Well-known member
Full of grace
He's sure got a crush on himself. :chuckle:
Full of grace
He's sure got a crush on himself. :chuckle:
All just you propping you and your idol up.
You need to quit that.
Brock was as sharp as they come, but all you are doing is turning people off from even bothering with looking into his great contribution.
And there are many Acts 9 based Pastors all over the US clear on those issues you mentioned.
And heck, if I really didn't know the answer to your fool question, all I'd have to do would be to just look it up on here where you have posted it more far more than once, and simply parrot it back to you and in your exact words, Jerry Jr :chuckle:
But as I have often posted to STP to no avail, some sort of an "owner's manual" one MUST parrot back, has never been what I have addressed him about.
Neither is answering your fool question to the satisfying of your fool need to have a thing parroted back to you.
Lol - what, were you and some others on TOL parrot store owners in some past life, or something?
And I don't see you addressing STP et al,
their claims that part of the Mystery was hidden in the OT, or that the Lord's Supper is not for us, or that "A dispensation" and "TGE dispensation" are not the same, or this, or that, or the other, of their various misunderstandings :chuckle:
Rom. 5:6-8.
Are you going to stick to the exploration of the Acts 9 Acts 28 issues or not?
I have never liked being kicked off a thread without a fair chance to be heard out and do not want to do that to you.
Or is this also fair game for you to spit on it?
Are you actually that self-involved and petty?
We can end this nonsense right now, one way or the other.
The ball is in your court.
That is as fair as I can be and you know it.
What's it going to be?
Rom. 5:6-8.
Forget mid Acts study principles. We are supposed to sound like the last chapter of Luke/first chapters of Acts.
Paul is UNIQUELY applying the finished work of that Prophesied Cross to people THIS SIDE of The Mystery hid in God.
He ALONE is a SEEMING oddball in this, in Scripture.
Towards what end?
Towards God's Mystery in "our glory" in His Son's Mystery Glory.
This is NOT OT ground.
The principle is the same; the application differs.
Does Israel end up in the Body just because Christ originally died for THEIR sins according to THEIR Scriptures?
Do OT saints end up in the Body, just because God applied the merits of THEIR Prophesied Cross to them, in His forebearance?
These are actual, consistent Acts 9 Position types of questions.
Your assertions reveal you have not asked those kinds of questions in some areas.
Jerry certainly does not; RD and Musti and Steko appear to have asked them in some areas you have not; and so on.
This is strictly a neutral observation on my part.
Only an as much as possible neutral observation allows seeing what is what; where each individual is actually coming from, and so on.
Where I find I myself have mis-fired on that in misreading something or even having misread a post by someone, is where I also at have at times ended up off in APPROACH.
What does one learn DURING the BASICS of Math?
"Now run the math backwards on itself; see if it still adds up."
The brightest within Acts 9 do just that - ask any of them.
Take that time you have off and go to some of their various conferences.
You'll find none of them lay things out to others the way you and some of your pals often do.
That is an APPROACH issue.
But for his insolence, RD's posts more often come closest on here to their approach.
You might want to go back and study out Stam's overall APPROACH in his still one heck of a great work - to - this - very - day - "Things That Differ."
Speaking of mystery...
This process - of identifying the right study principles is not only never over, but is often born anew or from above, right on the spot EACH TIME, as one interacts with the Word, and He interacts with one in return - through - His - Word - in - you - that - believe - His - Word.
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD.
I was talking about APPROACH - NOT about some "owner's manual" about WHAT to believe.
That would be Jerry's "what Sir Robert Anderson declared is the final say" or DanP's exact same, equally written in long dried over cement department: Robert Brock.
Though Brock left Anderson way, way, way back in the dust of Anderson's own, crystal clear obvious Acts 28 APPROACH tendencies.
I was talking about consistency in an Acts 9 APPROACH, not about Broccoli :chuckle:
THERE is where the rubber meets the road - right in between the results each our APPROACH either ends us up on a same page on one thing or another, or not.
Rom. 14:5.
There you go again, violating the most basic of Mid-Acts study principles.
Forget mid Acts study principles. We are supposed to sound like the last chapter of Luke/first chapters of Acts.
What is turning people off is YOU AND YOUR APPROACH.....everyone, and I mean everyone, is a fool but YOU.K:
Lemons?Oh, if we could all just manifest the FRUIT of Danoh. :rotfl:
Psssssst. :listen:Indeed. I do not mind Danoh disagreeing with me. He blames it on my faulty approach, but he will never explain how and why, specifically. All I get is a long winded post that does not really tell me anything.
Indeed. I do not mind Danoh disagreeing with me. He blames it on my faulty approach, but he will never explain how and why, specifically. All I get is a long winded post that does not really tell me anything.
At least he doesn't call you a bunch of names like he does to all the girls like me. :chuckle:Indeed. I do not mind Danoh disagreeing with me. He blames it on my faulty approach, but he will never explain how and why, specifically. All I get is a long winded post that does not really tell me anything.
Danoh got posrep with comment from Meshak?
Which are?
We need a list.
At least he doesn't call you a bunch of names like he does to all the girls like me. :chuckle:
I've posted what various of the ones I go by are, more than once on TOL.
But my point is my observation that where MADs arrive at a same understanding on one thing or another, with other MADs, it is because they are relying on similar study principles - even if they are aware of what those are, or not.
And that when MADs arrive at a different understanding of one thing or another that differs from the understanding of other MADs, this is because one of they are not following the same study principles - again - whether they are aware that they are doing so, or not.
I was not really saying "here are the study principles - set in stone - now follow them or else!"
I myself have often stated that I hold to Mid-Acts MORE OR LESS.
My point is not specific set in stone principles beyond the basic ones....
Rather, that it is obvious you and I do not follow the same ones here and there - whatever those might be, and whether either of us is aware or not, of what they are.
Can they be identified, that we each might know WHY we each hold to a DIFFERENT understanding?
Of course.
Anyway, last night, I was looking around on YouTube for a video about these kinds of things and ran across the following one.
As I watched it, I found myself thinking of you throughout the whole thing.
Being that you and I both think highly of its speaker, I found myself thinking "wow, this thing is really beautiful, and moving: reminds me of how I view STP's obvious love for these very issues; I must share it with him."
Really, I have not meant you any harm. I think too highly of you.
Make of all this what you feel best.
Eph. 4:16.
I'm a man but he seems to pick on the women so much with namecalling, so when he does it to me he's treating me like he treats women.You're a girl? Or Danoh called you a girl?