ECT Our triune God

Lazy afternoon

And again, I'm beside myself wondering 1) why you are the one attacking me on my thread where I politely asked for none of these contentions and 2) wondering why you are the one appearing on the defensive.

Go back up and look. He didn't say a thing about the thread. He is just drive-by shooting at my character. Of course so are you, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised?

You are the one who defended your doctrine by criticism of anothers character, and then boasted about your education, comparing yourself with other brethren who you regard as deficient and not worth discussing matters with.

Do you ever obey Christs words? Why do you not obey them if you are so above everyone else?

First you say I am on the defensive and then you say I am attacking you.

I think you love yourself too much and that is your main problem.



New member
You wouldn't say that L.A. if you knew him. Why don't you start over with theology & Scripture.


New member
Well then, by all means make sure you are martyred?
Please help me understand what kind of reasoning is going on in that mind.

Apparently Hebrew isn't your strong-suit? Yeah, it could be Sholom (its a Hebrew word) but it is most likely Shalom. It doesn't matter so much about the vowels because these were added in to help with pronunciation and a best guess as to how words would have sounded.

So Shuh - loam in pronunciation could be spelled sholom similarly but shalom tends to be the accepted. If sholom appears in any other language, I'm not aware of it. So yeah, different brain-pools obviously.

Guh, wasn't it you who insisted people have a degree before you listened or heard anything they had to say? 2) Jesus had no degree
3) by logical inference you would not listen to Jesus, but yes to Paul as he murdered the true ones, and called them a cult?
Did Christ go to Pharisee school? Do you?

Trinitarians are worse than Pharisees. They are idolaters.

All Israel are not Israel.

My name may mean peace, but it is not pronounced the same as "peace to you."

Shoaloam, Shaaloam.

You think my name is a greeting? Try correcting the owner will you.


New member
It was nice to see a post that began or tried to have a sound and biblical discussion on the Trinity of God.Sadly as always it descends from the hights of the Word of God to the depths of carnality and the wisdom of men.Those who are not christians do not have nor can have any way of ebven begining to understand the Trinity. For the things of God can only be known by the Spirit of God and if you are not Bornagain by that self same Spirit of God by the Word of God accordign to the Will of the Father then you have no business here. Then you are spirtiualy dead and incapabale of understanding any thing and by the attitudes of those who mock never will unless God has mercy on them.
It can be seen then that if you are truly and biblicly BORNagain then no child of God can deny the Trinity of God .For a person cannot be BORNagain save by the will of the Father through the Son by the power of the Holy ghost.So although one may not be able to adequatley give a good account of it it still never theless is true and that Spirit of truth that now is in the true believe will bare witnes with his spirit the truth of it and the also the utter folly of those who do not. Mock they may and do yet it avails nothing aginst the truth and in the end it will be God who will mock them.
The Trinty of God is where we speak of the very nature of the God head and therefore must walk softly as we aproach the subject even as we would if we went into the Holy place.
Outside of there.There is but the natural light and thus as new born we see and reason much with the natural mind and sight. But even as the unborn cannot comprehend any thing neither can the carnal christian.Who albeit are spiritualy bornagain must needs have thier minds renewed as well and that by the Word of God. So that that which was corrupted in the garden of eden ;the understanding and perception may also be changed and thus the life also is transformed.
For Eve percived or saw that the tree was good to eat. and she reasoned thus "it would make her wise" Thus the mind of man albeit the most logical and reasonable cannt of itself arive at or come to the knowldge fo the truth unless that ma n is willing to be led by HIM who leadeth us into all truth.So fro all doctrins so to with this one as well. I dont beleive a man can say they undrstand it all. But any child of God can in some measure come to give a good acoount of the hope that lieth within them.Thus can in some small measure be as satisfied in his mind as he has become so satisfied in hsi heart with Him who satisfies the longing heart and fills the mouth with good things.
There is then even in this subject and so great a subject much more land to be explored and possesed. We are but at the aproaches .

Good then for the orginal poster who has tried to lift the eyes to such a subject and keep them there. All others who wish to subject all things to thier own reasonings and perceptions even in some cases the bible are on afools errand.
All on the other hand who seek to scale the hights can go where they never can.
For where as to thosee who believe can hear the words that say "Come..." those of another dispostion will walk away of empty hands and even more of heart than when they came.
The joys and peace of knowing and walking with your creator and your God far surpass the minor barbs and arrows and mockings of those whos only inheritence is..........?
"God it not willing that any should perish but that all shoulod come to a knowlegde of the truth"
But to arrive at or come to a knowledge of the truth you must be wiling to follow the good shepherd of our souls who leadeth us in the ways of peace and the truth.
and when you knwo the truth the truth shall set you free.


New member
It was nice to see a post that began or tried to have a sound and biblical discussion on the Trinity of God.Sadly as always it descends from the hights of the Word of God to the depths of carnality and the wisdom of men.Those who are not christians do not have nor can have any way of ebven begining to understand the Trinity. For the things of God can only be known by the Spirit of God and if you are not Bornagain by that self same Spirit of God by the Word of God accordign to the Will of the Father then you have no business here. Then you are spirtiualy dead and incapabale of understanding any thing and by the attitudes of those who mock never will unless God has mercy on them.
It can be seen then that if you are truly and biblicly BORNagain then no child of God can deny the Trinity of God .For a person cannot be BORNagain save by the will of the Father through the Son by the power of the Holy ghost.So although one may not be able to adequatley give a good account of it it still never theless is true and that Spirit of truth that now is in the true believe will bare witnes with his spirit the truth of it and the also the utter folly of those who do not. Mock they may and do yet it avails nothing aginst the truth and in the end it will be God who will mock them.
The Trinty of God is where we speak of the very nature of the God head and therefore must walk softly as we aproach the subject even as we would if we went into the Holy place.
Outside of there.There is but the natural light and thus as new born we see and reason much with the natural mind and sight. But even as the unborn cannot comprehend any thing neither can the carnal christian.Who albeit are spiritualy bornagain must needs have thier minds renewed as well and that by the Word of God. So that that which was corrupted in the garden of eden ;the understanding and perception may also be changed and thus the life also is transformed.
For Eve percived or saw that the tree was good to eat. and she reasoned thus "it would make her wise" Thus the mind of man albeit the most logical and reasonable cannt of itself arive at or come to the knowldge fo the truth unless that ma n is willing to be led by HIM who leadeth us into all truth.So fro all doctrins so to with this one as well. I dont beleive a man can say they undrstand it all. But any child of God can in some measure come to give a good acoount of the hope that lieth within them.Thus can in some small measure be as satisfied in his mind as he has become so satisfied in hsi heart with Him who satisfies the longing heart and fills the mouth with good things.
There is then even in this subject and so great a subject much more land to be explored and possesed. We are but at the aproaches .

Good then for the orginal poster who has tried to lift the eyes to such a subject and keep them there. All others who wish to subject all things to thier own reasonings and perceptions even in some cases the bible are on afools errand.
All on the other hand who seek to scale the hights can go where they never can.
For where as to thosee who believe can hear the words that say "Come..." those of another dispostion will walk away of empty hands and even more of heart than when they came.
The joys and peace of knowing and walking with your creator and your God far surpass the minor barbs and arrows and mockings of those whos only inheritence is..........?
"God it not willing that any should perish but that all shoulod come to a knowlegde of the truth"
But to arrive at or come to a knowledge of the truth you must be wiling to follow the good shepherd of our souls who leadeth us in the ways of peace and the truth.
and when you knwo the truth the truth shall set you free.

You take the exact position of the Roman Catholic Church, which is that the inspiration of Trinity came much later than the first generations of Christians. By revelation and "knowing."

The problems: 1) the first generations were the most vital and arguably had more "annointing" than succeeding generations.
2) the first generations had less organized sin among them
3) the first generation includes the Messiah whom you claim deity for
yet never acknowledges either divinity OR Trinity.

Are you Roman Catholic? And what makes you think only the ones who have revelation can be an idolator? What kind of gnostic revelation do you have? Can you quote the prophesies of a future trinity of the Godhead? Or did this revelation of yours come with no warning?

Lon raises hackles when he starts out by saying the true ones are "cult." The true ones come from the Judaic tradition. And this tradition has the first law that Hashem is One.

You are "cult" and you are the idolator. Go on back to your coven.


New member
Here is the OP, where Lon state's the purpose and intent for this thread:
This thread is specifically for triune believers. No other need or should post here.

I'm personally boycotting these cultists threads against our view. I have found none of them are here to learn a thing and they certainly don't make a cogent or compelling presentation. Its a waste of bandwidth and time from my experience. This thread is for posting material to help us on our way.
Keypurr, Meshak :mmph:


New member
You take the exact position of the Roman Catholic Church, which is that the inspiration of Trinity came much later than the first generations of Christians. By revelation and "knowing."

The problems: 1) the first generations were the most vital and arguably had more "annointing" than succeeding generations.
2) the first generations had less organized sin among them
3) the first generation includes the Messiah whom you claim deity for
yet never acknowledges either divinity OR Trinity.

Are you Roman Catholic? And what makes you think only the ones who have revelation can be an idolator? What kind of gnostic revelation do you have? Can you quote the prophesies of a future trinity of the Godhead? Or did this revelation of yours come with no warning?

Lon raises hackles when he starts out by saying the true ones are "cult." The true ones come from the Judaic tradition. And this tradition has the first law that Hashem is One.

You are "cult" and you are the idolator. Go on back to your coven.

I am not going to get into a foolish debate with you but rather point out that a denial and an accusation or even a presumption is no argument.
If on the other hand you wnated to argue your case or point out my errors using biblical argument and if you are or imply a Jew then use the Old testament I dont mind.
But to simply accuse, make denials and assertions as some sort of rebuff to my argument I simply will not countanence.


New member
I am not going to get into a foolish debate with you but rather point out that a denial and an accusation or even a presumption is no argument.
If on the other hand you wnated to argue your case or point out my errors using biblical argument and if you are or imply a Jew then use the Old testament I dont mind.
But to simply accuse, make denials and assertions as some sort of rebuff to my argument I simply will not countanence.

Boychick, the first command of the Jews means one thing to the grafted in ones:

1) Either Hashem changed His mind when He first told us He was the numerically One God...
2) Or Hashem was always lying, (I do not say this, to mention it is
a liability even)...
or the undeniable possible number (3)
3) God is still numerically One and your trinity is FEH!

Squirm out of that one, boychick.


New member
Here is the OP, where Lon state's the purpose and intent for this thread:
Keypurr, Meshak :mmph:

We protest. We stand in front of your building to do so. You may not like it, and it may hurt your business.

If he wasn't so altogether snobby to begin with, then maybe he could conduct his coven activities. But as with abortion....

We protest! Do it in you own corner. Is this debate or what?
Public forums are not the same as covens in secret.


New member
Start your own protest thread then.

A little respect goes a long way around here. :plain:

Oy, I will respect all who murder their own miracle of life...
just as I respect all who say God is plural.

Funny I never saw that in Torah OR NT. Like I said, coven activities.


Well-known member
Guh, wasn't it you who insisted people have a degree before you listened or heard anything they had to say? 2) Jesus had no degree
3) by logical inference you would not listen to Jesus, but yes to Paul as he murdered the true ones, and called them a cult?
Did Christ go to Pharisee school? Do you?

Trinitarians are worse than Pharisees. They are idolaters.

All Israel are not Israel.

My name may mean peace, but it is not pronounced the same as "peace to you."

Shoaloam, Shaaloam.

You think my name is a greeting? Try correcting the owner will you.
You are assuming Christ is still choosing Apostles. It is my position that that calling is over. It was for the specific period, so yes, I see a huge difference between them and us today. I believe a degree is a must for serious teachers. There are too many wanna-be's today to combat to not be so prepared imo. It is also problematic not to recognize that those following Christ were Jews. They weren't gentiles like you or I so had scriptural training, even if they were fishermen. They were steeped in theology from birth.

As far as your name, why did they give it to you? Didn't your parents know what it meant? Does it mean something in a different language?


Well-known member
this thread is about your trinity god. And am talking about your nonsense talk of your god.

So I am in the right thread, friend.
Yep. I don't expect basic math students to understand algebra. You'd flunk out. Scripture is replete with ideas of "with" and "was."


New member
You are assuming Christ is still choosing Apostles. It is my position that that calling is over. It was for the specific period, so yes, I see a huge difference between them and us today. I believe a degree is a must for serious teachers. There are too many wanna-be's today to combat to not be so prepared imo. It is also problematic not to recognize that those following Christ were Jews. They weren't gentiles like you or I so had scriptural training, even if they were fishermen. They were steeped in theology from birth.

As far as your name, why did they give it to you? Didn't your parents know what it meant? Does it mean something in a different language?

Student Adx said I was being disrespectful but so you started your OP. So I will take the high road here and leave you be.

But you have taken a theological stance which leans heavily upon rationalizations. It denies the prophetic stations of Corinthians not to mention the Rabbinic traditions from thousands of years ago.

Not to mention that it denies the ancient way that a Jew "knows" something. I am not speaking of the gifts in the Church waning so much as what the old ways meant in thought and action regarding the common man as well as to "those to whom the word of God came." The eloyhim of Psalms 82.

Those who loved Hashem would see the glory as it manifests among his prophets. This has never changed in 2000 years, or the 8000 or so before that. This is where we part ways, sir.

Good luck to your class on trinity. May it receive the rewards it deserves.


Well-known member
First you say I am on the defensive and then you say I am attacking you.

I think you love yourself too much and that is your main problem.

Nope, not at all. You can attack me in my own thread where I've asked you not to, no problem. But I don't expect you to get upset when/if I were to put you in your place for doing so. Either you have or you don't have the tools for this thread. If you don't have them and go purposefully out of your way to cause waves, make sure you have a big ship (credentials) and aren't floating in a dingy (alone or with a small crew with no idea how to navigate the ocean but upon a chance and a whim).

If you don't know what scripture actually says, you are tossed about upon every whim and doctrine as Paul warns us to be careful of.


Yep. I don't expect basic math students to understand algebra. You'd flunk out. Scripture is replete with ideas of "with" and "was."

Well, you can claim you are the true scholar all you want. You cannot change the fact that Jesus did not claim "I am God", not even once.

If He was, He would have said so. On the other hand, He claimed He is Son of God tons of times.

You can pretend to be leaned by twisting around and making simple complicated. But that's all it is; just pretending to be leaned, not real, dude.

Trins love to make simple complicated.


Well-known member
1+1+1 = 1

1+1+1 = 1

I think Trinitarianism follows directly from GOD IS LOVE.

For love to be real, it must have an object for its love. Love without a lover is highly suspect...(I mean think about it. Who is the single god loving? Himself?) A relationship of caring and attention is a necessary part of love.

I know we are getting innured to believing in a void full of formless love from Eastern religions but even they, in the end, admit that love retards the person on his path to nirvanah, one reason I turned against them.

So three members of the trinity in a loving relationship fulfills GOD IS LOVE for me just fine. The fact that Satan got his religions in place with fake triunes first is immaterial.

Now, how do I describe this ONE of THREE?

We have no problem identifying a human as part of humanity because we all share the same human attributes.

What is so strange about identifying the Divine Persons from (some of) their Divine attributes?

God the Father is an intelligent, self aware Person capable of pure love and true free will and who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

God the Son is an intelligent, self aware Person capable of pure love and true free will and who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

God the Holy Spirit is an intelligent, self aware Person capable of pure love and true free will and who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

The Divine attributes of these three people form a complete unity called The ONE TRUE LIVING GOD.

This God is our Creator and the sum goodness of all life. God the Son is also the one we know as God incarnate, the man Jesus.
