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I think that is where the Trinitarians have it wrong.
Jesus is the first born of many bretheren.
Who was glorified to become "Almighty God" in human flesh..
I think that is where the Trinitarians have it wrong.
Jesus is the first born of many bretheren.
Who was glorified to become "Almighty God" in human flesh..
Jesus Christ was glorified as God "before the world was." John 17:5
PPS and Nang address your concern, but again, ask. As far as Triune, I see you gathering and checking your beliefs and I've come to a place where I think this thread can serve you though that wasn't the original intent. I appreciate you discussing rather than attacking the position. Thanks.I think that is where the Trinitarians have it wrong.
Jesus is the first born of many bretheren.
I've actually come to a bit more long-suffering because of the good some others have benefitted from allowing a bit of discussion and even a bit of contention. Being encouraged, my long-suffering has reached a bit further in hope......have the basic decency to heed the guidelines on this forum and avoid this thread. This is the only thread that is off-limits for challenging the broad scope of the Trinitarian Faith...
Originally Posted by Nang View Post
Jesus Christ was glorified as God "before the world was." John 17:5
I've actually come to a bit more long-suffering because of the good some others have benefitted from allowing a bit of discussion and even a bit of contention. Being encouraged, my long-suffering has reached a bit further in hope...
I think those coming to a least an orthodox appreciation is worth a bit of the pain of long-suffering in this thread, at least for me. I know it can become unduly strained at times, however. Thank you (and other Trinitarians) for your long-suffering as well. In Him -Lon
Is it just me or is it true that half the people on this thread make no sense at all -
Though I can be, and am, long-suffering; there are limits. And having been such a staunch opponent of the Trinity for a number of years rather than appropriately challenging aspects from within the boundaries of orthodoxy for clarity and to stand against dilution into Tritheistic concepts; I feel especially compelled to hold a harder line against interlopers (and particularly against extreme Kenoticists in Third Wave Charismaticism, having seen first hand the collateral damage from such heretical silliness).
Kenoticism is Christololgy, and as has been said by Martin Luther and others... ALL theology is Christology. The reason Third Wave Charismaticism depicts Christ with Hegelian Kenoticism is to insist that since He did everything as a man filled with the Holy Spirit, then Believers can doing everything (the "gifts", though they're false continuationism) as a man filled with the Holy Spirit.
Kenoticism denies the hypostatic translation into Christ that is the ontological Gospel of Paul that so few understand anyway. It denies the Christological hypostatic union, and thus our hypostatic union with the Son by faith in this physical life.
The fallout of this sloppy and absurd Christology (which comes fundamentally from Barthian theology, along with Universal Atonement) is that it narrows the potential consideration for legitimate challenges within the faith that can be according to the Reformed tradition (in my sig).
Hegelian Kenoticism is NOT the Church reformed and always reforming, according to the Word of God. It's tangential and supplantational, promoting the epidemic of autocentric Modernist thought as doctrine. In spite of it being centered in Christology, it's not Christocentric at all, but autocentric/anthropocentric. It's only to give Third Wavers and New Apostolic Reformationists the excuse to ignore the finished work of Christ and earn their salvation through the Caped Crusader Christian mentality of "doing the greater works" of alleged healing and giving "words" and falsely prophesying as conjured psychological phenomena.
An anthropocentric false Gospel promoted by obvious false autonomy is not the historical Christian Faith. Having seen the havoc that is being reaked by these "movements", I can't include them as something to be long-suffering toward in all good conscience of contending for truth against the spirit of antichrist.
Hegelian Kenoticism IS (one facet of) the spirit of antichrist within the "Church" as these false Charismaticists include themselves. Relativism, Pluralism, Positivism, and Syncretism are what drive the modern charade of these "movements", appealing sensationally to the flesh while practicing and promoting feigned love and faith.
CR does not bear witness to the historical Christian faith. He does not earnestly contend for clarity within the boundaries of orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Pentecostalism has gone off the rails in the last few decades, and it's part of the Trojan Horse of false hybridization that has been paraded right through the front gates of the City as an alleged "gift" for accomplishing the "gifts". It's a lie of Modernism, Deconstructionism, Reductionism, and Humanism all dressed up in semi-orthodox jargon for all its terms.
"Holy Spirit" without the article. Anthropentric/autocentric "worship" that's all about "Me" and "My" rather than Christocentric. And constant Pneumatocentric references with perpetual incantations and summonings veiled as enthusiasm and "authority" in the "name" of Jesus. Barking orders at "Holy Spirit" (no article). Summoning of "fire" and "more, Lord". It's a sham.
Because of para-church ministry (in prisons and jails), I was affilated for almost three years with a sponsoring "church" that thrived on all this nonsense. It's sickening, and they're programming children and teenagers with a false Gospel of "Me" that includes NO repentance. I was told NOT to ever refer to repentance in counseling or at the altar when members came for salvation during prayer time.
I could spend volumes outlining the false doctrines that are being promoted all across the atrocity that is Third Wave Charismaticism and the New Apostolic Reformation.
So you are a big mouth cessationist. So what is new you believe has "snuffed out" the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that others, who, not unlike yourself who have tried to do that you believe you are someone special that all one has to do is stick with you and see that you are correct?
Son, may I say that you aren't correct even to 1. the degree that there isn't even a "form of godliness" from you by which you might persuade anyone and 2. scripture is full of anti-Christ thinkers as you that all one needs to do is read about them in the life Paul to understand your religious make up and run from it. The Holy Spirit, by Christ Jesus, is still anointing His people in the ways of His Life walk before Him in holiness. Sorry, fella, you ain't there. You have too many humble badges pinned on your shirt.
I'm not a Cessationist AT ALL. The gifts are intact and functional, as they have been since the Apostolic era. But I only support BIBLICAL Continuationism, not false Third Wave Charismaticism and New Apostolic Reformationism. It's a sham, just as you've emphasized with your heretical false Christology and more.
Heretical schismatic interloper, denying the historical Christian Faith for Modernist lies and anthropocentric/autocentric false Charismaticism nonsense.
having been such a staunch opponent of the Trinity for a number of years ...I feel especially compelled to hold a harder line against interlopers.
You call it heretical and me a heretic and never say why.
What does "Charismaticism" you call a sham, mean? Again, you never say. You just accuse from your own worthless religious perspective. Worthless I say, because there is no life in it.
Appreciation and thanks here btw. I'm still two years behind in giving appropriate thanks, but I covered 3 years of thanks this evening and that's where I stopped for now![]()
Your Christology is wack. I've conversed with you at length about it. You don't want to hear the truth. You would have to recant your entire life, and that's not likely to happen.
You've said and still do with nothing to back it up but your "wacked" opinion. As for conversing with me, you obivously haven't done that either. But, no worries, you have nothing I need to hear/read.
False signs and wonders, all for the glory of man as the alleged "greater things" which are works soteriology. Yet your ilk seldom ever really accomplishes much relative to the "gifts" you misportray.
You say false! Why false? Works unto soteriology? All for the glory of man? What stupid things to say . . along with saying my "ilk" sheldom ever really accomplishes" by the Holy Spirit, relative to the gifts. Wow! LOL!! You've lost your marbles! You say, "seldom ever really accomplishes"? What is that all supposed to mean except that you want to read, "Never ever really accomplishes" but can't spit it out? People are being raised from the dead and you think you have an argument???!! Wow!!
I trust you know what the word, "blaspheme" means?
Much appreciated, and humbly so. Though I still contend against multi-hypostaticism as the foundation for the Trinity, I was too broad in my previous onslaught to preserve truth against functional Tritheism that is rampant in modernity.
My zeal was from the fact that it left me lost without Christ for 28 years. Thanks to AMR, Arsenios, Nang, you, and others, I've learned to focus very specifically on my challenges and determined to be a staunch defender of the Reformed tradition (which is what gives me freedom for exegetically-based internal challenges within appropriate boundaries).
You say false! Why false? Works unto soteriology? All for the glory of man?
I trust you know what the word, "blaspheme" means?
All of a man centered religion you have embraced.