Alpha and Omega are expressions of no beginning and no end and are part of His character. To me, this (potentially) is like trying to say that God created 'love.'
I'm not speaking of eternality, the intrinsic trait or characteristic, etc. I'm speaking of eternity. God INhabiteth eternity. I'll ultimately end up posting an exegesis.
God didn't create His "eternality". God created eternity. He tents there. It's His abode. It's not an intrinsic and inate internal constitutent attribute. Eternality is that.
Aspects of His character are uncreated and thus I see 'no duration' as a characteristic of God.
There's duration and elapsation and sequentiality and perpetuity in heaven. Eternity is a place. And abode for God. It's not God. It's not inherently Himself. It's external to Him. He spoke it into existence and filled it with His Pneuma and His Logos. He EX-pressed and EX-haled His Spirit and His Word when/as He created eternity of the heavenly realm.
I'd think you do to and why you are differentiating the terms eternal and everlasting,
I don't differentiate according to Vines. He's far inferior to Zodhiates. Doc Z clearly and correctly indicates that aidios is eternal (without beginning or end) and aionios is everlasting (without end). Eternity had an inception. God's aidios dunamis and Theiotes (and by inclusion, His Theotes) are eternal. All things aionios are everlasting and had an inception.
Your "eternal" life had a beginning. It's everlasting, without end. That's aionios.
but such requires more explanation. I have a lot of patience, but that's me and only because I know I can do nothing about it thus must have it. ▼ See just below for more pertinent information regarding this part of the presentation on this particular website▼
If I'm following, you differentiate between eternal and everlasting but such is going to be difficult in conveyance, on this particular website.
Subjective opinion doesn't affect objective truth. This site is irrelevant.
I do understand that eternal is a non-durative immutable characteristic, but you are on an Open Theology board.
But not in the Open Theology section.
I am not an Open Theist but you are in conversation with one or two that are and this is their board.
So? That doesn't change the truth or that they're wrong.
They deny God is non/super/supra-durative (eternal) but is an everlasting being (and bound by it, oddly).
That's not even God. I know what they profess. Every Open Theist I encounter and engage leaves it behind.
So, I see such distinction as incredibly necessary but such discussion potentially boggles minds quickly when you have folks from such diverse backgrounds representative here on the matter.
Too bad there's such gross error.
Awkward again, even if trying to correct another awkward from another.
Aren't you binding God's identity by conception (a time constraint)?
No. The Logos and the Son are co-terminous.
Wasn't He Son before the foundation of the world?
Check the Greek.
Did an 'even't and 'moment' bestow sonship alone?
No. Conception fulfilled/manifested it.
I believe you need to rethink this quite a bit.
You don't really know what it means in overall context. Unless and until one sees the createdness of eternity and understands the Rhema, it always looks like something else.
Notice John 3:17 and Galatians 4:4 and 1 John 4:10 where "the Son" is sent into the world. See Hebrews 13:8 as well. If whatever you believe denies eternal sonship, I think you've crossed the line.
The eternality of the Son is the eternality of the Logos. I present the ONLY Eternal Son. The DyoHypo Son is eternally UNbegotten. And via an INternal procession. You don't understand the nature of this gross error. Maybe you never will.
You don't seem to be tracking on the actual context.
I'm all for exacting terms, but I'm not convinced lexicology is the only way to go. Avoiding such does require more description, thus more words/lengtheir posts. I suppose such keeps post length down to begin with but lexicology on laymen boards isn't first-choice. If 'forums' are your presentation choice I'm not sure... I'd probably write to Biblio-Sacra with an article submission or something.
I hadn't intended to unfold it in such detail, actually. I just came here to present an apophatic challenge to the DyoHypo error. There's really no way to get to this depth without exclusively presenting it via lexical expression.