Paris attacks

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Why do you blame everything on liberals?

Because they do it. You cannot support what is right and be liberal at the same time. Jihadists are liberal by nature. They are also opposed to Christian liberty and freedom.

Back to the subject. Muslims are murdering maniacs. Are you ready to take islam serious? Or do you need another 9-11 before you agree to release mother green and her killing machine?

Of course the military needs an overhaul right now, as they have been ruined since 2009.


Well-known member
And no sicker. Not finding any moral high ground around here from which to launch.

Sometimes in a war, you have to fire back though.

Self defence doesn't make you a murderer, unlike Liberal doctrine suggests...

A nuke isn't self-defence. It's mass murder.


New member
Hall of Fame
Deuteronomy 17:6 "On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness. 7 "The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.


New member
Back to the subject. Muslims are murdering maniacs. Are you ready to take islam serious?


Of course the military needs an overhaul right now, as they have been ruined since 2009.

I don't doubt you - I suspect liberals have disarmed and demoralized the armed forces.

details? What will it take to fix?


New member and....Iran have to do with this? Don't sweep the question aside.


They are all muslim extremists who are sworn to commit indescriminate murder in the name of Satan.

Iran AFTER the "nuke deal" reaffirmed their commitment to kill all the Jews.

Gaza has started a 3rd Intifada using dumb brainwashed teenagers to soak Israel
in murders using terror tactics and horrific violence.

Muslims can always stop their internal quarrels in order to attack non-muslims,
as in Israel and France.


New member
The moronic "Metal band" who provided at least 100 victims for the terrorists:




New member
They are all muslim extremists who are sworn to commit indescriminate murder in the name of Satan.

Iran AFTER the "nuke deal" reaffirmed their commitment to kill all the Jews.

Gaza has started a 3rd Intifada using dumb brainwashed teenagers to soak Israel
in murders using terror tactics and horrific violence.

Muslims can always stop their internal quarrels in order to attack non-muslims,
as in Israel and France.

Dropping a nuke? Name your target in Iran. Where do you drop it? Gaza? I'm sure Israel would love that.

What's the connection to these attacks in Paris?


New member
The moronic "Metal band" who provided at least 100 victims for the terrorists:



Did the restaurant "provide victims"? Did the French and German soccer squads "provide victims".

I actually think you enjoy this sort of thing so you have a reason to make nonsensical remarks.


New member
Hall of Fame
Dropping a nuke? Name your target in Iran. Where do you drop it? Gaza? I'm sure Israel would love that.

What's the connection to these attacks in Paris?

I would drop it on mecca. Turn that black idol kissing stone to ash.

The connection to paris is the demonic idolatrous religion.


Well-known member
I am sat here literally dumbfounded that any Christian could advocate dropping a nuke anywhere which would kill millions of people. Those it didn't kill straight away it would cause horrendous suffering to. Where is the love in that? Where is the justice?



New member
Hall of Fame
I am sat here literally dumbfounded that any Christian could advocate dropping a nuke anywhere which would kill millions of people. Those it didn't kill straight away it would cause horrendous suffering to. Where is the love in that? Where is the justice?


I would tell them to get out first, that their idol was about to be destroyed.

Those who remained could claim they are martyrs, the seemingly want of all good muslim men (except their leaders of course, i never see them volunteering for the job)

so wouldnt that be a win win?