Jesus received Him UPON, and ditto for Zach and Liz.Can you point out where the Holy Spirit ever came upon anyone before Pentecost
other than Mary being overshadowed?
The UPON method was utilized in the old covenant.
I believe twice prophets said He came INSIDE,
but IMHO they were confused about this.
In all other cases in the OT, UPON was specified.
Note: He came UPON the prophets and some kings.
UPON refers to God's ANOINTING ... in both OT and NT.
In the NT, "UPON" refers to Jesus' anointing with the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
which is confirmed by the initial speaking of at least a few words in tongues.
Those who receive the Spirit INSIDE (in the NT) are NOT "anointed".
It should be blatantly obvious why these spiritual Truths are NOT taught
in almost all churches. But, alas, it is not ... not taught nor obvious.
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