ECT Our triune God


Well-known member
The Orthodox certainly aren't humble, insisting there can be no greater deeper revelation than a handful of men had 17 centuries ago.

And every generation since then as well...

We are surrounded, my Brother, by a GREAT CLOUD of witnesses...

From generation to generation...

God knows that there are not-humble Orthodox... But humility is the chief of virtues they disciple within and disciple to others... It is the one, singular virtue that the demons do not have the ability to imitate... There is a fake virtue for every genuine one, except humility...

And you are justifying pride by accusing the Orthodox of not being humble EITHER...

And then saying that theirs is but the product of a handful of men 17 centuries ago... When the truth is that this Faith has gone forth into all the world, and has been producing Godly men and women in each and every generation who have what all the Fathers have had, which is theoria of God... And the Gifts thereof...



Literal lunatic
God knows that there are not-humble Orthodox... But humility is the chief of virtues they disciple within and disciple to others... It is the one, singular virtue that the demons do not have the ability to imitate... There is a fake virtue for every genuine one, except humility...


That my little diaper wearin' bro, is why you are yet deceived.


Subtle humility by Satan's finest!!!

Acts 16:17 KJV

17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried , saying , These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

How's that toe on the foot of yer pride feelin' now.

Luv yuh :)


Literal lunatic

Long as the white guy acts black or what????

Call not unclean what I have cleansed.

Not join the world in uncleanliness.

Gotta love the patriots majority white boy offense.

If they did the same with the defense nobody could touch em.

Too bad, so sad, just the way it is.

You do realize the black population is 13%, so that means if they was gettin' a fair shake instead of special treatment there would only be 6 negroes on any given NFL team?
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Well-known member
That my little diaper wearin' bro, is why you are yet deceived.


Subtle humility by Satan's finest!!!

Acts 16:17 KJV

17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried , saying , These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

How's that toe on the foot of yer pride feelin' now.

Luv yuh :)

Sorry, I don't get your point here...

I know you love me and pray for me...


Satan simply cannot do humility...
It ALWAYS comes off fake...
But only if you know what is genuine...

Of course...
ANYTHING can be faked online...



Literal lunatic
Sorry, I don't get your point here...

I know you love me and pray for me...


Satan simply cannot do humility...
It ALWAYS comes off fake...
But only if you know what is genuine...


C'mon man.

Yer not that dense.

Yer brand new athiest hind end didn't know fake from squat when Satan sucked you into his church.

Paul now was another story.

Of course...
ANYTHING can be faked online...

Sorry bro, but they didn't have online back then.I'm talkin' scripture that repudiates yer drivel 'bout Satan's boys not knowing how to fake humility.

Suck it up, son.

Philippians 3:18 KJV

18 (For many walk , of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping , that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
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Well-known member
Long as the white guy acts black or what????

Call not unclean what I have cleansed.

Not join the world in uncleanliness.

Gotta love the patriots majority white boy offense.

If they did the same with the defense nobody could touch em.

Too bad, so sad, just the way it is.

You do realize the black population is 13%, so that means if they was gettin' a fair shake instead of special treatment there would only be 6 negroes on any given NFL team?

I just liked the juxtaposition of the symbol you offered and the one I did.


Well-known member
'Tis true.

But since the Orthodox themselves (whom I do love dearly) have insisted that Theology Proper is an apophatic pursuit with resulting descriptions not really being a definition; it's quite off-putting for them to insist there can be no deeper and further revelation of God's constitution than locked-down ancient declarations by a relatively small number of men who disagreed on much, and especially minutiae.

Nuthin more fun than picking gnat dung out of pepper ... ;)

No ... wait ... that's "strain at a gnat and pass a camel"


TOL Subscriber
And every generation since then as well...

No. By your own accounting, it was A (one) person" (hypostasis) encountered. I asked you repeatedly for ANY occasion of ANYONE encountering the alleged three hypostases at any point.

No one has encountered the Father, as far as I have heard witness from the Orthodox. He dwells in unapproachable light. Others have encountered the Son or the Holy Spirit, but not both.

There isn't a living human in history who has concurrently encountered the alleged three hypostases; and even if someone had encountered Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in such a manner, it STILL DOESN'T mean they're individuated hypostases.

It's a doctrinal formulaic. And it's an inversion of the true uni-hypostatic multi-phenomenality of God. God is not Gorilla-glued siamese triplets. The one God is the Father, as is His Logos and Pneuma. You should actually be quite thankful the Holy Spirit is not an individuated hypostasis, because He hypostatically co-inheres YOU to the Son.

We are surrounded, my Brother, by a GREAT CLOUD of witnesses...

Your appeal to a consensus dialectic is noted. A small contained majority who are identically indoctrinated is not a compelling argument. I'm sure it's a logical fallacy of some sort.

From generation to generation...

As are most who are religiously zealous. Proponents of ancient religions can boast of this in some manner. And it IS boasting of some proportion. The pride of precedence, when God is timeless.

God knows that there are not-humble Orthodox... But humility is the chief of virtues they disciple within and disciple to others... It is the one, singular virtue that the demons do not have the ability to imitate... There is a fake virtue for every genuine one, except humility...

You'd have to provide a bit of evidence for this apophatic. I'd have to say the fruit of the Spirit is not consistently immitable, but I don't think you're accurately representing the minions of him who appears as an angel of light.

And you are justifying pride by accusing the Orthodox of not being humble EITHER...

Sigh. I never said any such thing. My statement was the absolute assurance and confident persuasion of faith, not pride. I have taken very seriously the ministry of reconciliation given us. It should be part of our testimony as those who are IN Christ.

And then saying that theirs is but the product of a handful of men 17 centuries ago...

Well... You can't have it both ways. Subsequent Believers just adhered to the taught dogma. They certainly weren't part of the Cappadocian Fathers' efforts (which I greatly applaud, if you'll recall).

You insist God cannot be known or described in definition to any greater degree than was done by the Early Fathers, who didn't and couldn't account for heaven being created. It's their bare assertion as lip service to a created heaven that is the problem. You can't see how timelessness and everlasting time have been co-mingled and declared as somehow distinct.

When the truth is that this Faith has gone forth into all the world,

Hold up, there, Hoss. As much disdain as I have for the Latins and certain things about the Reformation and its modern Evangelical-skunk offspring spraying everything in sight with binaries of splintered doctrines... at least the Reformed tradition allows for an eternal, infinite, immense, and innately transcendent God to be more deeply revealed through the ages of the faith.

And it is not the paltry and minimal evangelistic efforts of the Orthodox that have spread the Christian faith around the globe. That would be the efforts of the Latins and their spawn as Protestants. You should actually be embarassed at the (lack of) evangelistic history in Orthodoxy. The US presence itself is quite recent and marginal, with little real focus on any attempts to convert the lost on any scale.

You don't even know what multi-phenomenality IS yet; and you've insisted God isn't uncreated phenomenon or that He even is conscious of Himself. The degree of apophaticism in Orthodoxy is numbing any real apprehension of the final depths of truth for Theology Proper.

The Son is the express image OF God's hypostasis; the exact impress OF that singular hypostasis upon the wax of His LITERAL Logos, sealed with His OWN Spirit upon that which would be unrolled as creation's scroll to be RE-presented by a distint eternal prosopon in the created heaven.

This is not remotely ANY form of Modalism, but is that which Modalists were attempting to access in opposition to multi-hypostaticsm. Modalists are uni-phenomenalists, like you are. You have more in common with Modalists, Arians, Binitarians, Unitarians, (and even Gnostics) etc. than I do. All of you are uni-phenomenalists. That's the central problem with ALL competing historical formulaics, including the endless modern proliferation of bogus three-hypostases trinities.

and has been producing Godly men and women in each and every generation who have what all the Fathers have had, which is theoria of God... And the Gifts thereof...


As have all dilutions of the Christian faith in the Latin and Protestant traditions.

I love you, my Brother. I love the Orthodox. I love the depth of truth and the heritage of faithfulness.

There was one thing missed. One. And that is common to ALL Theology Proper models throughout the ages.

It's not arrogance for me to search that out and have it revealed to me. It's faith and obedience.
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Well-known member
C'mon man.

Yer not that dense.

Yer brand new athiest hind end didn't know fake from squat when Satan sucked you into his church.

Paul now was another story.

Sorry bro, but they didn't have online back then.I'm talkin' scripture that repudiates yer drivel 'bout Satan's boys not knowing how to fake humility.

Suck it up, son.

Philippians 3:18 KJV

18 (For many walk , of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping , that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Well, you have called me a diaper wearer...
And you have called the Body of Christ Satan's Church...
And you seem to think that Phil 3:18 proves that Satan is a perfect imitator of humility...

Now the day is doubtless coming when I will be wearing diapers,
and you are in the same pile as I am on this score...
Can you spell d-e-p-e-n-d-s ???

And the Lord rebuke thee of your blashphemy against the Body of Christ...
That is way above MY pay-grade...

And nothing in Phil 3:18 even MENTIONS Satan faking humility...

I really don't get your point...

So hum me a few more bars, funky white boy!
Maybe I can join you in that crackers song!


Right now, it is just crackers...



Well-known member
You don't even know what multi-phenomenality IS yet; and you've insisted God isn't uncreated phenomenon or that He even is conscious of Himself. The degree of apophaticism in Orthodoxy is numbing any real apprehension of the final depths of truth for Theology Proper.

Phenomena are things that APPEAR to men...

Therefore God cannot BE a phenomenon...

He CAN give a phenomenon to us...

Barlam's *** spoke for Him...

A phenominal event...

But God is not Barlam's ***...

And uncreated phenomena is an oxymoron...



TOL Subscriber
Phenomena are things that APPEAR to men...

No. That's YOUR fallacious bare assertion contrary to lexical meaning, and insisting God isn't "I AM".

This is the kind of stubborn indoctrinated denial that has plagued the faith for its two millennia.

Therefore God cannot BE a phenomenon...

Absurd attempted deduction in violation of God's inspired Word itself. You presume God's face is His essence. Nothing but conflation, just as you conflate other minutiae at your own discretion to justify your inherited paradoxical dogma.

He CAN give a phenomenon to us...

Of course. He doesn't give us, as creation, something that He, as Creator, doesn't have. We are not superior to Him or beyond Him with some aspect to our created existence which He as uncreated Self-Existence doesn't encompass.

You insist man is greater than God.

Barlam's *** spoke for Him...

Balaam? And...?

A phenominal event...

But God is not Barlam's ***...

And uncreated phenomena is an oxymoron...


Just keep adhering to that fallacy and denying God's existence as I AM.

Denying God as uncreated phenomenon IS Balaam's arse speaking. You can stop braying any time, my Brother.

You might want to check out 1John 1:5, and compare phos and phaino. God IS (este, present active indicative third person singular of eimi, as you should know) light (phos).

And yet... you insist He does not shine (phaino; prolongation for the base of phos.)

You insist the face (prosopon) of God is, instead, His essence (ousia). Such conflation is absurd and unacceptable.

SMH. This is why I've abandoned any pursuit of Orthodoxy. At least the Reformed tradition is "The Church reformed and always reforming, according to the Word of God".

I can't embrace a lot of the reformed doctrines, but at least there isn't a mandated adherence to Cappadocian fallacious minutiae. And imminently allowing the Latins to have the Eastern communion is another reason. Giving Catholics communion and denying others like myself? It's inevitable and arriving soon. I'm done.

Classic Trinitarians are functional Tritheists. There's no real distinction between the multiple Classic Trinity "persons" and three distinct beings.
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Literal lunatic
Well, you have called me a diaper wearer...

Yup, :wave2:

And you have called the Body of Christ Satan's Church...


Just yer immitation club.

I'm not even willing to give them the status of the eye that needs plucked out or the offending hand that should be lopped off.

And you seem to think that Phil 3:18 proves that Satan is a perfect imitator of humility...

Nope, the scripture I used was this one.

Acts 16:17 KJV

17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried , saying , These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

So knock off the stupid act.

Now the day is doubtless coming when I will be wearing diapers,
and you are in the same pile as I am on this score...
Can you spell d-e-p-e-n-d-s ???

Not coming, you haven't outgrown it yet.

And the Lord rebuke thee of your blashphemy against the Body of Christ...
That is way above MY pay-grade...

You dont have a pay grade.

It's not blasphemy to hate a false religious garment.

Jude 1:23 KJV

23 And others save with fear, pulling [them] out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

And nothing in Phil 3:18 even MENTIONS Satan faking humility...

I really don't get your point...

That's right, it should have reminded you that yer lame attempt to dodge 1 Timothy 4, earlier in this thread was a flop.

So hum me a few more bars, funky white boy!
Maybe I can join you in that crackers song!


Right now, it is just crackers...




Literal lunatic
Classic Trinitarians are functional Tritheists. There's no real distinction between the multiple Classic Trinity "persons" and three distinct beings.

There is in the real world bro.

Man, dont take this the wrong way, but there is a reason Theology Proper and Toilet Paper have the same initials.

T. P.

Just sayin'.



Well-known member
No. That's YOUR fallacious bare assertion contrary to lexical meaning, and insisting God isn't "I AM".

How so?

This is the kind of stubborn indoctrinated denial that has plagued the faith for its two millennia.

Very persuasive...

Absurd attempted deduction in violation of God's inspired Word itself.

Very illumining...

You presume God's face is His essence.

I do so only because that is the Patristic understanding...

Nothing but conflation, just as you conflate other minutiae at your own discretion to justify your inherited paradoxical dogma.

You couldn't be more helpful...

You insist man is greater than God.


Just keep adhering to that fallacy and denying God's existence as I AM.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Denying God as uncreated phenomenon IS Balaam's arse speaking. You can stop braying any time, my Brother.

Phenomena are created...

You might want to check out 1John 1:5, and compare phos and phaino. God IS (este, present active indicative third person singular of eimi, as you should know) light (phos).

You think that John is DEFINING God?

We understand that as a descriptive of experience... John writes simply so his disciples can be clear in their walk...

And yet... you insist He does not shine (phaino; prolongation for the base of phos.)

Hardly - But that shining of the uncreated Light is the Energy of God in Creation, and not the Essence of God regarding Himself...

You insist the face (prosopon) of God is, instead, His essence (ousia).

In that Old Testament encounter with Moses, God's Face was the term used for the part of God that no man could look upon and live. which man needed to be shielded from... Hence it is unknowable to man...

We do know God in His creative Energies, in which creation was and is created, but we cannot know Him essentially at all... And even in His Energies which stream forth from His Essence, we can only know what God gives us to know, and that knowledge is itself Being, which is union with God in His Energies...

Such conflation is absurd and unacceptable.

In your schemata it sure is. You think you can understand God in words... Outside marriage, one can only know ABOUT marital relations, which are not about words, but are about being in the relationship of union with one's spouse...

This is why I've abandoned any pursuit of Orthodoxy.

Cutting off the nose to spite the face is no help...

And imminently allowing the Latins to have the Eastern communion is another reason.
Giving Catholics communion and denying others like myself?
It's inevitable and arriving soon.
I'm done.

I'm sorry...

Giving the Body and Blood of our Lord to those not baptized into the Body of Christ by Christ acting through His Body may very well arrive some day... But take heart, my Brother! There WILL be a remnant!

The Latins have a similar complaint - They offer their Communion to us, after all, so why will we not receive it or offer ours to them?

I mean, Gee... It's only FAIR!

Classic Trinitarians are functional Tritheists. There's no real distinction between the multiple Classic Trinity "persons" and three distinct beings.

God is One Ousia...
Three Hypostates...

The encounter on Mt. Tabor shows it quite clearly, as does the Epiphany of Christ...

I mean, it would be one thing if you could explain in words what you are talking about so at least ONE other person "gets it"... But not even one does, and you blame the hearers of your words...



Well-known member
Nope, the scripture I used was this one.

Acts 16:17 KJV

17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried , saying ,
These men are the servants of the most high God,
which shew unto us the way of salvation.

So knock off the stupid act.

So you think this passage from Acts proves
that Satan can effectively imitate genuine humility?
Humility has words,
but is not the words it has...

PLAY that FUNKY MUSIC, White Boy!



TOL Subscriber

The lexicicography for phaino (and for ph-, pha-, phao, phemi in consideration also of epo, ereo, rheo, and lego).

This is not an area for nominal bare assertions, but of intuitive depth of communal revelation to accompany a TRUE exegesis.

Very persuasive...

It should be, but rote Orthodox indoctrination gets in the way for you. :(

Very illumining...

Again, it should be.

I do so only because that is the Patristic understanding...

EXACTLY MY POINT ALL ALONG. ONLY BECAUSE THE PATRISTICS SAID SO.. Not because of personal revelatory communion and experience of God in direct theosis for noesis.

You have, as you most often do, made my point for me. Basil said... so it must be infallible. Especially because everybody else said the same thing... except they didn't, or Basil wouldn't have had to standardize terms and definitions; but only in light of controversy over Arianism, Sabelliamism, and the Semi- variants of each.

Limited context. ALL Uni-phenomenal. Fighting over sides of a Rubik's Cube that none could fathom as anything but one same-colored side alone.


You couldn't be more helpful...

You don't want help. You want dogma.

When you say man has something God does not. Phenomenon. Uncreated versus created.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Yeah, you missed the point... again.

Phenomena are created...

Of course phenomena are created. By God as the Creator... who is UNcreated phenomenon.

God has not bequeathed unto creation something He Himself is devoid of.

You think that John is DEFINING God?

Sigh. You'd be hard pressed to say John is not always defining God without tossing out the first chapter of his Gospel writing.

We understand that as a descriptive of experience... John writes simply so his disciples can be clear in their walk...

Pickin' and choosin' to suit one's predetermined doctrine. How very Protestant.

Hardly - But that shining of the uncreated Light is the Energy of God in Creation, and not the Essence of God regarding Himself...

More absurd bare assertion in conflict with scripture itself. Prosopon is not ousia.

In that Old Testament encounter with Moses, God's Face was the term used for the part of God that no man could look upon and live.

Right. His prosopon... PER SCRIPTURE. NOT His ousia. An ousia cannot be seen directly anyway.

which man needed to be shielded from... Hence it is unknowable to man...

Tail-chasing self-affirming nonsense. No one in creation must be shielded from an immanent ousia, much less a transcendent ousia. This makes God not be a "person", but instead an energy or force. And it's also very parallel to Neo-Platonism.

I'm not buyin' what yer sellin'. I know better.

We do know God in His creative Energies, in which creation was and is created, but we cannot know Him essentially at all...

Never said we could. Agreed with it. Every hypostasis has its own proper prosopon. You insist God has no face, in spite of HIM saying He does. I couldn't care less what lies the Patristics tell to justify their false uni-phenomenal diminshing of God.

And even in His Energies which stream forth from His Essence, we can only know what God gives us to know, and that knowledge is itself Being, which is union with God in His Energies...

Yeah, I represent that fully in the TRUE Trinity. The Uni-Hypostatic Multi-Phenomenal Trinity.

There can be NO ek-/ex- movement within a non-spatial God for internal procession of additional hypostases.

In your schemata it sure is.

Yak. It's not mine. It's lexical and exegetical, revealed intuitively.

You think you can understand God in words...

YOU (and the Orthodox) do. You're the one fighting against lexicography and etymology for YOUR words (actually, the Patristics' words) to be the final arbitrage of truth.

You have no idea that the very ontological Gospel of Jesus Christ has its vital basis in the singular hypostasis of God.

Outside marriage, one can only know ABOUT marital relations,

Good thing I'm betrothed as the Bride, awaiting the marriage ceremony and festivities.

which are not about words,

Then quit conflating words and insisting on non-lexical meanings for words.

And BTW... The Rhema sword is drawn from its scabbard. The Rhema of God is both the object and subject. You've missed the scabbard. Basil missed the scabbard.

but are about being in the relationship of union with one's spouse...

Right. So get betrothed.

Cutting off the nose to spite the face is no help...

Orthodoxy is not the nose. God has no face, remember?

I'm sorry...
Giving the Body and Blood of our Lord to those not baptized into the Body of Christ by Christ acting through His Body may very well arrive some day... But take heart, my Brother! There WILL be a remnant!

Ummm... I'm in the Holy Communion. The Exclusionary Orthodox pride does not keep me from it. It's Christ Himself, in Whom I am. Hypostatically joined. Partaking of God's divine nature from time into timelessness.

The Latins have a similar complaint -

No, they don't. I don't desire it from lack. I have communion IN Christ. They want it to defile it with their own anti-christ spirit. I can take it or leave it, and offer only my heart.

They offer their Communion to us, after all, so why will we not receive it or offer ours to them?

Because they are corrupted by the spirit of anti-christ. Receive it if you want. I would NEVER take of the cup of Catholicism.

I mean, Gee... It's only FAIR!

It's only CORRUPT. The Latin communion, that is.

God is One Ousia...


Three Hypostates...

No. There's no such thing, divine or created, as a multi-hypostatic ousia. It's a figment of men's imaginations to compensate for their lack of revelation of God; defying His incommunicable attributes.

It's Tritheism "lite"; and Arians, Sabellians, and the rest are right to oppose it, even if their formulaics are no better.

The encounter on Mt. Tabor shows it quite clearly, as does the Epiphany of Christ...

No. Threeness is not automatically multiple hypostases. That's absurd.

I mean, it would be one thing if you could explain in words what you are talking about so at least ONE other person "gets it"...

Everyone I teach gets it. The two millennia of Satan's devices (noema) in the Church is what you're blaming me for. I've offered to Skype and illustrate it clearly.

But not even one does, and you blame the hearers of your words...


When you conflate words and definitions, it makes it all the more difficult. You refuse to relinquish concepts of your mind.

You impose spatiality upon AND within God, defying His innate attribute of Immensity. It's what has to be removed from your understanding, not what needs to be added.

And it must be discipled, not merely said. You should understand that.
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New member
We often point out that we serve the same God as the Jews. Is this true?

The Jews say there are many 'gods' (Elohim) but only one 'LORD God' (Jehovah God).

Take a look again at Genesis 1. LORD God is not mentioned. But when God forms Adam, in Genesis 2, it uses 'LORD God'.

There are over a 1000 scriptures that LORD and God are used when addressing the Jews, a search of your bible will show where they are at.

Now we come to Jesus, is he mentioned as another God in the Old Testament? No, he is mentioned as the Redeemer 18 times in KJV.

Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
He shall stand, proves it is Jesus that would come at the latter day.

Do the scriptures say that the Redeemer is another God? No.
Isa 44:6 Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

If we indeed serve the same God as the Jews, we must understand the first commandment:
Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
It tells me that Jesus is flesh and blood on his mother's side, and is the lineage of David. He is God manifested in the flesh by having the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

If one worships three Gods or three persons in God, they do not worship the LORD God of Israel.
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