ECT Our triune God


TOL Subscriber
fwiw, I must say that liturgically speaking, some of the formulaics of the EOC are just as dodgy as whatever your monohypostatic formulaic might turn out to be... It was in the light of some of these that the question arose...

I'm not really sure what you mean. There are no odd terms necessary for worship. Sempiternity is everlastingness, which is the created heaven AND cosmos, from which the cosmos "fell" to temporality for (an) earth age/s and will again be everlasting after judgment.

No oddities required, especially "three persons".

I reminded you of what your doctrine did not give you, which you attribute to me giving you, and not the EOC in which I was birthed... I was hoping to give an ad-hominum against the doctrine... eg Showing it to not give peace... I didn't want to bring in prayers, but now I guess I should... Peace does not come from doctrines, you see, but from the Person of Christ, or the Father, or the Holy Spirit... It is given, you see, sometimes through intercessory prayer, and sometimes just by someone listening and caring...

Right. Peace only comes from Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are not "persons" as hypostases. And you seem to only marginally listen without really hearing. :(

The Mystery of the Faith, you see, is the Mystery of Marriage, which is the Mystery of the Union of two hypostases, that of Christ and that of the sinner baptized INTO Christ... This elevates man in a manner that is without upper limits...

Right. Exactly. A Bridegroom and Bride. Husband and wife. NOT Father and Son, or Son and Neuter, or Father and Neuter. The ONLY hypostatic union is between husband and wife. No incest or "others". No "threesomes", either. Just husband and wife.

Thus all Believers are also hypostatically joined by BEING the Bride. That's what the Holy Spirit is for, and why we are collectively the co-prosopon for the Holy Spirit.


And if you affirm that this is what happens in the "knowing the One True God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, then you affirm that two hypostases can be joined and remain two even as they are conjoined as one...

Of course. Husband and wife, whether spiritual or physical. Not Fathers and children. Not incest. Not homosexuality. Not polygamy. Certainly not all combined. No familial harem.

This then, from your own experience, provides for you the cognitive basis for grasping the Mystery of the One God being Three while remaining one and remaining three...

I've never had any problem cognitively grasping it. It's just erroneous, and it's incestuous homosexuality and polygamy. Hypostatic union is for marriage. We're not married to our heavenly Father or His set apart (Holy) Spirit.

And we're never the same ousia as our husband, Jesus Christ. Hypostatic union is for hypostases with differing ousios, not the same ousia. Plus the fact that we're only hypostatically united with Him who became flesh as we are. The Father and Holy Spirit did not Incarnate, and they are homoousios AND unihypostatic with the Son. No need for a hypostatic union when they're homoousios and unihypostatic.

The Father and Son are not in an incestuous homosexual marriage, while also having a polygamous menage a trois with the Holy Spirit. That's horrific. Blasphemous.

You can't even image how much fail this is for you and Orthodoxy. :(

(But as I understand it, the Orthodox position is not hypostatic union for the three alleged hypostases, but perichoresis. If the perichoretic is indeed considered hypostatic union between alleged hypostases, incestuous homosexual polygamy isn't exactly an appropriate depiction.) EEK!!!!

I do not know what drove you into difficulties as a Trinitarian child...

None as a child. I thought I was saved. What "drove me" was the Trinity error that gave rise to even greater error in my heart and mind, leaving me lost.

Modern doctrines have all manner of stuff wrong with them...

ALL based on Orthodoxy. That's part of being the original and getting it wrong. The EOC is to blame.

But the fact that it drove you to starving yourself almost to death to formulate your own constructs to recover from whatever evil there was besetting you is not a theologically sound pedigree...

Fasting was good enough for Moses, Jesus, and others. I think they're a decent pedigree, as is the inspired text in the original languages. I'll stick with the truth over unscriptural three hypostases.

The reason I balk at your distinction and then reconnection of eternity and sempiternity is apophatics... In your terms, if Eternal is God's time,

Nope. Timelessness. (For the quadrillionth time.) :(

and sempiternal is created time,

There is ONLY created time. God is no"when"' because there is no when for God. Heaven and the cosmos are created and everlasting. Temporality is the cosmos ONLY during the earth age/s relative to fall-to-judgment. The EOC misrepresents it all, and you've dodged it all.

we are already off track, because

You are. I've consistently done everything possible to get you to understand.

God does not have time, but instead is the creator of time...

Duh. That's what I've been saying for two years on TOL. THAT's eternity. Everlasting is the created heaven and cosmos. None of that is temporality (temporary, get it?).

Heaven and the original cosmos are NON-TEMPORAL, but only everlasting and NOT ETERNAL.


So that we cannot compare and contrast God's time

There's NO such thing. God is timeless, just as He is "spaceless". God is not where or when or what. He's not an object at any space or time. He created all where, when, amd what. God ALONE is eternity.

with Created time, and the latter with fallen created time... We find no compulsion to address time in that manner...

I know. You're wrong about it all and combine eternity and everlasting. This means the three hypostases formulaic is wrong and is as anathema as the Arians, Unitarians, Sabellians, and all others. Orthodoxy is heterodox.

And to say that God's eternal time is endless time without a beginning time is simply not true,

GOOD GRIEF. You either still don't understand or are flipping the script and being obfuscational. Grrrrrrr.

because God's time is apophatically timelessness...

Double dog double DUH!!!! And that is to be contrasted to everlasting (the "ray" as created heaven AND cosmos) AND temporality. You combine eternity and everlastingness (sempiternity).



I simply must infer and contend that you're being intentionally obtuse.

My illustration of the "lineless line" was clearly to get you and others past your omission of the "ray" as everlasting by contrast TO TIMELESSNESS as eternity, which you refuse to acknowledge as the omitted contrast of Orthodoxy.

You combine eternity and everlasting, and misrepresent temporality.


How can you do that?!?!?!?!?!

THIS is why I've had so much despite for beligerant arrogant Trinitarians who could NEVER face being wrong. There is NO greater pride in the history of mankind. Not even Atheists or the anathema Arians, Unitarians, Sabellians, and others...COMBINED!!


S. I. G. H.

And this cannot be known to man...

It can be known ABOUT and acknowledged in contrast to sempiternity and temporality, all of which you misrepresent in ERROR. Apophatics won't hide this egregious error of omission that quantified an unquantifiable God and depicts Him as a 2D sempiternal trio of beings masquerading as "persons". And hypostatic union is for husband and wife in marriage, NOT incest and threesomes. That's perverted!

Your God is merely everlasting (not eternal), is three sentient beings, and didn't create ALL. THAT's the end result of the erroneous Orthodox formulaic.

And it must be left there... At least by Orthodox Christians...

Yeah, I know. In incomparable pride and misrepresentation. I'm well aware. There's no penetrating such ego. :(

Have you looked at the roots of Mysterion?


Lexically, musterion is the initiation into sacred mysteries. What was hidden or unknown until it was revealed. The mystery is revealed (to those who are IN Christ).
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Well-known member
Lexically, musterion is the initiation into sacred mysteries. What was hidden or unknown until it was revealed. The mystery is revealed (to those who are IN Christ).

It is a word combining two elements...

The first is the letter of the Greek alphabet, mu...

The second is the word histemi, which means to stand...

The interesting thing about this word is that
it cannot be pronounced without one's lips closing,
and therein is its power...

Standing in silence...

With the lips closed...

It is a good 'word'...

Unpronouncable while being practiced...

As soon as you begin to pronounce it, you see...

You practice it right there at the beginning...

And as soon as you pronounce the rest,

You lose it in deed...

Greeks were smart...



Well-known member
You seem to only marginally listen without really hearing. :(

Mountains of words are not helpful for me, sorry... And the bigger the mountain, the less of it I am able to listen to and hear... If you imagine me to be a 5 year old, I can hear better...

A Bridegroom and Bride. Husband and wife. NOT Father and Son, or Son and Neuter, or Father and Neuter. The ONLY hypostatic union is between husband and wife. No incest or "others". No "threesomes", either. Just husband and wife.

This is not a discussion of sex... It is a discussion of hypostasis and ousia...

One of the shocking discoveries I made in becoming a Christian [an ongoing project, I should add!] was the original meaning of the word ousia in usage among the pre-Christian Greeks...

You see, I had been understanding it philosophically as meaning "essence", and I understood essence in its Aristotelian formulaic, to ti estan einai... Which is not a bad understanding at all... "THE WHAT IT WAS BEING TO BE"...

And so, trolloping along in this philosophic hubris, I thought I knew something about ousia, or 'essence', regarding God... And I got a small jolt when I ran into one of its cognates in John 1, in which it is normally translated as "authority", and is the word exousia... And its confusion via the Latin with Substance, which is the Greek term for Person... Which called much into question...

So then, as time passed, and these confusions gently simmered on several of my back burners, not being actively pursued, I ran into the usage of the word in ordinary pre-Christian culture, which formed the basis for its usage in the Greek of the Christian Church, and I was shocked, and went diving back to those pots and kettles on that back burner and stirred them up and was stupefied...

Truth be told, I still am...

Because it means...


Your cattle and goats, your land and horses, your castle and kids, your wife and servants, your household, your armies and your gold... And NONE of these DEFINE the person... But in the west, you see, ousia and hypostasis join in the western term essence...


Sexualizing the discussion is not helpful...



TOL Subscriber
It is a word combining two elements...

The first is the letter of the Greek alphabet, mu...

The second is the word histemi, which means to stand...

The interesting thing about this word is that
it cannot be pronounced without one's lips closing,
and therein is its power...

Standing in silence...

With the lips closed...

It is a good 'word'...

Unpronouncable while being practiced...

As soon as you begin to pronounce it, you see...

You practice it right there at the beginning...

And as soon as you pronounce the rest,

You lose it in deed...

Greeks were smart...


Right. For which, liturgy refers to not betraying Jesus with a kiss as did Judas; giving away holy secrets to those who are dogs.

Not to be confused with Freemasonry and the global elite with their "shhhhhhhhhhhh" as jnitiates into an order that needn't be spoken because the occultic meanings are intuited.

Quite a fine line, and I didn't consider you to be among the dogs but a true Believer.

Something like that.


Well-known member

For which, liturgy refers to not betraying Jesus with a kiss as did Judas; giving away holy secrets to those who are dogs.

Not to be confused with Freemasonry and the global elite with their "shhhhhhhhhhhh" as jnitiates into an order that needn't be spoken because the occultic meanings are intuited.

Quite a fine line, and I didn't consider you to be among the dogs but a true Believer.

Something like that.

I thought you might enjoy the excursion into the etymology and its ontology...

But all you said was:


So OK...

God bless you, my friend...


ps - The other meanings in practice to which you allude are parasitic...

The key is silence, nepsis, stillness and hesychia...

The language of the age to come...

And of the Kingdom within...



TOL Subscriber
Mountains of words are not helpful for me, sorry... And the bigger the mountain, the less of it I am able to listen to and hear... If you imagine me to be a 5 year old, I can hear better...

That's why I've clearly and repeatedly referred to you combining eternal and everlasting, without distinction that the former is God alone and the latter had an inception and is created (heaven and the cosmos) and has sequentiality and linearity.

A 9-yo could understand that, and it's not a mountain of words.

The EOC refers to everlasting heaven as eternal and the everlasting cosmos as temporal; neither distinguishing God's eternality from the heaven He created and inhabited by His literal Logos, nor distinguishing the everlasting cosmos from its earth age of temporality.

Any "mountain" of words would be because of your cognitive dissonance and intentional obfuscation to avoid hearing the exposure of Orthodox error by omission.

Let's face it. You would no more embrace the fact of Orthodox error than a Unitarian would quit denying Christ's ontological divinity. Pointing to an alleged "mountain of words" is but an excuse for evasion to avoid the paradox of Hetero- having to replace Ortho- as a prefix.

EHC isn't very palatable, even if this is the only thing the Patristics missed for not looking to depth of phenomena-generation while reaching for breadth by multiplying generations of phenomena into plural hypostases.

This is not a discussion of sex... It is a discussion of hypostasis and ousia...

Right. So stop joining the Father into the Son's marriage with His Bride in hypostatic union, and including also the hypostatic marriage bed of intercourse with yet a third party as a menage-a-trois.

The Father is the transcendent phenomenal hypostasis, begetting the heavenly immanent phenomenon by the Logos being the Son in the created phenomena of heaven and the cosmos; then born into the tangible and visible of the cosmos (which Incarnation would have occurred regardless of sin's onset or not; to conjoin us to Christ in betrothal, with or without physical death and atonement for sin).

The Son is the succeeding generation of the singular hypostasis, according to the everlasting creation. Though the same hypostasis, the Logos is the eternally generated generational offspring begotten as God's very own hypostasis when His Logos processed as the Son.

One of the shocking discoveries I made in becoming a Christian [an ongoing project, I should add!] was the original meaning of the word ousia in usage among the pre-Christian Greeks...

You see, I had been understanding it philosophically as meaning "essence", and I understood essence in its Aristotelian formulaic, to ti estan einai... Which is not a bad understanding at all... "THE WHAT IT WAS BEING TO BE"...

And so, trolloping along in this philosophic hubris, I thought I knew something about ousia, or 'essence', regarding God... And I got a small jolt when I ran into one of its cognates in John 1, in which it is normally translated as "authority", and is the word exousia... And its confusion via the Latin with Substance, which is the Greek term for Person... Which called much into question...

So then, as time passed, and these confusions gently simmered on several of my back burners, not being actively pursued, I ran into the usage of the word in ordinary pre-Christian culture, which formed the basis for its usage in the Greek of the Christian Church, and I was shocked, and went diving back to those pots and kettles on that back burner and stirred them up and was stupefied...

Truth be told, I still am...

Because it means...


Your cattle and goats, your land and horses, your castle and kids, your wife and servants, your household, your armies and your gold... And NONE of these DEFINE the person... But in the west, you see, ousia and hypostasis join in the western term essence...

Right. Just as in Luke when used for the "substance" of the prodigal. It's the Am"ness" for the I"ness" as the hypostasis, both made visible by extension as representation of one's "wealth" as existence.

I don't join them. And exousia is the power God gave to us to become (ginomai) the sons of God. It's the very wealth of His ousia in His processed hypostasis as the Son (and by the co-processed Spirit set apart to make us holy as He is holy).

The hypostasis is as much God's Am"ness" as it is His I"ness", therefore giving us His own wealth of being for our own through the Son and Spirit as we partake of His divine nature.

Sexualizing the discussion is not helpful...


Then stop. Don't insist on a Father being directly in hypostatic intercourse with His own Son and the Bride of the Son. We're His children, not His significant other. We cannot be directly hypostatically joined to the Father, and neither is the Son. They're co-inherent, obviating the silliness of multiple hypostases.

The Orthodox Trinity is Semi-Arian, even apart from Subordinationism (the Western Filioque being even exponentially moreso).

The perichoretic is the generational phenomenon, not a hypostatic union of multiple alleged hypostases on the same horizontal planar existence of an undistinguished eternity and everlasting.

Awkward you speaking of a Father and another party in a marriage with the Son. YOU shouldn't sexualize the topic.


TOL Subscriber
I thought you might enjoy the excursion into the etymology and its ontology...

But all you said was:


So OK...

God bless you, my friend...


ps - The other meanings in practice to which you allude are parasitic...

The key is silence, nepsis, stillness and hesychia...

The language of the age to come...

And of the Kingdom within...


Then stop speaking... about three hypostases. Why the double standard?

Where is the "shhhhhhhhh" instead of such adamant articulation?


TOL Subscriber
I thought you might enjoy the excursion into the etymology and its ontology...

But all you said was:


So OK...

God bless you, my friend...


ps - The other meanings in practice to which you allude are parasitic...

The key is silence, nepsis, stillness and hesychia...

The language of the age to come...

And of the Kingdom within...


SOMEONE has to speak and correct the fallacies of the multiple hypostases. The Easterns sure aren't going to evangelize or disciple anyone beyond a few.

And the Evangelicals have destroyed the Gospel AND theology being systemized and methodized by intellectualism replacing intuition.

Take this up with the Patristics and their omission of distinction between eternal and everlasting, and their bogus shallow multiplication of God's singular hypostasis.

It dilutes the wealth of His ousia.

And you've continued to avoid the issue I've exhaustively addressed.

Evasion, hidden behind hesychastic demands for silence. :(


Well-known member
Who can forgive sins?

Who can forgive sins?

Mark 2:5-9
5 And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” 6 But some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, 7 “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins but God alone?” 8 Immediately Jesus, aware in His spirit that they were reasoning that way within themselves, said to them, “Why are you reasoning about these things in your hearts? 9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, Your sins are forgiven’; or to say, ‘Get up, and pick up your pallet and walk’?

They understood clearly that He was calling Himself God - they knew the scriptures and that only God can forgive sins.

See this for more about that in context with the rest of the scriptures that the pharisees were well aware of:

Sin is against God. Only He can forgive them. :up:


Literal lunatic
Modern doctrines have all manner of stuff wrong with them...

Pay attention Arsenios.

Yer church leaders were never chosen by the Apostles and were the first to creep in.

The main reason folks started heapin' up teachers.


3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4 And they shall turn away * their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

ALL based on Orthodoxy. That's part of being the original and getting it wrong. The EOC is to blame.

Yes Pnuema, here they were prophesied of.


1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron ;

3 Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Keep on keepin' on.

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove , rebuke , exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.


Well-known member
How do this coincide with 2Corinthians 2:10 where Paul forgave sins?

(In the prosopon of Christ is the key.)

Same for us in accordance with John 20:23.

Think for two seconds. What is the difference between Jesus forgiving the paralytic, and us forgiving someone who wronged us? It is exactly that clear.

Too bad they ignore such truths

Truth? :nono: The truth is, you 'think' you can think. You can't and should let those who can do it for you. You really are an inept rookie and will be the rest of your life. Me? 3.87 GPA (and that was Master's degree!). Go figure remedial sophmore. You aren't NEARLY as smart as you think you are. Not even close. Take your 2.0 GPA someplace else.


TOL Subscriber
Pay attention Arsenios.

Yer church leaders were never chosen by the Apostles and were the first to creep in.

The main reason folks started heapin' up teachers.


3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4 And they shall turn away * their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Yes Pnuema, here they were prophesied of.


1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron ;

3 Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Keep on keepin' on.

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove , rebuke , exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

The Latins are corrupt, though; whereas the Easterns have maintained ontology and the ancient way. Just with the error of omission that has driven many further into anathema because Orthodoxy itself is heterodox to a degree based on Theology Proper and trickle-down from there.

They are thus complicit by default and will not listen to truth.

It should be obvious that their lack of distinction between eternal and everlasting is a failure.

And I don't recall the hypostatic union being relative to the perichoretic of alleged multiple hypostases. It's application is for the divinity and humanity of Theanthropos and for us being hypostatically translated into Christ.

If that's the Orthodox position, then it's incestuous homosexual polygamy. Blasphemy!


TOL Subscriber
Think for two seconds. What is the difference between Jesus forgiving the paralytic, and us forgiving someone who wronged us? It is exactly that clear.

It's because we're in the prosopon of Christ, and we can remit sins.

We can set apart false rhema that has brought false belief resulting in sin.

We're IN Christ. It's not just us remitting being wronged.



Well-known member
If that's the Orthodox position, then it's incestuous homosexual polygamy. Blasphemy!
For a language stickler, 'sexual' is a horrible descriptor from you and grossly inaccurate. I reported LA for doing so. I can't condone such a disparagement. It is overtly defective, false, offensive acerbity.