Eclectic Theosophist
My typical mannerism is to agree... however... I came here because of Israel. Christian Anti-Semitism and denial of God's desire to honor His Promises to Israel is rooted in the "false" understanding of what "Spiritual Israel" actually means. It has become the cornerstone of replacement theology.
Daqq knew what lines to cross to make this possible and unfortunately I have been wielding sword against my friend and brother because of this matter.
I love what you have written and I knew you would be a voice of reason in this matter. I have accomplished what I was trying to accomplish, but Daqq and myself fighting was not my desire. I will avoid duplicity on my part and simply say...
With Daqq embracing replacement theology and myself apposing it... it was inevitable.
No worries bro. :thumb:
I know there's alot invested in some of the various Zionist or spiritual Jew 'theories' out there,...heck...look at the black hebrew movements claiming to the real Jews, preaching hard in the streets, and even among those black Isreal groups,...debate over HOW to pronounce the divine name prevails,....hey,...its just another day in theologyland - as far as 'spiritual Israel' goes,...I take the universal view,....I think Paul does too,..even if you differentiate the national Israel with a newly grafted in part of 'Israel' by way of converted Gentiles,...all are JOINING the CHRIST BODY. - it is interesting though when current Orthodox Judaism will have a heart and mind to accept 'Christians' and their 'gospel' or when Orthodox Christians will embrace Jews and their Judaism, and IF such is even possible, since these two are very opposed in key doctrines. Its gonna take a miracle to see a unified community of Israel, that includes people of all tribes, races and languages.