pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


JWs are pacifist Christians. Why would I denounce them?

they are one of the true Christians.

Nope, I don't agree with everything they teach because some of the prophesy is not sure to anyone.

BTW, please don't derail this thread.

You completely ignored my question about your living in the most heavily armed part of the US and hypocritically taking a stance like you do under the protection of Military and Civilian force.

Please stop attempting to derail my question.

Also... you say that you "Don't Denounce the JW's", but you specifically say that you do in your profile. Shouldn't Honesty be a prime quality of a follower of Jesus? You are saying that people that aren't pacifists aren't followers of Jesus, and yet, you are being "Dishonest", which is a trait that Jesus warns against in His teaching.

Please stop using deception to avoid answering questions that bind to things you, the moderator of this thread have opened up with your statements throughout it.


Jacob, now you are showing how you are ignorant of the Christianity.

I don't know what your position is because you have been so wishy washy about your position. You say you were a Christian and now you are a Jew. I don't know what you are claiming.

If you are not a Christian, please stay out of this thread. This thread is for Christians.

Okay. But I was a Christian when I put my hand against Osama Bin Laden, even if it was not as a Christian or not. I thought about starting my own thread, but you are talking about Jesus, you kept me from learning about the military and the potential for military action, etc.... As a Jew I accept Yeshua as the Messiah. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. One person on this forum calls me a Christian even though I don't. Do you believe that the United States of America is a Christian nation? With Freedom of Religion or Religious expression, Jews and Christians can express faith in God and His Word. You are in the Religion Forum. Even the Exclusively Christian Theology Forum is not relegated to just Christians.




Galatians 3

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

I am a man, male.




Jacob, now you are showing how you are ignorant of the Christianity.

I don't know what your position is because you have been so wishy washy about your position. You say you were a Christian and now you are a Jew. I don't know what you are claiming.

If you are not a Christian, please stay out of this thread. This thread is for Christians.

Jacob is on Thread topic. [MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] ... you are in the religion section. If you were off topic and Meshak wasn't engaging you in discussion, they would have this claim, but they are falsely accusing you of not being involved in this thread.

Also... you are a self professed follower of Christ's teachings, just like Meshak, so they have no right to make this claim to you.


You completely ignored my question about your living in the most heavily armed part of the US and hypocritically taking a stance like you do under the protection of Military and Civilian force.

I live where God permits to live. US happens to be God's choice for me.

Why do you have objection to what God allows?

You are not over God nor Jesus.

BTW, the whole world belongs to God, not any country not even the USA.

Who do you think you are?


I live where God permits to live. US happens to be God's choice for me.

Why do you have objection to what God allows?

You are not over God nor Jesus.

BTW, the whole world belongs to God, not any country not even the USA.

Who do you think you are?

You are living in TEXAS which has GUN RIGHTS that are better than any other state. You have a CHOICE in the matter and your words are worthless as a Democrat that drives an SUV while griping about GOING GREEN.

Your very stance is founded on a self hypocrisy.

That's who I am. You have "judged" every person that disagrees with you and just threatened to kick a Jew out of your thread, though they follow the teachings of Jesus.

Who exactly are you?



Yes, as Jesus did say what we find in Matthew 5:17-20. Meaning, Jesus observed and taught the Law. He said that we are to keep and teach it.



So do your hono Jesus' word of "love your enemy"?
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Yes, as Jesus did say what we find in Matthew 5:17-20. Meaning, Jesus observed and taught the Law. He said that we are to keep and teach it.



I don't agree with what you have written here, but Mashek is no more of a "Christian" than you are and they can't kick you out of this thread for "disagreeing with them", under the pretenses of a good argument and the citation of scripture.

All Respect to you,

- EE


Jacob is on Thread topic. [MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] ... you are in the religion section. If you were off topic and Meshak wasn't engaging you in discussion, they would have this claim, but they are falsely accusing you of not being involved in this thread.

Also... you are a self professed follower of Christ's teachings, just like Meshak, so they have no right to make this claim to you.

Okay. Thank you for sharing your observations.




Literal lunatic
Please keep your trolling comments to yourself.

You are not contributing to this thread.


Hold yer peace....

1 Cor 14

30And if a revelation comes to someone who is seated, the first speaker should hold his peace.

31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.

32The spirits of prophets are subject to prophets.…