Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus (film)


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The Hebrews were given choice land in Egypt after Joseph was elevated to Prime Minister of Egypt



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beameup- what is the point of this, besides disagreeing with the commonly accepted timeline?


Archeology is not an exact science. That time line for Egypt is an assumption, brought to us as an irrefutable fact, which it is not.

The genius Velikovsky showed already in the fifties of the previous century that mainstream archeology is 600 years off in the Egyptian time line. I read his book "Ages in Chaos",
You can find it second hand for a few bucks.

Here is something more about Velikovsky and the exodus:

"For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Y-H-W-H our God for ever and ever."
Micah 4:5


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I've read Velikovsky. He certainly was a genius, and I will agree that the archaeological timeline is not 100% certain. Yet much has been discovered since Velikovsky's time.

It is fairly clear when the Israelites moved into Canaan. The survey work done by Adam Zertal and his colleagues, for example.


The whole exodus is very clear, with some orthodox archaeologists claiming there is nothing to be found, because they keep on hanging on to a refuted Egyptian time line.


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The whole exodus is very clear, with some orthodox archaeologists claiming there is nothing to be found, because they keep on hanging on to a refuted Egyptian time line.

What is the evidence, given the alternate timeline?


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There is a period between the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, where Egypt seems to simply disappear for several hundred years.



Well-known member

The whole exodus is very clear, with some orthodox archaeologists claiming there is nothing to be found, because they keep on hanging on to a refuted Egyptian time line.

I will add that "some orthodox archaeologists" apparently includes nearly all archaeologists. It is often presented as the consensus view. Those whom I have spoken to all have this viewpoint, including both Observant Jews ( I do not like the term "Orthodox"- that is not a Jewish term)and devout Christians.

In an extreme case, a relative (Observant Jew) decided to study archaeology in order to "prove that the Bible was accurate". Once he started his studies, he quickly gave up on the idea. He remains observant, and remains an archaeologist.