ECT Our triune God


TOL Subscriber
"Eternal Generation of the Son."

That little catch-phrase isn't scripturally represented. Feel free to present scripture. Text. Bible. I know it's rare for you, but give it a shot.

In what manner was the Son ever the literal and actual Logos?

I notice you've abandoned the whole UNcreated and Divine eternity point, even though you still maintain it. :rotfl:

Your immanent and impotent God is contained by a realm of existence that nullifies His actual Self-existence and renders Him incapable of creating ALL.

Your God is subject to eternity. Subordinate. To a realm of existence. To its subsistence. He's not Self-subsistent.

Your tiny little God couldn't create ALL as the Self-existent and Self-subsistent Almighty. Maybe your God is the Gnostic demiurge or something.

What you don't realize is that this truth of the created eternity puts EVERY world religion on the trailer to the dung heap. They're all fighting over metaphysical crumbs.

Sadly, you and all other professing Christians are, too. You don't even recognize the scope of your own professed God; preferring the fallible doctrines of men that only got most of it right.

And yet... unlike you, I won't damn you and others to a non-salvific lack of faith. It's just ignorance and adamance of the flesh according to your sin condition and lack of stewardship.

Go ahead... Give us the three hypostases for God in scripture. Give us the UNcreated and Divine eternity that IS God.:wave::drum:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Eternal generation of the Son and procession of the Holy Spirit is more Catholic, philosophical rather than explicitly biblical. It may or may not be true (philosophy can be biblical or unbiblical).


TOL Subscriber
That little catch-phrase isn't scripturally represented. Feel free to present scripture. Text. Bible. I know it's rare for you, but give it a shot.

In what manner was the Son ever the literal and actual Logos?

I notice you've abandoned the whole UNcreated and Divine eternity point, even though you still maintain it. :rotfl:

Your immanent and impotent God is contained by a realm of existence that nullifies His actual Self-existence and renders Him incapable of creating ALL.

Your God is subject to eternity. Subordinate. To a realm of existence. To its subsistence. He's not Self-subsistent.

Your tiny little God couldn't create ALL as the Self-existent and Self-subsistent Almighty. Maybe your God is the Gnostic demiurge or something.

What you don't realize is that this truth of the created eternity puts EVERY world religion on the trailer to the dung heap. They're all fighting over metaphysical crumbs.

Sadly, you and all other professing Christians are, too. You don't even recognize the scope of your own professed God; preferring the fallible doctrines of men that only got most of it right.

And yet... unlike you, I won't damn you and others to a non-salvific lack of faith. It's just ignorance and adamance of the flesh according to your sin condition and lack of stewardship.

Go ahead... Give us the three hypostases for God in scripture. Give us the UNcreated and Divine eternity that IS God.:wave::drum:

It is encumbent to uphold your scheme, for you to belittle the doctrine of Eternal Generation, due to your speculation that eternity is created.

You would be admitting Arianism if you claimed the Son was begotten in your supposedly created eternity.

The Son of God has always been God the Son; eternal and uncreate.

Hebrews 13:8

The Son of God possesses deity in His Person, as well as a subsistential, eternal, relation to the Father. (paraphrasing John Calvin)

(And I never claimed eternity was God. You simply choose to misrepresent my words in this fashion, because it sounds like a good retort for your cause.)


TOL Subscriber
It is encumbent to uphold your scheme,

It's not MY scheme, though an UNcreated and Divine eternity that subordinates God is YOUR scheme, along with your deluded peers.

for you to belittle the doctrine of Eternal Generation,

I don't belittle it. It's just a contrivance of compensation in DypHypo context to limit a Supreme and Almighty Self-existent and Self-subsistent God with a Son who is only 1/3 OF God (since He's not either of the other two alleged hypostasis, even with the further band-aid of perichoresis).

due to your speculation that eternity is created.

It's not speculation. I have exegesis not yet presented. I'm waiting for you to provide YOUR evidence for an UNcreated and Divine eternity that can't and won't ever be forthcoming.

Mine will be posted in short course of time after you demonstrate your utter inability to support your condescending attacks and fallacious conceptualizations unrepresented by the text.

You would be admitting Arianism if you claimed the Son was begotten in your supposedly created eternity.

Which is one of the reasons I'm not an Arianist. LOL.

The Son of God has always been God the Son; eternal and uncreate.

Yep. As the Logos. The literal and actual Logos. The Son and the Logos are coterminous.

Hebrews 13:8

I addressed this in my repsonse to Lon. Read it or don't.:wave:

The Son of God possesses deity in His Person,

Before the Incarnation... what is a "person"? In the Incarnation, it's a dual-natured Theanthropos that's a prosopon ("person"). What are "eternal persons"? Hypostases is O/orhtodox, and it's fallacious. You give it a shot.

as well as a subsistential, eternal, relation to the Father. (paraphrasing John Calvin)

I couldn't care less what Calvin says. He explicitly infers F/S/HS to be multiple hypostases. Fail.

(And I never claimed eternity was God.

Sure you did. You specifically said eternity was/is Divine. UNcreated.

You simply choose to misrepresent my words in this fashion, because it sounds like a good retort for your cause.)

Nope. You yourself expressed that eternity is UNcreated and Divine. That's God, however you what to wiggle and squirm.

Your God is miniscule and couldn't create ALL. He's subordinate to the existence and subsistence of your UNcreated and Divine eternity.

The one true and living God is Self-existent and Self-subsistent, upholding ALL things by the Rhema of His dunamis. That aidios dunamis and Theiotes is eterenal. Eternrity is created and everlasting.

You can provide scripture any time :wave:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
LOLOL. Ummm... not even close. Though in an elevated sense, you and most others come dangerously close. It's unwitting out of pure ignorance and indoctrinated, though; so there's mercy for that.
Beware of the lure of the minority view. It is enticing and appeals to our personal arrogance as the lingering effects of noetic sin in all of us.

You stand outside the bounds of the church militant that has spoken on this matter for many, many hundreds of years.I am not claiming we have here some sort of Procrustean bed, but there is a limit to how far one may stray and be considered within the bounds. You have crossed that boundary. We do not interpret Scripture in isolation as does the Lone Ranger Just Me and My Bible believer. No, we interpret Scripture in community with others. Who are the "others" in your camp as godrulz has already asked? What church do you attend and submit yourself to its authorities? Or are you, as I suspect, one of the many stentorian recusants that frequent discussion sites who possess peculiar views?

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No need to "see". I'm not a Pantheist in the least, unlike most others unwittingly are.
Walks like one, speaks like one, then....

I'm not Shodan D'Souza. He is a former Modalist who copied my content onto his personal blog with my permission. I don't know him apart from brief acquaintance online.
No one claimed you were D'Souza. The company you keep, above.

Interesting captures from some early writings. I wouldn't still express it all in exactly those terms since that was just prior to my undestanding that eternity is created.
So clean up the earlier inchoate streams of consciousness and outline in detail your views, rather than the eristic playing twenty questions and gotcha in this thread. Persons grow weary with your Whack-A-Mole tactics. Lay out your views in detail for examination. Can you do so?

You're not the final arbiter of truth by any means, especially most likely being a functional Triadist professing to be an O/orthodox Creedal Trinitarian.
The man who continues to whine about being attacked personally who uses dysphemism when referring to the position of his opponents, notwithstanding, of course. Just sayin'.

In any case... God is not three hypostases ("persons") in scripture (nor three prosopoa for any assertion of a singular hypostasis for the one "being"). And you have an immanent and impotent God who couldn't and didn't create ALL. The DyoHypoTrin God is dependent upon an UNcreated realm of existence that contains and constrains Him, not being Self-existent and Self-subsistent. And the processions of the Logos and the Pneuma were ex- and ek- (John 8:42 and 15:26), NOT INternal as is purported by the Early Fathers and Thomas Aquinas.
More moonbeam lingo of the Gnosticist. Come back down to earth and try to construct more luculent posts as we all are near faint in the rarefied atmosphere you are breathing. By the way, what exactly do you think the church meant when it referred to the personal subsistences as "persons"?

I'm not a Pantheist.
Yes, you are. Given your misunderstandings of Gnosticism, it is no wonder you cannot see your own delitescent position clearly. What formal theological education do you possess? Are you mainly self-taught as this would explain much of your confusion. You have some of the vocabulary but you appear very confused about how these specialized words have been used historically and should be used. What are some of the major works you have read that form the core of your position? Who would be the one author you would point to, Scripture notwithstanding of course, that speaks closest to your views?

My contention that the utterly transcendent God's literal substance became flesh rules out any form of Gnosticism;
You ignore the full scope of Gnosticism and its claims to secret knowledge possessed by only the select few.

I'm not many other things that I've been labeled and called, either. I'm a Monohypostatic Trinitarian.
The hypostatic union is not:

1. a denial that Christ was truly God (Ebionites, Elkasites, Arians);
2. a dissimilar or different substance (anomoios) with the Father (semi-Arianism);
3. a denial that Christ had a genuine human soul (Apollinarians);
4. a denial of a distinct person in the Trinity (Dynamic Monarchianism);
5. God acting merely in the forms of the Son and Spirit (Modalistic Monarchianism/Sabellianism/United Pentecostal Church);
6. a mixture or change when the two natures were united (Eutychianism/Monophysitism);
7. two distinct persons (Nestorianism);
8. a denial of the true humanity of Christ (docetism);
9. a view that God the Son laid aside all or some of His divine attributes (kenoticism);
10. a view that there was a communication of the attributes between the divine and human natures (Lutheranism, with respect to the Lord's Supper); and
11. a view that Jesus existed independently as a human before God entered His body (Adoptionism).

The Chalcedonian Definition is one of the few statements that all of orthodox Christendom recognizes as the most faithful summary of the teachings of the Scriptures on the matter of the Incarnate Christ. The Chalcedonian Definition was the answer to the many heterodoxies identified above during the third century.

Here is my promise to you. The next time you venture forth with a post on this sacred topic that includes one of your frequent "LOL"s or the mordant equivalent, coupled with your contumelious approach, I will part ways with the discussion. Either you are a feckless juvenile in maturity or just trying to appear "kewl". You are not texting on a cell phone to your girlfriends. In either case such a posture is dishonoring to God for the matter at hand. Either grow up or drop the act, comporting yourself in the manner that the subject deserves (Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8).

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TOL Subscriber
Beware of the lure of the minority view.

Beware of the lure (and laziness and incompetence) of the MAJORITY view (even though there are many Trinity variant and modern dilution has yielded Triadism with multiple sentient consciousnesses for the alleged multiple hypostases that don't exist in scripture).

Think Gideon, etc.

It is enticing and appeals to our personal arrogance as the lingering effects of noetic sin in all of us.

Gnosis puffs up. Epignosis and oida do not. You seem to be competent with the Greek. You should know the difference, I would think.

The greater danger is the arrogance of the indoctrinated ideology that is inherited without due scrutiny. The Early Fathers were NOT inspired, nor were the Councils and their results. They got most of it right, and I retain every sub-tenet in the reformulation to include created eternity that EVERYONE missed.

It's not arrogance. It's humility to lay down one's psuche-life for others when there's been an error. Me demeanor online often comes from the nasty arrogance and condescension of the ideologized indoctrinates of DyoHypoTrin paradoxical error of conceptualization. And most are functional Triadists anyway.

Feel free to provide the three hypostases ("persons") from scripture at any time.

You stand outside the bounds of the church militant that has spoken on this matter for many, many hundreds of years.

And they've anathematized, stigmatized, exiled, and murdered for it. I wouldn't make that historical point as a positive thing. The behavior of most DyoHypoTrins is deplorable.

DyoHypo Trinity is not Apostolic. It's not scriptural. It's 95% correct, but needs to be reconciled to the truth. Just like both sides of the ridiculous dichotomy of Calvinism and Arminianism (and others).

We do not interpret Scripture in isolation as does the Lone Ranger Just Me and My Bible believer.

I accept the 95% that is correct. I don't accept the three hypostases that are unscriptural and the UNcreated eternity that has never been addressed according to scripture.

I affirm ALL the sub-tenets, and have laboriously maintained them.

No, we interpret Scripture in community with others.

Ahhh, yes; the dialectic consensus and authority of men over the didactic authority of God by His Word and His Spirit. Just like the serpent and Eve in the Garden.

I invite collaboration. I despise dialectic over didactic. I'm not a Communitarian, I'm a Christian.

Who are the "others" in your camp as godrulz has already asked?

Everyone who hears it in a live teaching setting. Nobody has ever bothered to challenge the O/orhodox status quo in this manner. That's not my fault.

Millions in agreement on error means nothing. Millions insisting on three "persons" (hypostases) for God means nothing. Only the didactic truth of God's Word by His Spirit means anything.

It's not an either/or. I affirm the vast majority, but reject the unscriptural. That has entailed much stewardship of scholarship.

It's easy just to accept and affirm whatever ideology and indoctrination has been mandated by the power mongers. The human condition craves conformity for acceptance in that regard. Beware of THAT.

What church do you attend and submit yourself to its authorities?

The one and only true bride of Christ. There aren't multiple Churches, just as God isn't multiple hypostases. I attend a DyoHypostatic Trinitarian non-denominational Evangelical local fellowship, with whose doctrine I don't wholly concur or accept or yield to. I follow others' leadership and authority as they follow Christ. I submit to all positions of authority over me, but that doesn't trump the truth of scripture if there's a distinction.

As I've said a bazillion times, feel free to provide the three hypostases Sola Scripture or otherwise.


TOL Subscriber
Walks like one, speaks like one, then....

I've made it clear in many ways I'm not a Pantheist. I don't represent ANY form or degree of emanation. You've inferred this as you've erroneously inferred the three hypostases as the foundation of your faulty doctrine.

No one claimed you were D'Souza. The company you keep, above.

I don't keep company with him. He lives in India. I know him quite casually from the internet. See above, yourself.

So clean up the earlier inchoate streams of consciousness and outline in detail your views, rather than the eristic playing twenty questions and gotcha in this thread.

I'm learned that the more I delineate, the more confused accusations come forth from clueless Trinitarians who don't know much of their own doctrine except pseudo-creedal descriptions. I've found it much more useful to distill my approach to a small profile of assertions and challenges, and it's been at the behest of others who don't like verbose and extended posts.

Persons grow weary with your Whack-A-Mole tactics.

Yes, I sure do. Like yours that I'm both a Pantheist and a Gnostic, among other things.

Lay out your views in detail for examination.

I will. It starts with the apophatic relative to the DyoHypo view. If you can't see the problems in that criticism, you won't have much desire or understanding of the truth anyway.

So far, you've ignored the fact that three hypostases are nowhere represented in scripture and that eternity is unaccounted for in all creation views.

Can you do so?

Yes, indeed. Can you? Can you provide your doctrine with scriptural terminology for the alleged multiple "persons"?

The man who continues to whine about being attacked personally who uses dysphemism when referring to the position of his opponents, notwithstanding, of course. Just sayin'.

It's responsive. Do you know the difference between initiative and response? From my first post in this thread, I've responded to other posters' assertions and attitude.

I do genuinely appreciate an extensive vocabulary, so I can't help but like you for that, regardless of anything else.

You'll notice I disarmed myself immediately when Lon backed up to do so. Those exchanges have been quite cordial, and I truly respect his attempts to go beyond the status quo. Commendable and rare.

More moonbeam lingo of the Gnosticist.

Yeah, us Gnostics who affirm the utterly transcendent God Himself embodied His own Logos in flesh by ontological substance. Not one Gnostic in history would accept my position. God's Logos became flesh. Literal and actual flesh.

At what point was your doctrine's Son the literal and actual Logos? It's merely a title. He wasn't.

Come back down to earth and try to construct more luculent posts as we all are near faint in the rarefied atmosphere you are breathing.

That's for sure. Few DyoHypoTrins can even converse at the level necessary to comprehend or defend the doctrine or assess another.

By the way, what exactly do you think the church meant when it referred to the personal subsistences as "persons"?

First, it did NOT mean individuated sentient consciousnesses as multiple minds/wills (souls). And why does it matter? There aren't three hypostases ("subsistences") in scripture. It's a band-aid to compensate for the ignorance of eternity being created, with the processions of the Logos and the Pneuma being ex-/ek- God's own Self-subsistence and Self-existence INTO eternity when/as He created it. A realm of existence doesn't contain or constrain Him to its existence and subsistence.

God isn't multiple hypostases, regardless of what you assign them to be called in any other receptor language. And all "persons" terminology came from hypostases. Period. And the express image OF a hypostasis is a prosopon, NOT another hypostasis with yet a third hypostasis arbitrarily assigned to the HS for purported "equality". Even Calvin did that. I can recite his Institutes if necessary. He coulda really reformed the faith for correction rather than introducing a false dichotomy (though necessary contemporarily because of the Indulgences, etc.).

Yes, you are.

And there you have it. A likely Triadist insisting I'm an emanationistic Pantheist when I've clearly made exhaustive apophatic AND cataphatic distinctions to the contrary. It's obtuse.

Given your misunderstandings of Gnosticism, it is no wonder you cannot see your own delitescent position clearly.

I'd wager I've studied the Gnostic belief systems far more than most, including you.

What formal theological education do you possess?

Bible College Bachelor's. As a lost DyoHypoTrin. Doesn't mean much, just like many others'. I guess you think the education of men is superior to the Spirit of God. More dialectic. Most Trin professors cluelessly spew multiple hypostases and all the rest.

Are you mainly self-taught as this would explain much of your confusion.

Mainly in the sense of "since salvation", yes. Maybe I shoulda been more indoctrinated by men's dialectic like you and many others. Nah.

You have some of the vocabulary but you appear very confused about how these specialized words have been used historically and should be used.

Please enlighten me according to your indoctrination and dialectic education, then. In what manner do you plan to insert three hypostases into the inspired text to justify your error? They're either there or they aren't. They aren't. Nothing else will suffice, including self-refuting personal pronouns and pros in John 1:1. Been there.

What are some of the mjor works you have read that form the core of your position?

For background to understand O/orthodoxy? Every Ante-Nicene writing extant. Many others. Most of the Systematic Theologies, like Grudem, etc.

The core of my position comes from the Greek text, not sources by men. That doesn't mean I haven't read them. Why overestimate yourself and underestimate others who disagree with the errors of you view and the means you've utilized to be dogmatized into it?

Who would be the one author you would point to, Scripture notwithstanding of course, that speaks closest to your views?

None. I've searched extensively, and nobody has ever realized eternity is created. Most detractors to O/ortho doctrine just migrate to another historical camp or apostatize.

You ignore the full scope of Gnosticism and its claims to secret knowledge possessed by only the select few.

I don't claim secret knowledge at all. I claim that the majority have knowledge of 95% of the truth but haven't had the cojones to challenge the O/orhto view while retaining every sub-tenet in reformulation to represent the truth of a created eternity at the foundation of it all. It's not about "secret" knowledge, it's about "correct" knowledge instead of "incorrect" knowlege.

I'm fine with those who insist on an unformulated "F/S/HS are all God somehow, but I don't really have any idea how. I just believe they all are somehow, and maybe God will help me understand by grace through faith, just like salvation comes. If not, I know F/S/HS are all God." That's not very secret or demaning, now is it?

God is Self-existent and Self-subsistent. God is NOT inherently constrained to eternity for His inate and intrinsic existence and subsistence. And He most certainly is NOT multiple subsistences (substances/"perons") in one substance (essence/"being"). And I'm not the one who made the hypostases into ridiculous and anthropomorphically-literal English "persons" with individuated centers of sentient consciousness. That's Triadism, and it's rampant now.

The hypostatic union is not:

1. a denial that Christ was truly God (Ebionites, Elkasites, Arians);
2. a dissimilar or different substance (anomoios) with the Father (semi-Arianism);
3. a denial that Christ had a genuine human soul (Apollinarians);
4. a denial of a distinct person in the Trinity (Dynamic Monarchianism);
5. God acting merely in the forms of the Son and Spirit (Modalistic Monarchianism/Sabellianism/United Pentecostal Church);
6. a mixture or change when the two natures were united (Eutychianism/Monophysitism);
7. two distinct persons (Nestorianism);
8. a denial of the true humanity of Christ (docetism);
9. a view that God the Son laid aside all or some of His divine attributes (kenoticism);
10. a view that there was a communication of the attributes between the divine and human natures (Lutheranism, with respect to the Lord's Supper); and
11. a view that Jesus existed independently as a human before God entered His body (Adoptionism).

I wasn't referring to the Hypostatic Union, Cyrillian or otherwise. I don't affirm any of those heresies. I intentionally and carefully have avoided them all.

The Chalcedonian Definition is one of the few statements that all of orthodox Christendom recognizes as the most faithful summary of the teachings of the Scriptures on the matter of the Incarnate Christ.

Too bad, because there aren't three hypostases in scripture. Period.

The Chalcedonian Definition was the answer to the many heterodoxies identified above during the third century.

Recognized and agreed. I probably hold the Ante-Nicene Fathers and others in higher esteem than you. The end result was still only 95% of the truth, and omitted the central fixture of creation FOR which ALL opposing historical views were attempting to compensate.

Here is my promise to you. The next time you venture forth with a post on this sacred topic that includes one of your frequent "LOL"s or the mordant equivalent, coupled with your contumelious approach, I will part ways with the discussion.

Fine. I couldn't care less. I endure the vitriolic arrogance condescension of DyoHypoTrin ad hominem on an ad infinitum basis. I won't be stoic in compliance with your false demands of imposed and perceived reverence. Converse or don't. I don't place such inane conditions on you or your peers. I don't acquiesce to such. If sarcasm is appropriate to relieve tension, I'll utilize it. So suit yourself.

Either you are a feckless juvenile in maturity or just trying to appear "kewl".

OR... Dealing with entitled and arrogant purveyors of the dialectic with false self-assurance of nearly two millennia of power-mongering.

You are not texting on a cell phone to your girlfriends.

And you're not addressing your child or pet or slave. Have your faith unto God, and do what you wish. Don't stipulate or condescend to me or anyone else with some over-mature tone of superiority. Withdraw at your own discretion. I'm not compelled by heretics' demands.

(And please note my definition of heresy is according to the Greek text rather than etymology subsequent to Iraeneus' "Against Heresies", which I've read, BTW, among many others.)

In either case such a posture is dishonoring to God for the matter at hand.

That's your opinion as subjective truth you've chosen for yourself. I honor God with the truth of Theology Proper. He knows my heart. Be accountable for yourself, not others.

Either grow up or drop the act, comporting yourself in the manner that the subject deserves (Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8).


I do comport myself in a befitting manner. It's your peers you need to rebuke en masse. Grow up, yourself. Find the truth instead of error. Come to completeness and maturity in Christ, not according to man's doctrine and cultural social standards.

God is NOT three hypostases. Eternity is NOT UNcreated. Refute if you can.
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Well-known member
Beware of the lure of the minority view. It is enticing and appeals to our personal arrogance as the lingering effects of noetic sin in all of us.

You stand outside the bounds of the church militant that has spoken on this matter for many, many hundreds of years.I am not claiming we have here some sort of Procrustean bed, but there is a limit to how far one may stray and be considered within the bounds. You have crossed that boundary. We do not interpret Scripture in isolation as does the Lone Ranger Just Me and My Bible believer. No, we interpret Scripture in community with others. Who are the "others" in your camp as godrulz has already asked? What church do you attend and submit yourself to its authorities? Or are you, as I suspect, one of the many stentorian recusants that frequent discussion sites who possess peculiar views?


recusant: refusing to submit, comply

As in, submit ones interpretation of scripture to someone else's interpretation of scripture, in effect, elevating the other's interpretation to be as authoritative as the scriptures themselves.

So much for Sola Scriptura.


TOL Subscriber
recusant: refusing to submit, comply

As in, submit ones interpretation of scripture to someone else's interpretation of scripture, in effect, elevating the other's interpretation to be as authoritative as the scriptures themselves.

So much for Sola Scriptura.


Notice they hate someone who adamantly affirms the Deity of Christ and avoids ALL their stipulated heresies.

So it ain't about the Deity of Christ at all. It's about THEIR doctrine. That's why I have empathy for others with Theology Proper that I don't affirm.

I affirm that F/S/HS are all distinct all uncreated, all eternal, all non-modal, all concurrent, all con-essential and con-substantial ontological Deity by essence/substance/susbsistence; and it's not enough.

I avoid Pantheism and PanEntheism/PanenTheism, and virtually every other ism known to man. I profer an extensive and concise affirmations list, both apophatic and cataphatic. I include all the major heresies in my specific disaffirmations.

Then I disclose the central issue of multiple hypostases not being in scripture, and call attention to the fact that eternity is created.

The bottom line... If you're not a DyoHypoTrin as part of the power clique, you're nothing. And you better have a Seminary degree and a few doctorates to be considered worthy to even speak about the three hypostases that aren't in scripture.

Same song. Quadrillionth verse. Next. :wave:


TOL Subscriber
recusant: refusing to submit, comply

As in, submit ones interpretation of scripture to someone else's interpretation of scripture, in effect, elevating the other's interpretation to be as authoritative as the scriptures themselves.

So much for Sola Scriptura.

Sola Scriptura is the belief that Scripture interprets Scripture, and that Scripture is the final authority in matters of faith and practice.

Sola Scriptura does not give license to self-proclaimed prophets who supposedly have experienced epiphanies, the right to speculate, rewrite, add to or omit, from its own divine body of revelations and propositions and promises.

Any arrogant religious guru who comes along saying "God saith thus" to me alone, (when God has NOT saith) had better be able to support his claims by giving answer to every word written in the Holy Scriptures . . . else that one will be deemed a false prophet and a minion of Satan.
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TOL Subscriber

I think this is your PDF, but it may just be one you affirm. Here's a brief excerpt to delineate the fallacy of your Triadism.

The Holy Spirit is a Person: A self-conscious Being capable of thought, will, interaction with others.

Here, the HS is referred to as a "Person" (Hypostasis) AND a "Being" (Ousia); also indicating an individated center of self-consciousness capable of thought and will. That's necessarily a mind (nous) and a will (thelo).

That's Triadism. A hypostasis was never stipulated as comprising ANY properties of individuated human-esque mental or volitional functionality. That's multiple souls. God is NOT tri-psuchos.

Phronema (Romans 8:27) is NOT a mind. It's the result of thinking. And boule (1Corinthians 12:11) is NOT an active and conscious will. Boule denotes the UNconscious willing and passive inward predisposition, NOT conscious resolution urging on to action.

This is appropriate interfuncionality of the conjoined soul-spirit; the soul having the mind, while the spirit functions co-inherently with the results of the mind and will via communion and intuition.

Epic fail, even according to O/orthodox Trinity standards.

Triadism. It's everywhere. That's why all the Trinity opponents refer to Trinity as Polytheistic. The original was not, but modern Triadism is precariously close and crosses the line conceptually in most minds.

That's why I was lost as a DyoHypoTrin. I was in the same boat. And that doesn't reflect on any others or impugn anyone else's salvation. That judgment belongs to God alone, and according to His mercy and grace. I don't pretend to know the bounds of it in this regard.

But that PDF was an absurd negation of the O/orthodox Trinity doctrine itself. If I were one of your peers, I'd call it blasphemous that the HS was declared both a "person" AND a "being"; but I'm not like that.


TOL Subscriber

Notice they hate someone who adamantly affirms the Deity of Christ and avoids ALL their stipulated heresies.

So it ain't about the Deity of Christ at all. It's about THEIR doctrine.


Proper and biblical teaching of the Deity of Christ must be founded on the entire revelation of God that without doubt, teaches a Triune Godhead.

The bottom line... If you're not a DyoHypoTrin as part of the power clique, you're nothing. And you better have a Seminary degree and a few doctorates to be considered worthy to even speak about the three hypostases that aren't in scripture.

Actually, that is quite right. (Not that Trinitarians are a "power clique", but Trinitarian Christians are the product of sound teaching founded in Holy Scripture and protected by the wisdom of the historical church creeds.)

To reject the need and wisdom of either, is just plain ignorant and produces nothing but hysterical skepticism, humanistic theory, mysticisms, heresies, and the whole list of theological errors that AMR has already listed.

This is exactly why non-Trinitarians should not be allowed to participate on this Exclusive Christian Forum, for all such spread nothing but falsehood and spiritual pitfalls.

Same song. Quadrillionth verse. Next. :wave:

Your dismissive and snide attitude, does you no favors. Posters on this forum do not practice to resorting to "proof-texts" to offer apologetics for their faith, but rely by faith in every word spoken by God as being the foundation of their beliefs.

Such foundation and formation of systematic theology prepares them to spot deviant fakes and counterfeits very quickly.

You are trying to sell falsehood in the wrong place. Go somewhere else to get your egotistic and religious "fix." It will not be provided to you by the sound Christians on this site.



TOL Subscriber
Sola Scriptura is the belief that Scripture interprets Scripture, and that Scripture is the final authority in matters of faith and practice.

Which part of scripture that says God is three hypostases interprets scripture that says God is three hypostases? Nada, Nang.

Sola Scriptura does not give license to self-proclaimed prophets who supposedly have experienced epiphanies, the right to speculate, rewrite, add to or omit, from its own divine body of revelations and propositions and promises.

Since you're likely referring to me... I'm not a prophet. I'm a God-called Didaskalos, though. I haven't had any epiphanies. I don't speculate, rewrite, add to or omit. That's what YOU and YOUR PEERS have done since Nicea.

Oh... I see you get to have divine revelations, and you get to have propositions and promises for DyoHypoTrins that you don't allow for others.

Power-mongering. That's all it is. You have nothing but an vague appeal to history and an institutional church. The Church didn't decide the doctrine. Bishops alone did by the dialectic with an agenda. They were more concerned with ridding themselves of a threat than with the absolute truth.

I guess Arians are O/orhtodox, since there was intermittent Arian O/orhtodoxy. You can't point to one side of a political struggle and ignore the other side.

You have NO scriptural foundation for the very underpinning terms that your doctrine MUST have to even exist beyond bare inference and leveraged speculation.

Any arrogant religious guru

I'm not the one with puffed-up gnosis. I'm the one with love that has abounded yet more and more in epignosis (via oida). Maybe learn what that is and you can deflate.

who comes along saying "God saith thus" to me alone,

I said no such thing. This is your lashing out because of cognitive dissonance and ignorance. If you could refute my challenges, you certainly would. It's not possible. I've covered it all.

(when God has NOT saith)

Remind me when God said He was three hypostases.

Right. Never. It was made up to superimpose upon scripture. This is just what people do when their foundational error of faith is destroyed. Denial and lashing out.

had better be able to support his claims by giving answer to every word written in the Holy Scriptures . . . else that one will be deemed a false prophet and a minion of Satan.

I'm not a prophet, so I can't be a false prophet. You'd do well to mind that admonition yourself, as would your peers. EEK!

Show me "every word in the Holy Scriptures" that is three hypostases. Yeah. Didn't think so.

Your UNcreated and Divine eternity that demeans and diminishes God has been exposed along with the fact there aren't three hypostases ANYWHERE in the inspired text.

Now what?


Well-known member

Notice they hate someone who adamantly affirms the Deity of Christ and avoids ALL their stipulated heresies.

So it ain't about the Deity of Christ at all. It's about THEIR doctrine. That's why I have empathy for others with Theology Proper that I don't affirm.

I affirm that F/S/HS are all distinct all uncreated, all eternal, all non-modal, all concurrent, all con-essential and con-substantial ontological Deity by essence/substance/susbsistence; and it's not enough.

I avoid Pantheism and PanEntheism/PanenTheism, and virtually every other ism known to man. I profer an extensive and concise affirmations list, both apophatic and cataphatic. I include all the major heresies in my specific disaffirmations.

Then I disclose the central issue of multiple hypostases not being in scripture, and call attention to the fact that eternity is created.

The bottom line... If you're not a DyoHypoTrin as part of the power clique, you're nothing. And you better have a Seminary degree and a few doctorates to be considered worthy to even speak about the three hypostases that aren't in scripture.

Same song. Quadrillionth verse. Next. :wave:

Such, I think, must come from usurping (your stated agenda) rather than reforming or any of the kind. It is at this point where you actually distanced and ousted yourself. There are any number of such on TOL but the orthodox crowd will not pay attention for too long. If you can prove your point, without trampling scripture, I'd be first in line to adopt what is needed. I'm seeing a mix, rather, of modal, triune, and arian thought which is and I think will continue to be a confused form of all three. I'm not sure you've thought out the degrees of your presentation. In the end, our systematic, though a summary, must embrace the whole of scriptural revelation to remain or be considered orthodox (true to all scripture and to God).


TOL Subscriber
Which part of scripture that says God is three hypostases interprets scripture that says God is three hypostases? Nada, Nang.

Since you're likely referring to me... I'm not a prophet. I'm a God-called Didaskalos, though. I haven't had any epiphanies. I don't speculate, rewrite, add to or omit. That's what YOU and YOUR PEERS have done since Nicea.

Oh... I see you get to have divine revelations, and you get to have propositions and promises for DyoHypoTrins that you don't allow for others.

Power-mongering. That's all it is. You have nothing but an vague appeal to history and an institutional church. The Church didn't decide the doctrine. Bishops alone did by the dialectic with an agenda. They were more concerned with ridding themselves of a threat than with the absolute truth.

I guess Arians are O/orhtodox, since there was intermittent Arian O/orhtodoxy. You can't point to one side of a political struggle and ignore the other side.

You have NO scriptural foundation for the very underpinning terms that your doctrine MUST have to even exist beyond bare inference and leveraged speculation.

I'm not the one with puffed-up gnosis. I'm the one with love that has abounded yet more and more in epignosis (via oida). Maybe learn what that is and you can deflate.

I said no such thing. This is your lashing out because of cognitive dissonance and ignorance. If you could refute my challenges, you certainly would. It's not possible. I've covered it all.

Remind me when God said He was three hypostases.

Right. Never. It was made up to superimpose upon scripture. This is just what people do when their foundational error of faith is destroyed. Denial and lashing out.

I'm not a prophet, so I can't be a false prophet. You'd do well to mind that admonition yourself, as would your peers. EEK!

Show me "every word in the Holy Scriptures" that is three hypostases. Yeah. Didn't think so.

Your UNcreated and Divine eternity that demeans and diminishes God has been exposed along with the fact there aren't three hypostases ANYWHERE in the inspired text.

Now what?

Such is your argument.

Sound Christians will counter that the entire revelation (bible) of God teaches the Trinity.

If you disagree, get off this forum, for you do not belong here and you will find no converts here.



TOL Subscriber

Great response, as always. :wave:

Proper and biblical teaching of the Deity of Christ must be founded on the entire revelation of God

Yep. Not YOUR false and incomplete doctrine of men's dialectic over the didactic truth of God and His Word by His Spirit.

that without doubt, teaches a Triune Godhead.

Neither Theotes nor Theiotes (Godhead for both) are plural. They're both singular. "Godhead" is an adopted term by early true DyoHypoTrins (not Triadists like you and the majority) to indicate "where the three 'persons' all hang out together". There aren't three hypostases.

Actually, that is quite right. (Not that Trinitarians are a "power clique", but Trinitarian Christians are the product of sound teaching founded in Holy Scripture and protected by the wisdom of the historical church creeds.)

Nope. Just a power-clique. Might does NOT make right in this sense. You ignore the deficiencies in your dialectic doctrine, just like Eve did with the serpent.

To reject the need and wisdom of either, is just plain ignorant and produces nothing but hysterical skepticism, humanistic theory, mysticisms, heresies, and the whole list of theological errors that AMR has already listed.

You're desperate. I've avoided ALL the heresies, including a fantasy of God as three hypostases in an UNcreated and Divine eternity. Pure mythology, and in the modern sense of fable rather than the original Greek sense.

There IS no multiple-hypostases God. There IS not UNcreated eternity that is Divine. All fallacy.

This is exactly why non-Trinitarians should not be allowed to participate on this Exclusive Christian Forum,

I'm a Trinitarian. You should read my creedal affirmations, both apophatic and cataphatic.

for all such spread nothing but falsehood and spiritual pitfalls.

Nope. We've had nearly two millennia of that at the hands of YOUR dialectic doctrine of men over the didactic truth of God's Word by His Spirit.

Still no scriptural multiple hypostases from you or anyone else. There's a reason for that, BTW. There aren't three hypostases for God.:wave:

Your dismissive and snide attitude,

Mine? MINE?!?! You've been nothing but nasty in any of your posts. And you've provided nothing but indoctrinated rhetoric and accusation with condescending venom and vitriol.

I have the confident assurance of truth that there aren't three hypostases in the whole of scripture; and that ALL "persons" terminology for DyoHypoTrin doctrine comes from hypostasis (unless one adheres to a pre-Cappadocian position that predates the Constantinopolitan Creed of 381AD and insists ousia is hypostasis and prosopoa is "persons"; but there aren't prosopoa for the Father and Holy Spirit in scripture, either). !!!!

does you no favors.

You reap what you sow.

Posters on this forum do not practice to resorting to "proof-texts" to offer apologetics for their faith, but rely by faith in every word spoken by God as being the foundation of their beliefs.

What a nifty and slimey way of insisting your beliefs are absolute scripture without ever referring to scripture at all. Scripture doesn't have your multiple "persons" in it, by ANY terminology in any language.

Such foundation and formation of systematic theology prepares them to spot deviant fakes and counterfeits very quickly.

Only in dreams without mirrors to behold themselves.

You are trying to sell falsehood in the wrong place.

It's not falsehood. And I'm not selling anything. I'm correcting heresy and schism that has undermined the Church for nearly two millennia.

Go somewhere else to get your egotistic and religious "fix."

I'll stay right here. Go wherever you will. Don't feel compelled to stay around and be thrashed by the exegesis of scripture for your false doctrine that you can't and won't dare present now.

It will not be provided to you by the sound Christians on this site.


I'm not convinced the DyoHypoTrins on this site are Christians. Few/some/many/most are, and few/some/many/most aren't. I can't and won't judge hearts like you and your peers so readily do. I have mercy since I need mercy.

Feel free not to respond further. Your doctrine has been refuted. I know how that must feel, and I understand your acidic tone and disdain for anyone who would dare bring the truth.

Have a great week, and I'll maybe see you on other threads somewhere. :wave:


TOL Subscriber
Such, I think, must come from usurping (your stated agenda) rather than reforming or any of the kind. It is at this point where you actually distanced and ousted yourself. There are any number of such on TOL but the orthodox crowd will not pay attention for too long. If you can prove your point, without trampling scripture, I'd be first in line to adopt what is needed. I'm seeing a mix, rather, of modal, triune, and arian thought which is and I think will continue to be a confused form of all three. I'm not sure you've thought out the degrees of your presentation. In the end, our systematic, though a summary, must embrace the whole of scriptural revelation to remain or be considered orthodox (true to all scripture and to God).

On the contrary... I've distilled it all down to the most basic elements of challenge for reform (actually reconstruction).

There aren't three hypostases in scripture for God. The three "persons" aren't therein represented. That's because there aren't three "same-somethings" that are F/S/HS.

You want to keep an UNcreated and Divine eternity that contains and constrains God. But God is Self-existent and Self-subsistent, and He created ALL, including eternity. (I suppose you'd want an exegesis, but won't provide one for your position. I can do that, BTW. I just think it inequitable to have to counter unsupported presumption and declaration with exegesis.)

Just because YOU confuse what I've said in summary to be some mix of Modal, Triune, and Arian thought; that doesn't mean it IS. Now your understanding has become the standard for MY position. That's called caricaturing. I face it all the time. It's cognitive dissonance.

I'm not the one who's trampled scripture. Three hypostases tramples scripture. An immanent and impotent God tramples scripture. That means DyoHypoTrins have trampled scripture.

It's a hard thing to face and admit. That's the problem, not me or anything I present. I could be ANYTHING and my criticisms and challenges are valid.

Is this how you'd respond to an Atheist? A Deist? Would you just tell them it's their problem if they referred to your three hypostases and your UNcreated and Divine eternity?

I think most would. That's how ideology and dogmatization and indoctrination work.

If we had a chance to sit down face to face and iron out the misunderstandings and caricature, you'd probably have an epiphany. But you nebulously contending I present some caricature of blended views is absurd.

You just won't give up your concept. God is NOT three in the sense that you're convinced of by dogma.

I'm not Arian in the least. I'm not Modalist in the least. I'm not Triune in the sense that you are. To say so is inane. Just because you can't face the error (yes, error; not just mislabeled semantics) of your doctrine, then I can't help you. You don't really seem to want to see it; but that's not unusual, especially online.

I don't know what to tell you if you can't see there aren't three of ANY "same somethings" as "persons" in the text.


TOL Subscriber
Such is your argument.

And it has utterly refuted your doctrine at its core; and you have no argument, even according to your doctrine. All you've done is condescend and declare and accuse and impugn and judge.

Sound Christians will counter that the entire revelation (bible) of God teaches the Trinity.

Alleged Trinitarians often will. That's for sure. It makes no difference what one adamantly declares. You'd say the same of a JW, LDS, or Muslim, etc.

The entire revelation of the Bible (what a cop-out) does NOT represent God as three "persons" in one "being" in an UNcreated eternity that is Divine. LOL.

And you haven't made ANY progress in supporting it to the contrary.

If you disagree, get off this forum, for you do not belong here and you will find no converts here.


I'm not looking for converts. I don't have to get off this forum because I disagree with the false O/orhtodox version of the Trinity and the resulting diluted Triadism you and most others adhere to.

As I understand it, this forum is for those who consider themselves to be Christians. I most certainly am, and I'm a Trinitarian. A Monohypostatic Trinitarian.

Funny how you attempt to discharge me rather than being able to defend your alleged faith from scripture. Ruh-roh, Raggy. :wave:

You don't have to respond to me any more. I promise I'll be fine without your approval or acquiescnence to your error.

But now you and others are without excuse in regards to the truth.


Well-known member
Sola Scriptura is the belief that Scripture interprets Scripture, and that Scripture is the final authority in matters of faith and practice.

Right, but for you the final authority is your creeds. You appeal to them rather than the scriptures. I've seen you do it several times.