pacifism for true Jesus' followers.



You are only doing yourself harm attacking Jesus' followers.

Jesus does not take light of mocking and slandering any of His followers.

What you are doing is attacking Jesus, not me.



Jesus' teachings are in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament.

His teachings are not hard to understand nor complicated. It is just hard to practice for people who are not willing to live for Him.

Jesus expects His followers to change their life styles and mentality to His ways.

Are you willing to live for Jesus, Lon?

If so you need to stay focus on Jesus' word, not on Calvin's teachings.



I am addressing you because you are portraying yourself as Christian leader.

You ought to know those basic principles of Christianity.

You should not lead your people astray with ungodly behavior.



Christian leaders have a great responsibility.

At this rate, it seems you are in deep trouble with Jesus Christ.

You need to reexamine your faith, Lon.

You don't seem to have any qualm joining in trashy talk of immature posters.

You let your anger run uncontrolled because of your hate.



Christians are Christ's followers.

since you claim to be a Christian, you should know what Jesus teaches or commands.

I haven't seen you talking about His word.

In fact, I haven't seen many trinity believers talk about Jesus' word.



what do you have to say about this thread's topic?

How do you defend your pro-military position?

Are you ready for it? or you need time to do it.

It should not take long if you have confidence in your faith.


Well-known member
Again, using your puffed up knowledge to attack the Truth.

Like I said, I will not try to justify my life to you.

You are doing it to make personal attacks. It is so low of you.

You wasted your money at bible college.

You don't even know Jesus' teachings much.

BTW, you don't have to go to Bible college to know Jesus' teachings.
Look at yourself, Meshak. This gets ugly. I am very against your Unit-arian theology, but look at what I said: "WOW! I didn't know!" How can you take money from the very thing you hate? If my wife were an abortionist, I would NOT touch a dime of that money. That's why I said "Wow!" I was shocked, not being mean. The ONLY thing I said was "Wow! (shock), I did not know! (and I didn't). How can you read that as something bad? That's it. AMR simply 'thanked me' not against you, but because he and I try to encourage one another in trying to serve Christ.

As I said you got pretty ugly after this: went to bible college to get this kind of lame excuse...
Lon and AMR seem to be intimidated by this thread.
You two need to reexamine your faith, following man rather than Jesus.
One for saying 'wow' and one for simply giving me a pos rep?
When people like Lon and Amr cannot find anything wrong with this thread,
so they go down to trash messenger of this thread.
How immature and childish of them. And they both finished bible college.this is the reality of mainstream church leaders.
Luke 6:28? Romans 12:14? Is "Wow" mean? (I'm still shocked, I'm sorry 'shocked' is mean to you :( )
... Lon and AMR are all pro-military.

They cannot refute Jesus' teachings and what He practiced, they go down to personal attacks.
"Wow" and "Thank you, Lon" are personal attacks? :idunno:
Jesus says we know them by their fruit.
their despicable behavior and violent faith is their fruit.
Lon and AMR,

You two don't have much to say about this thread yet you are agreeing with trashy talk of your gossipy sister, TL.
She have been trashing me over and over.

You should know better; it is not godly or good Christian thing to do to personally attacking others just because you don't like what's being said.

TL is only immature in her faith, but you both portraying yourselvs as leader type.

Your behavior does not much up your high education, friends.[/QUOTE]

This is very first time you two behaved so low I witnessed.

This thread must be very intimidating for both of you.

Meshak. Once you say something on TOL, that thing is not gossip. Saying you get money from the military and then saying it is bad is a shock. "Wow" is an appropriate thing to say when one is shocked. "I did not know that" is 'why' I was shocked, or the further expression of why. It doesn't make sense or fit.
It is even worse that you attacked AMR in this thread. He merely said "Thank you." I had just given him a message saying he did a good job in a different thread. His response? "Thank you."

Are you sure you want to be this mad and vindictive in thread? Did I say anything to you or about you when I heard that you are getting military money? :nono: I'm still in shock and I'm sorry that is so incredibly offensive to you. I cannot help being in shock. "Wow! I had no idea!" is shock, Meshak. I didn't say anything but that. You have been pretty hard on the both of us, imho. I can take it, I'm a big boy, but I don't think it was deserved. :nono:


So far, all opposes of this thread's claims have been rebutted easily. that's why you guys going down to personal attacks. You have nothing else to defend your position.

I know you cannot come up with anything worthwhile.

Jesus was pacifist and practiced pacifism.

And told His followers to do the same.


Meshak. Once you say something on TOL, that thing is not gossip. Saying you get money from the military and then saying it is bad is a shock. "Wow" is an appropriate thing to say when one is shocked. "I did not know that" is 'why' I was shocked, or the further expression of why. It doesn't make sense or fit.
It is even worse that you attacked AMR in this thread. He merely said "Thank you." I had just given him a message saying he did a good job in a different thread. His response? "Thank you."

Are you sure you want to be this mad and vindictive in thread? Did I say anything to you or about you when I heard that you are getting military money? :nono: I'm still in shock and I'm sorry that is so incredibly offensive to you. I cannot help being in shock. "Wow! I had no idea!" is shock, Meshak. I didn't say anything but that. You have been pretty hard on the both of us, imho. I can take it, I'm a big boy, but I don't think it was deserved. :nono:

Your usual... lengthy post.

You don't have case against this thread. Jesus was pacifist, and practiced pacifism. You can try to focus away from it all you want. Your pro-military position is not of Jesus.


Well-known member
You have me on ignore because I always talk about what Jesus says and what He did. And you don't know much about His word or teachings because you are too busy studying about your lord Calvin's teachings.

You don't even know Jesus practiced pacifism. That's how ignorant you are of Jesus.
:sigh: Luke 3:14? John 2:13-17?
I bowed out of this thread when you asked me to not derail it. Totton was talking about your thread topic as were you and others. I was reading along. "Wow." "I didn't know."

Your lord is Calvin, not Jesus, and you claim to be true and saved Christian, and attack everyone else as non-believers if they don't agree with your trinity doctrine.
Quite a bit of loaded accusation. Did I say anything to you about receiving money from the military, Meshak? :nono: I simply said "Wow" and "I didn't know." That's it. Reread. Look again. That is all that is there.



You can rant all you want.

Jesus is prince of peace. You should not use His name to kill your enemy.

Jesus says to love your enemy.


:sigh: Luke 3:14? John 2:13-17?
I bowed out of this thread when you asked me to not derail it. Totton was talking about your thread topic as were you and others. I was reading along. "Wow." "I didn't know."

Quite a bit of loaded accusation. Did I say anything to you about receiving money from the military, Meshak? :nono: I simply said "Wow" and "I didn't know." That's it. Reread. Look again. That is all that is there.

You continually defend your violent faith.

It will not change the fact that you are deliberately working against Jesus' word.



why are you asking those verses?

How do you read it?

You finished Bible college, you ought to know.



I guess you are not prepared.

that's ok. You can take time.

You see, this thread is lengthy and many pro-military posters already came with their verses but they are all off. they are all laim ones, of course.

I don't believe you can come up anything different because there is none to support violent faith.

I cannot stay up all night.

good night.


Hey Lon,

good morning.

Even if you come up with the same claims, I don't mind rebutting over..

I am happy to do it.

I will do it one by one for my audiences


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
It is not gossip is the truth...the military is your lord, if they withdrew the home you live in and the pension you live on where will you be?

....and it is the American taxpayer who funds it.

You are up to your old tricks.