Please pray for my husband. He is facing a potentially deadly health crisis. We will know more in a couple of weeks, but at this point in time, we are all very concerned. Thank you.
Thank you all for your prayers.
It is much appreciated.
Praying that The Body of Christ will begin to realize that God is always moving in our direction and beckoning us into His Presence because He reverences our time with Him. Praying that we will have our eyes opened and begin to notice the wonderful things He does for us every day and make known His Great Grace.
Today at 11:55am EST i will be praying for the USA and our leaders. An internet radio station (BBN Radio) prays daily (except Sundays) over the air, and i pray along with the host.![]()
God bless them.
God reveal to everyone that there is no such thing as a Godless nation. Show Yourself to the USA and to every nation. Let us see Your great glory. Reveal what you have hidden since Eden. Release Your creation to witness Your majesty.
Father help us at this dire dire time. Protect us from ALL that would do us harm, both outside and inside our borders. Forgive us for not giving You Your due and for not taking a stand for those who cannot defend nor speak up for themselves; the helpless, the sick, the elderly, and the most vulnerable and helpless-the unborn. Supersede all decisions from our leaders and ALL in government that would do harm or chisel away our rights, and that dishonor You. Permeate hearts, minds, and souls, and win them through Your precious Holy Spirit, as only You can do, in Jesus name, amen. (((hug)))