ECT Our triune God


TOL Subscriber
Actually, I presented a chain of reasoning beginning with a defined understanding of what time is...

Pure nominal philosophicalities. What makes you think all that is somehow authoritative?


adverb \ˈnau̇\
: at the present time

: in the next moment : very soon

: in the present situation
How "Spam" became something on
your phone and not on your plate. »
Full Definition of NOW

a : at the present time or moment
b : in the time immediately before the present <thought of them just now>
c : in the time immediately to follow : forthwith <come in now>
used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to express command, request, or admonition <now hear this> <now you be sure to write>
—used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to introduce an important point or indicate a transition (as of ideas) <now, this may seem reasonable at first>
: sometimes <now one and now another>
: under the present circumstances
: at the time referred to <now the trouble began>
: by this time <has been teaching now for twenty years>
See now defined for English-language learners


at the present time or moment.
"where are you living now?"
synonyms: at the moment, at present, at the present (time/moment), at this moment in time, currently, presently More
at the time directly following the present moment;
"if we leave now, we can be home by ten"
synonyms: at once, straightaway, right away, right now, this minute, this instant, immediately, instantly, directly, without further ado, promptly, without delay, as soon as possible; More
under the present circumstances; as a result of something that has recently happened.
"it is now clear that we should not pursue this policy"
on this further occasion, typically as the latest in a series of annoying situations or events.
"what do you want now?"
used to emphasize a particular length of time.
"they've been married four years now"
(in a narrative or account of past events) at the time spoken of or referred to.
"it had happened three times now"

Oh, I should think that when we are discussing "time" and "now" at this level, Miriam and his lists, and those found at Oxford, can be safely escorted to the nursery...

Just simple etymology and definitions of a word you're contending means what it doesn't mean at the very basic level.

PS - Are you familiar with Hawkin's "A Brief History of Time"?

Shocking title, wouldn't you say?


Shocking that you'd refer to it. Stephen Hawking? Seriously? (Yes, I have the book.)


New member
Okay. But I'm not sure how you're inferring and utilizing the definition for either uni-phenomenal or multi-phenomenal.

I'm just saying the orthodox church recognizes (and accounts for) the distinction between eternality as an incommunicable attribute of God and everlasting (creation) and Eden/post-Eden (creation), in addition to recognizing (and accounting for) transcendence and immanence.

The problem is how easily one can merely assert there's a distinction in uncreated phenomenon and created phenomenon without truly and explicitly accounting for "how" created phenomenon came into existence, and God's uncreated phenomenon is somehow compatible with it.

Created phenomenon didn't just occur as another place for God to be in horizontality or linearity, and then He's just automatically multi-omni in that created phenomenon.

The crux is accounting for how creation (heaven and the cosmos) was noumenon until being given phenomenon as creation. Since creation has no innate phenomenality, and God is uncreated Self-Noumenon and Self-Phenomenon; then this is no small matter to gloss by vague generalities of bare assertion; especially while accounting for His presence in created phenomenon while also remaining utterly transcendent to created phenomenon.

God spoke to create and breathed forth all life into that creation. Over-simplified catch-all generalizations like "God is pure act with no unrealized potentiality", as profound aa they seem and are to a degree, say nothing of God as uncreated Self-Phenomenon having phenomenal presence in created phenomenon that didn't exist except as noumenon until He spoke and gave it phenomenon.

And Augustine, John of Damascus, Aquinas, Wycliffe (at a very minimum) all explained it just as you go on to explain in your posts to Arsenios. You call them "noumenon", they call them (in English) ideas.

And the dilemna of God's literal immanent Logos being the Son as an eternal internally-processed individuated hypostasis is untenable and absurd, as is the proposal that His own Spirit is somehow distinct as yet another individuated hypostasis.

Yes, I know...this is what the issue is (as nothing else hasn't been captured in classical Trinitarianism/classical theism for hundreds upon hundreds of years).

There's good reason that Aquinas encountered God in such a way as to declare all he'd taught and written was straw, and desisted teaching and writing thereafter without finishing the third volume of Summa Theologica.

But Aquinas wasn't the only classical Trinitarian/theist... (And total aside, but if one wants to accept the "story" one should include the whole story... "You have written well of Me Thomas"...)

I'm prayerfully attempting how best to respond beyond what I've already said. The difficulty is always in dispelling misunderstanding and false conceptual representation from a uni-phenomenal perspective that insists it is multi-phenomenal by bare assertion.

It may need to come in question form. How did God speak created phenomenon (heaven and the cosmos) into existence (while also remaining eternally transcendent to it) and have presence in phenomenon that had been noumenon in His nous "until" He spoke and created it by His Logos? (But there's no "until" for God as if phenomenality of creation was somehow "subsequent" to His uncreated phenomenality as "after".)

It is most difficult to truly divest oneself of horizontality as linearity and spatiality to comprehend God's innate eternity, infinity, immensity, and other incommunicable attributes.

Just as you said, He "spoke" (actualized) whatever ideas He wished into existence (as you go on in your posts to Arsenios below) and they were created by His Word and and His Spirit--

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and by the breath of his mouth all their host.​

The same reason the immutable Word does not change nor lose any divine attributes remaining firmly on the side of uncreated Deity when uniting even most intimately with created flesh, neither does God when creating.

As far as being present to creation--what's already been said (initial cause, sustaining cause, via His intimate knowledge of His creation and man's being known and knowing through his heart to the degree he receives the light which is the Logos of God, etc.)

Are you truly proposing such a random creation as "nothing"? Was not every contingent potentiality for creation in God's eternal immutable infinite nous?

"Nothing" to "something" is merely created phenomenon coming into existence (heaven and the cosmos) from potentiality to actuality. Ex Nihilo is only "from nothing" as a means of created phenomenality representing instantiation and inception.

Yes. Created phenomenon is instantiated into that reality of existence from having been noumenon in God's eternal nous. Creation's potentiality became actuality at the divine utterance.

Creation had an inception, but God is not "before" creation. God is timeless. And since God is timeless, He isn't limited by time in us communing with Him. So our communion is from time into timelessness. No spatiality for God, either. That's His incommunicable attribute of Immensity.

Duh. But it wasn't some random expression that created it like a sneeze.


God foreknew every last plausible possibility for creation. He didn't create something He eternally knew nothing about.

"According to"... Not "out of". God didn't create heaven and the cosmos out of His nous as some kind of material.

Creation is in no way divine. I've said nothing of any such thing. He eternally foreknew the entire omni-versity of all contingent potentialities and plausible possiblilities for creation. Creation is not some manifestation of God's mind as some material.

Amen to all of this, PPS!--said for years in the church!

So it really comes down to the hypostases--and, focusing on the Word for the moment, I don't know why anyone should disagree with a substantial Word:

So then this one and only God is not Wordless. And possessing the Word, He will have it not as without a subsistence, nor as having had a beginning, nor as destined to cease to be. For there never was a time when God was not Word: but He ever possesses His own Word, begotten of Himself, not, as our word is, without a subsistence and dissolving into air, but having a subsistence in Him and life and perfection, not proceeding out of Himself but ever existing within Himself. For where could it be, if it were to go outside Him? For inasmuch as our nature is perishable and easily dissolved, our word is also without subsistence. But since God is everlasting and perfect, He will have His Word subsistent in Him, and everlasting and living, and possessed of all the attributes of the Begetter. For just as our word, proceeding as it does out of the mind, is neither wholly identical with the mind nor utterly diverse from it (for so far as it proceeds out of the mind it is different from it, while so far as it reveals the mind, it is no longer absolutely diverse from the mind, but being one in nature with the mind, it is yet to the subject diverse from it), so in the same manner also the Word of God in its independent subsistence is differentiated from Him from Whom it derives its subsistence : but inasmuch as it displays in itself the same attributes as are seen in God, it is of the same nature as God. For just as absolute perfection is contemplated in the Father, so also is it contemplated in the Word that is begotten of Him. (John of Damascus, An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (Book I)

Earlier you said "The Son as the charakter is the impression, not that which is being impressed. Not the wax, but the impression IN the wax. Not the markED, but the mark."

Where is the wax? I'm thinking for you it's on the side of creation.

As you see here with John (and any "psychological" models), it's the opposite.

That said, I'd say something like the rational structure of creation is processed through the Logos, not is the Logos--and that's one way man (if thinking properly) recognizes the Logos, however dim and dull and darkened from the fall his mind is:

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.​


New member

Love him--looking at at least 3 of these on my bookshelf right now.

(Will add though that as great a theologian in writing as he is, he is much more in his element when preaching (not even sure if that's the best word--it probably needs to include positively soaring orator...) After supporting his ministry I received a CD several years ago in which he was expositing Genesis 22--grown men, non-Christian, in the car were in tears...)


New member
Being his "own person" in God is what has landed him in doctrinal troubled waters. No one is his own person in God for He has spoken and the church miltant has confessed what He has spoken. Persons going off with a "just me and my Bible" mentality will inevitably wind up mired in error or confusion. Hence the appointment of teachers, exhorters (ordained ministers), and the like—per Scripture. Those who think they are somehow more indwelled by the Spirit and therefore more illuminated than those who have come before us are but chronological snobs and ignore the plain fact from Scripture that Scripture is to be interpreted in a community of saints.

The references given are plain and basic enough. If you find them to be objectionable, feel free to point out your objections rather than waving them off out of hand just because you have a bone to pick with the author on other topics. Try taking every word captive for the glory of God once in a while and you might just learn something new or at least better understand those that you summarily cavil against. :AMR:

The fellow is obviously in greivous error with his "Jesus existed as a man in heaven before he was born" nonsense. Yet all you have to offer is let him be his "own man". If this is the level of concern you have for someone in so much peril, I am deeply troubled about you. If my choice of reference material is offensive you (have you actually read any of it?), then there are plenty of other reference works to choose from. Rather than assign some genetic fallacy to my choices in hopes of dismissing them out of hand, by all means point him to well grounded works of others that have come before us.


That's why I qualified it with IN GOD.


Well-known member
How's God's incommunicable attribute of eternal is a-temporal yet from the point of view of creation He's omnitemporal?

A-temporality in God is incommunicable, so that eternal life is experienced by those who have felt of it as eternal, because we who are experiencing are created in time... Because God as a-temporal is as well the Creator of time while not in any manner being constrained by it.

"Everyday Saints" has a story about an elder lolligagging about a monastery prior to leaving for another one that was some six hours distant, and would close its gates at the beginning of vespers and open to no man... And he dallied and dawdled and piddled about to the point that they ended up leaving for that monastery with only two hours till Vespers would begin... And they drove straight through... It took them six hours, and they arrived with a half hour to spare to enter the gates...

So that time is subject to the Creator even in this fallen creation, and can be bypassed, compressed, or expanded, as God sees fit...

ymmv - Mine sure does... But time does alter even for professional athletes in competition... So does space... That little basketball hoop on a 3 point shot is seen by the shooter as a huge 20' loop that cannot be missed...



TOL Subscriber
I'm just saying the orthodox church recognizes (and accounts for) the distinction between eternality as an incommunicable attribute of God and everlasting (creation) and Eden/post-Eden (creation), in addition to recognizing (and accounting for) transcendence and immanence.

And I'm just saying it's easy to give lip service to that being a recognition and "accounting" for true multi-phenomenality, but it's a uni-phenomenal bare assertion that actually accounts for nothing as a "how". Making the Holy Spirit a distinct hypostasis would be the crowning evidence that uncreated and created phenomenon have never been truly distinguished and accounted for, IF one could ever step back and see what I've referred to as the whole Rubik's Cube rather than one single-colored side with bare assertions that it's the Cube.

Man's logos and pneuma, for example, are not distinct individuated hypostases from ourselves as a hypostasis. If we had the power and innate uncreatedness, we could speak and breathe forth a created reality of existence with the express image of our hypostasis proceeded forth into it (and our breath giving life to that creation).

You've accepted a uni-phenomenal accounting for multi-phenomenality and you can't recognize my criticism of it and reconciliation for it to the truth.

And Augustine, John of Damascus, Aquinas, Wycliffe (at a very minimum) all explained it just as you go on to explain in your posts to Arsenios. You call them "noumenon", they call them (in English) ideas.

It's an entire phenomenal layer deeper than that. Multi-phenomenality was never truly considered and represented by any/all of them.

I'm not saying it wasn't their goal and intent, and all the rest. They simply omitted it in any manner of actually accounting for it, employing uni-phenomenal multi-hypostaticism to compensate for lacking the understanding for multi-phenomenal uni-hypostaticism.

Ideas (idea from oida) is only one facet of the "accounting". It's at the core of why the Classic Trinity doctrine is claimed to be multi-phenomenal while being only uni-phenomenal.

Yes, I know...this is what the issue is (as nothing else hasn't been captured in classical Trinitarianism/classical theism for hundreds upon hundreds of years).

It seems uncharacteristic that this would be sarcasm from you, but I'm unsure.

This IS the issue. God is not multiple hypostases as one ousia, with perichoresis as a giant band-aid along with other compensatory formulaic assertions.

God's literal Logos and Pneuma are not distinct individuated hypostases from Himself as a hypostasis, whether internal or external.

But Aquinas wasn't the only classical Trinitarian/theist... (And total aside, but if one wants to accept the "story" one should include the whole story... "You have written well of Me Thomas"...)

No, he wasn't. But his "baseline" was set. There HAD to be three hypostases, so he looked no further. And as much as I can believe the account of his own words of his teaching being straw, I don't believe for one second that a Scholastic Latin heard the interactive and articulate voice of God in any manner, especially to confirm a uni-phenomenal accounting for multi-phenomenality with compensating multi-hypostaticism.

Just as you said, He "spoke"

Who? Who is "He"? Who spoke? The Logos is spoken. The Logos didn't speak logos. Who's Logos was it? It certainly wasn't the Son's Logos. An idea spoke? Fiat spoke?

Surely you don't insist the "He" is the ousia or some perichoretic unison of alleged hypostases to avoid paradox.

(actualized) whatever ideas He wished into existence (as you go on in your posts to Arsenios below) and they were created by His Word and and His Spirit--

But what about the actual Logos? Whose Logos was it?

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and by the breath of his mouth all their host.​

Yes, that's a pivotal proof-text to expose the Uni-phenomenality of the Classic Trintity doctrine.

How is the Son God's literal Logos?

The same reason the immutable Word does not change nor lose any divine attributes remaining firmly on the side of uncreated Deity when uniting even most intimately with created flesh, neither does God when creating.

I'm sitting here seeing the entire 3D chasm of understanding that is missing from all you say from a 2D perspective that also insists it is the 3D accounting.

You're conveniently calling the Logos the Son and vice versa without accounting for multi-phenomenality.

Uncreated phenomenon does not and cannot "merge" with created phenomenon. That miracle is reserved for God's creation, the procession of the Son and Holy Spirit, and the Incarnation.

You don't and can't realize how that glorious miracle is diluted by multi-hypostaticism and the requisite naive assertion of the classic uni-phenomenal accounting of multi-phenomenality.

As far as being present to creation--what's already been said (initial cause, sustaining cause, via His intimate knowledge of His creation and man's being known and knowing through his heart to the degree he receives the light which is the Logos of God, etc.)

Yes, this is the historical gloss of bare assertions. Sigh.


Amen to all of this, PPS!--said for years in the church!

And all "said for years in the church" according to multi-hypostatic fallacy.

So it really comes down to the hypostases--

Right. There aren't three.

and, focusing on the Word for the moment, I don't know why anyone should disagree with a substantial Word:

Of course it's substantial. It's just not another individuated substantiality.

So then this one and only God is not Wordless. And possessing the Word, He will have it not as without a subsistence,​

And this is where the absurdity begins. The Logos isn't another individuated subsistence.

nor as having had a beginning, nor as destined to cease to be. For there never was a time

Time? For the timeless God? This is what happens when one is locked down to horizontality and linearity.

when God was not Word: but He ever possesses His own Word,

Not as an individuated hypostasis from Himself. It's a Tritheism band-aid. The anti-Trinitarians are right to criticize.

begotten of Himself, not, as our word is, without a subsistence and dissolving into air, but having a subsistence in Him and life and perfection, not proceeding out of Himself but ever existing within Himself.

Seriously? Never proceeding out of Himself? Ek-/ex- aren't internal. The "self" is not somehow the ousia as a fourth component apart from the alleged three hypostases.

This is horrific.

For where could it be, if it were to go outside Him?

And now the promotional of Panentheism, since creation itself would be internal to God, including heaven. Now God is a giant fishbowl for creation.

For inasmuch as our nature is perishable and easily dissolved, our word is also without subsistence.

God's Word isn't without subsistence, it's innate as His very subsistence. Self-Conscious Self-Existence. It's certainly not an individuated subsistence from Him.

But since God is everlasting and perfect, He will have His Word subsistent in Him, and everlasting and living, and possessed of all the attributes of the Begetter.

This is just hard to read it's so eisegetic and conceptual.

For just as our word, proceeding as it does out of the mind, is neither wholly identical with the mind nor utterly diverse from it (for so far as it proceeds out of the mind it is different from it, while so far as it reveals the mind, it is no longer absolutely diverse from the mind, but being one in nature with the mind, it is yet to the subject diverse from it),

The Word doesn't proceed out of the mind, but out of the mouth. Ex-.

so in the same manner also the Word of God in its independent subsistence is differentiated from Him from Whom it derives its subsistence :

Shear and utter tripe of presupposed multiple hypostases. Tritheism "lite".

but inasmuch as it displays in itself the same attributes as are seen in God, it is of the same nature as God. For just as absolute perfection is contemplated in the Father, so also is it contemplated in the Word that is begotten of Him. (John of Damascus, An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (Book I)

The Logos isn't begotten. The SON is begotten.

Earlier you said "The Son as the charakter is the impression, not that which is being impressed. Not the wax, but the impression IN the wax. Not the markED, but the mark."

Where is the wax?

The wax is the Logos. God impressed His hypostasis in the wax, sealed with His Spirit. The wax is upon the decree within the parchment, which is creation.

The charakter is NOT another hypostasis. It's Him impressing His very hypostasis exactly upon His Logos.

I'm thinking for you it's on the side of creation.

No, that would be Arian-esque as a created Son.

As you see here with John (and any "psychological" models), it's the opposite.

Oh I've seen what it is. It's absurd and untenable, including the Panentheism.

That said, I'd say something like the rational structure of creation is processed through the Logos, not is the Logos--and that's one way man (if thinking properly) recognizes the Logos, however dim and dull and darkened from the fall his mind is:

Man doesn't understand at all with a three-hypostasis God. It destroys the fullness of ontology for the Gospel and invites conceptual dilution.

Gorilla-glued siamese triplets.

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.​

That's not as an individuated hypostasis. Centuries of fallacy, still corrupting the truth.

The really agonizing part is having a Classic Trinitarian attempt to justify the Holy Spirit as an individuated hypostasis from the One God and Father.

You don't realize I've reconciled every anathema formulaic while presenting the true Trinity. :(
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Well-known member
Until I get my 3D glasses,
I'm keepin' the D's God gave me...

But you do strongly hold forth
for what I can only call 3D modalism...



TOL Subscriber
And in such total humility!

A wonder to behold...


Ummm... We were given the ministry of reconciliation. It's obedience and faith. I'm supposed to do it.

The Orthodox certainly aren't humble, insisting there can be no greater deeper revelation than a handful of men had 17 centuries ago.

Basil could correct everybody, but can't be corrected subtly.


TOL Subscriber
Until I get my 3D glasses,
I'm keepin' the D's God gave me...

The Cappadocian Fathers aren't God.

But you do strongly hold forth
for what I can only call 3D modalism...


No. You do strongly hold forth for what I can only call 2D Tritheism.

And some forms of Modalism are as close as the Classic Trinity, and closer than most modern perceptions of it that are functional Tritheism.


Well-known member
Ummm... We were given the ministry of reconciliation. It's obedience and faith. I'm supposed to do it.

The Orthodox certainly aren't humble, insisting there can be no greater deeper revelation than a handful of men had 17 centuries ago.

Basil could correct everybody, but can't be corrected subtly.

One man's reformer is another man's hairy tick ...

... with apologies to AMR ...


TOL Subscriber
One man's reformer is another man's hairy tick ...

... with apologies to AMR ...

'Tis true.

But since the Orthodox themselves (whom I do love dearly) have insisted that Theology Proper is an apophatic pursuit with resulting descriptions not really being a definition; it's quite off-putting for them to insist there can be no deeper and further revelation of God's constitution than locked-down ancient declarations by a relatively small number of men who disagreed on much, and especially minutiae.