If you remove guns from anyone, the list of restrictions will grow over time to the point where no one will own guns and the purpose of the second amendment is defeated... its a slippery slope.
Saying this does not make it true. Nor is the alternative any more acceptable, or reasonable: that we allow any moron who thinks he needs a pile of guns to have them.
Clearly, we are intelligent enough to set up a system of oversight that would strike a balance between our right to have guns and our need to regulate those who have them for our own safety.
Instead we should educate people on how to be a militia as the founders intended.
That would be a terrible idea. We are far to huge a country for that sort of thing to make any sense, now. Plus, we already have a standing army, so there is no need for a 'militia'. And having one would only encourage violence and chaos every time the government made a law that some group or other doesn't like.
We have a "militia", it's called the U.S. military. It is comprised our own husbands, wives, sons, and daughters. It will not turn against us and if the government ever dares to command it to do so, I believe it would then turn on the government. As long a WE fill the ranks of the military, and not a bunch of paid criminals or mercenaries, we are safe from that threat.
Given the current state of young people in this country, I think 1-2 years of required military/civil service that involved fire arm training should be mandatory.
I think young people doing a few years of civil service would be a great idea … in exchange for higher education, let's say. I don't think it necessitates militarism, however. Although, anyone who wanted to join the military should be welcomed, so long as they are able.