching in the inner city that i realized that many of the kids didn't recognize their parents as authority figures, didn't respect them, didn't obey them

and that it was folly to expect them to respect us teachers
Since the Prussian education system teaches children that all authority figures are interchangeable and replaceable, there is no longer any reason to respect any of them.


New member
What we need is a total revision of the methods of child rearing and our traditional view about it.
Conservatives want to preserve those things that have been proven to work by history.
Liberals want to destroy those things that have been proven to work by history and occasionally Liberals want to replace it with some new-fangled idea that usually doesn't work.

The traditional methods of child rearing and the traditional view of it have been proven to work by history.
Those methods produce long lasting societies with a large percent of the population having conservative viewpoints.


Well-known member
"Blessed shall he be who takes your little infants and dashes them against the rocks !!!"
--Psalm 137-9

You did a pretty good job of discussing in some detail the context of the Deuteronomy passage. Why not here?

Certainly you aren't suggesting that this was the method the Hebrews used to discipline their infants??


Conservatives want to preserve those things that have been proven to work by history.
Liberals want to destroy those things that have been proven to work by history and occasionally Liberals want to replace it with some new-fangled idea that usually doesn't work.

The traditional methods of child rearing and the traditional view of it have been proven to work by history.
Those methods produce long lasting societies with a large percent of the population having conservative viewpoints.
Based on this kind of thinking, America would have remained the 13 Colonies under colonial rule!

Wasn't the American Revolution predicated on an effort to replace a "traditional" form of government with a bold new experiment?
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wasn't long after i started teaching in the inner city that i realized that many of the kids didn't recognize their parents as authority figures, didn't respect them, didn't obey them

and that it was folly to expect them to respect us teachers
Lack of respect for authority is hardly unique to the "inner city" - I know teachers that prefer the inner city over the more affluent areas because the parents are more appreciative of your efforts!


Perfect Answer to Ocasio-Cortez

We would still be hunter-gathers back in the Stone Age" if a succession of "visionaries" throughout human history hadn't decided that the "traditional" ways were open to improvement!

Ideals concerning democracy and freedoms that we enjoy today just didn't drop out of the sky, they had to overcome vested interests who were determined to retain the traditional ways!


New member
Based on this kind of thinking, America would have remained the 13 Colonies under colonial rule!
It is a good thing that the founding fathers of the United States were not raised to believe the tripe that modern American liberals believe.
Wasn't the American Revolution predicated on an effort to replace a "traditional" form of government with a bold new experiment?
Maybe you have heard of these words?

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The American Revolution was not done by liberals who wanted to try some bold new experiment.
The American Revolution was done with reluctance by conservatives who had tried everything they could to restore the colonies from a broken system that oppressed the colonists to a system that had worked in the past.


New member
We would still be hunter-gathers back in the Stone Age" if a succession of "visionaries" throughout human history hadn't decided that the "traditional" ways were open to improvement!
Hunter-gatherer societies are of a limited size because the kind of government that worked for hunter-gatherers only works for small groups of people.
Technological improvements created larger groups of people, and the traditional methods no longer worked for the larger groups, so new methods were created out of necessity.
That is much different from what the modern American liberals are doing.
The modern American liberal agenda is to destroy the things that have historically made America great.

Ideals concerning democracy and freedoms that we enjoy today just didn't drop out of the sky
The problems with democracy were identified many times throughout history and democracy has been proven to be a broken system that would always end in tyranny.
That is the reason that the United States of America was set up as a Republic and that the States were required by the constitution to have a Republican form of government.

The problems with the "freedoms" advocated by modern American liberals (hedonism and debauchery) were identified many times throughout history and those "freedoms" were the cause of the collapse of many civilizations, most notably the Roman empire.


nonsense - it's about the will of the people and their willingness to get off their butts and get busy working

How much help and money go to public transformation, effective polling stations, a trained and efficient police force. good employment agencies in poor neighborhoods and enough money going into public schools in these areas?

[QUTOE]Don't have good policing? form a volunteer neighborhood watch group [/QUOTE]. Again, neighborhoods need good policing--something that poor neighborhoods don’t have.

don't have easy access to polls? volunteer to carpool those affected
. Good idea but poor areas need more poling places and effective voting machines. The result of ignoring these facts results in long lines at polling places which seems meant to discourage citizens from elective franchise.

don't have good schools? volunteer to make them better
Teachers need school supplies, new textbooks, breakfast and lunch services, smaller classrooms. And poor areas need better student/teacher class ratios, more and better teachers with good backgrounds.

The best teachers regard teaching as an art, not a job.


New member
Teachers need school supplies, new textbooks, breakfast and lunch services, smaller classrooms.
We need a better education system than an incompetent one that relies on school supplies, new textbooks, breakfast and lunch services, and smaller classrooms.


By history?
Stalin, Hitler, Mao and other dictators were hit as children. Saddam Hussein was so abused that he brought a gun to school and shot his teacher to death.

When we stop abusing children, we will no longer be afraid of them passing down their abuse upon others and their own children.

Conservatives, at their best, separate things that should be kept apart.
Liberals, at their best, break down barriers that should never have been there in the first place.

Children who are respected learn respect.
Children who are cared for learn to care for those weaker than themselves.
Children who are loved for what they are cannot learn intolerance.

Only then can they develop their own ideals, which can be nothing other than humane, since they grew out of the experience of love.

All children are born to grow, to develop, to live, to love, and to articulate their needs and feelings for their self-protection.

The more we idealize the past and refuse to acknowledge our childhood sufferings, the more we pass them on unconsciously to the next generation.


We need a better education system than an incompetent one that relies on school supplies, new textbooks, breakfast and lunch services, and smaller classrooms.

The type of pedagogy in German history did not believe in educating children except by violence and deprivation.

Those people who see themselves as experts and who claim to understand the science of education are precisely the people who are blind to the evidence.
We can see how that approach turned out.