It is a bizarre theory that is difficult to understand and sounding more like Oneness/modalism than trinitarianism?
The reason it sounds more like Modalism is because it's Monohypostatic. The O/orthodox Trinity doctrine is Dyohypostatic.
The problem is in the English term "person/s" and the quantity. A hypostasis is NOT a "person", it's a substance; and scripture only provides one hypostasis for God.
The greater underlying problem is nobody ever comprehending that eternity is created and God is inherently transcendent TO it and temporality that He created by His Word and His Breath/Spirit.
It is philosophical, not explicitly biblical.
No, it's the inverse. The DyoHypoTrin doctrine is philosophical, not explicitly biblical. It was formulated with terms to specifically counter Neo-Platonism at its own game of semantics; but in the process misrepresented scripture.
Has anyone else ever articulated the same view as you?
Many have tried. I've gleaned a number of resources over the years with others attempting to compensate for the same paradoxes I've pointed out. None have been able to finish the task because none thoroughly exegeted passages like Isaiah 57:15 with other passages like Psalm 33:6.
Is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit personally distinct conscious centers?
No. If they were, that would be a three-souled Deity, which is what YOU have with a DyoHypoTrin view. That's Triadism.
Speak English, not your own philosophical in-house language. You are not communicating, but confusing everyone.
I speak lexically. And it's no different than seminarians who discuss the DyoHypoTrin doctrine.
But let me try to help you recalibrate...
Before God spoke to create.... It was only God as a singular ousia. No eternity. No heaven. Only God is UNcreated. He doesn't exist in a "where" or a "when" as a "what". He is Self-existent.
When He spoke, He inhabited eternity AND temporality when and as He spoke/breathed it into existence by His Logos (Word) and His Pneuma (Spirit). They were both internal until He ex- (out from) -pressed and ex- (out from) -haled them.
What you don't understand is that before creation, God was transcendent to both eternity AND temporality instead of existing IN eternity and being only transcendent to temporality.
God created BOTH the metaphysical/supernatural realm of existence AND the physical/natural realm of existence. He tents in eternity; it's His abode. He dwelleth there for all everlasting. But eternity had an inception. A beginning. Only God Himself is from everlasting to everlasting. Eternity is upheld by Rhema of His power, just as all else is.
The first reason you can't comprehend it is because you think only in terms of two dimensions of existence; the everlasting and the temporal. Though God inhabits both, He is inherently transcendent TO both. He created them. He created ALL. He alone is UNcreated. The only reason eternity is everlasting is because of God's own inherent eternality upholding it forever.
The next reason you can't comprehend it is because you don't know anything about the processions of the Logos and the Pneuma.
But the main reason you can't comprehend it is because you don't know what the Rhema is. Rhema is the thing spoken ABOUT. The subject matter OF expression by the Logos. The content. The substance OF utterance or other expression.
The substance OF the Logos was God's OWN substance (hypostasis). So the Word that WAS WITH and WAS God was literally the speaking of God's own substance (hypostasis) out from His own essence into eternity.
The Logos and Pneuma are God's qualitative two-fold hypostasis in eternity and temporality. And the Logos became flesh as the Son in temporality; born by Mary's faith hypostasis believing the hypostasis of God in the Rhema that she heard when the angel spoke to her.
What you don't realize is that the DyoHypoTrin God isn't Self-existent; and is contained in an UNcreated realm to even have existence. He's dependent upon a "where" in ALL opposing historical formulations. That's why they were and are arguing. They're ALL wrong, including the DyoHypoTrin view. NONE account for created eternity, and they all compensate in different ways.
Rather than further divide, I've reconciled ALL other views without compromise. But few will give up their ideology and indoctrination, especially entitled DyoHypoTrins.
So it turns into a bloodbath of rhetoric, with DyoHypoTrins leveraging their tenure and O/orthodox status; but little realizing they're not even representing the original Trinity doctrine, and that they're wrong, too.
It's futile and maddening when others aren't ever willing to consider that their concept might be 5-10% wrong and in need of correction.
I communicate very well and am as articulate as anyone. It's the fact that nobody can process a created eternity very readily; and those who do usually just want to keep their DyoHypoTrin doctrine anyway. They're incompatible.
God's Logos is His literal Logos, not an additional "person" of three in one being that are all in a created eternity. Two-dimensional thought has a difficult time converting to three-dimensional thought. Your entire reality of God compared to His actual reality is like the difference between a square and a cube. (And no, I'm not comparing God to a cube. I'm illustrating the difference in accounting for created eternity.)
This may or may not have helped; but every time I teach live with a dry erase board for illustration, it only takes about 30-45 minutes for minds to begin to open and eyes to see the truth.
I'm teaching an entire staff of Pastors from a large local church of 3000. Once we got to this portion, they balked at first. But after a half hour of clarification from scripture, now they're not DyoHypoTrins any more. They won't go back. They now understand the truth of created eternity and the multi-omni God who created according to Psalm 33:6.