We find the word "euaggelion" (or "euangelion") a few times in scripture.
Evangelism is defined (in relation to Christianity) as "the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness."
This is exactly what Christ said to do (see "euaggelion" link above).
I shall do my best to present facts and not opinions.
Does something have to be explicitly stated in scripture? or can we use logic and reason for our exegesis?
You mention below Jewish figures of speech. Let's not, in our exegesis of Scripture, be hypocritical in not understanding English figures of speech as well which can summarize beliefs.
Being "hands and feet of Christ" (please note, I am non-denominational) is a figure of speech that means to do what Christ wants us to do, and to go where Christ wants us to go.
The phrase is simply an amalgamation of various scriptures.
Not necessarily.
Correct, His focus was on the Jews.
What would be the correct translation of that word, then, oh knowledgeable one?
Originally, that is correct. It was referring to believing Israel, as the Body of Christ had not been implemented yet.
Does Paul not have anything to say about this topic?
Are you referring to Matthew 16:18? Jesus is speaking to Peter in that verse.
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock
I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18
(Interesting tidbit about that verse: Jesus uses two different words for "rock" when speaking to Peter. "Peter" ("Petros") means "a (piece of) rock," but petra just means "a (mass of) rock." Jesus is calling Peter a rock, but Peter won't be the rock that He builds his ekklesia on. That "rock" is Jesus Himself.)
Cool beans.
Unfortunately, the following applies to MOST Christians, and not just Evangelicals.
I've never heard that one before.
Agreed, some people are so heavenly minded they're no earthly good.
Question 1:
Do the parables Jesus and others taught reflect reality? In other words, do they have that flavor of realism that makes it believable and even relatable?
It has indeed become cliche. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong...
Well, considering that it
is almost verbatim (I did say "almost") in Scripture, it's not surprising that it's so memorable.
Doesn't mean it's incorrect though...
Well, that's not entirely true. As you (and I) quoted below, it's not a verbatim phrase from scripture, but rather rewording a phrase in a verse to describe something. More on that in a bit.
We are confident, yes, well pleased rather
to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 5:8
That seems like a pretty BIG hint...
Question 2:
What is death?
If we're going to be talking about death, then it would help to have an understanding of what it is, would it not?
Nothing worth replying to in this section.
No, it's just extracting what Paul is teaching.
Question 3:
Is "sleep" often used as a euphemism in the Bible for death?
On the contrary, there are several verses that show just that, that when a believer dies, they are immediately with God in heaven. We'll get to them in later posts.
:think: Perhaps it was Paul??? :think:
You seem to have an axe to grind on this subject.
Preacherman, Here are my questions above. If you could answer them, it would help the discussion along.
Question 1: Do parables in the Bible reflect reality?
Question 2: What is death?
Question 3: Is "sleep" used in the Bible as a euphemism for death?
If there is anything I have stated that is incorrect, or if I have misrepresented your position, I welcome correction.
Two things you should know.
1. I am a o.t.r. truck driver and i do not always have much time to respond or post things.
2. As i have travled this country for many years, most of the time i listen to the radio. I usually try to find "Christian" radio stations. As a result i have listened to hundreds of raido preachers and ministries. The huge majority proclaim false teaching. How can i say this? Because i have been studying scripture for the last 25 year's, on and off. But in that 25 year period, i have not always been driving and when not driving, most of my free time is spent in study. I could easily write a book about false teachers. My point is i recognize the lies when i hear them. Yes, i always have an axe to grind with false teaching.
Does not God's forbid adding or taking away from His word? Yes! Deut 4:2, 12:32, Pro 30:6, Rev 22:18. That includes lying about a verse, not teaching everything about a topic, lying about word definitions and making things up, twisting verses, among many other provlems.
Every English translation has problems compared to the original text, the Masoritic text and the TR.
Plus, there is evidence that much of the N.T. was originally written in Hebrew, which was later translated into Koine Greek. Do you know they have the gosple of Matthew, written in Hebrew, before it was translated into the Greek, in a museum in Germany?
Do you think it is crucial and very important to stick with and learn from the original texts? Do you think it is important to teach from the original texts? Do you think it is important to view the bible from a Jewish mind-set, based on their culture, their society, the political, economic and historical context? Do you think we sholud study the manners and customs of the Jews to get a proper understanding of what things in the bible actually mean versus reading an English translation and applying our Western, Helinistic, Neo- Plato Philosphy into a book of books that was not written with our culture and language in mind? Do you think that God had to wait for English to develope in order for us to have the "true" understanding of what He simply could not do through the Jews? Do you think Paul fretted about what he wrote because he "knew" that he could not make himself clear in his day, with his language and culture? Do you think the Evangelical preachers today are the real experts, in that they know more than those who wrote down the words?
That is where i am coming from. The Hebrew and Greek languages of the bible are dead. And that benifits us in our study because the words and the definitions have not changed from the time they were used. This enables us to have a clear understanding about what was written at their point in history. The grammar rules and the syntax remain the same. We must go with what has been written, not what our modern day culture "wants" it to mean.
The false teachers and believers have changed the nature of God and Jesus. They treat the O.T. God as if He were a very stern, uncompromising, fierce God, but the N.T. God is this kindly, grandfather figure who wouldnt hurt a fly and has candy in His pocket. Jesus has been turned into the fun-loving, laughing, wimpy big brother who is just oozing love out of every pore. They have changed the gospel into a sappy love letter. I could go on, but, yes, what they have done is unforgivable. And is a direct slap in the face to God.
Yes, the words euaggelion, a good message, and euaggelistes, evangelist, are in scripture. Have you looked up the words? An evangelist was a preacher, missionary and one who established congrgations, all rolled up into one person. What they call an "evangelist" today does not fit the definition of a biblical evangelist. A true evangelist is not one who travels to different churches and preaches. A true, biblical evangelist does not hold "crusades" in areas where the bible has already been established and. is preached.
Yet, those words have never, not once, not by any true Greek scholar or Expert in Koine Greek, been trabslated into "Evangelical." It is a made up word! It doesn't matter to me, nor do I care what people say it means! You cannot prove to me through scripture, context, parsing, commentary, bible dictionary, lexicon, etc, that this is a biblical word. Thus, it cannot nor should not be used. The two Greek words are never translated or transliterated even one time into "Evangelical" Not one time in the N.T. are believers called Evangelicals. I don't care who or how many believe different, it is not in Scripture! Period! What is your source of truth. From where do you learn what is biblical? The actual texts, or something somebody made up and is now a part of the Evangelical world. It does not matter how many modern writers and speakers state otherwise. You cannot prove me wrong through scripture.
Instead if me typing my study on the word 'Church' do this instead. Type in your browser, "did the Geneva bible use the word church". And then click on and read the following:
Why I avoid the word church,
The mysterious word church, beinaberean org.
Church isn't in the N.T , sid roth
The translation of the Greek word ekklesia,
After you have read those, type in your browser, the etymology if the word church- derives from circe,
You say you have never heard meek being defined as "power/strength under control?
Look up the word 'meek" in your Strong's Concordance. You will find that in both testaments the word means " humble, lowly., gentle" Now, type in your browser either, biblical meaning of hope, what does meek mean, or 'strength under control." And then you will see the huge number of people that teach that meek means" strength/power under control."
So, since you took the time, did a little word study, put in some effort, you learned what "meek" in the bible means. You also now know that the word does not mean "strength/power under control" But, as you read for yourself all of the people who teach that meek means "strength/power under control", and im sure you will recognize some of the names" , you must address this fact. You looked the word up for yourself and you know the true meaning. How long did it take you to learn the definition? A couple of minutes? You did actual study, i.e. you wanted to know the definition of the word in the original text, which is a big part of bible study and for those who call themselves preachers, should have, and always should do.
But, you see time and time again the "preachers" all say, "strength/power under control." What is the only conclusion? The Evangelical preachers dont study. Not one of them put in 5 minutes of bible study to learn the actual definition. They not only post it on line, they teach it to their pew warmers. And, shows that they all just use what the other Evangelical preachers use. They are all on the same page. How hard was it to look up a word? Anybody that can read English could also discover whatv"meek" means.
What do you call someone who lies. What do you call someone who processes to believe in and teaches bible truth and lies about something in Scripture. A false teacher. Another huge positive is since you know what the word "meek" means, you are prepared to catch the lie when someone tells you that meek means strength/power under control. You are now also to correct another and instruct them on the true meaning of "meek"
If every word of God is pure, Psalm 12:6, 119: 140, Pro 30:5,
Then a preacher must study the words so that he teaches truth. One last point, i heard a famous preacher, now dead, who was based in Memphis, Tn say, " When a wild horse is tamed, they say the horse has been "meeked". Are you kidding me. A famouse preacher, now deceased, loved by many, many people and still widely respected, was not merely lying about a word in the bible, he had to make one up.
I didnt write my post to discuss death. I will finish this up the next opportunity i get.
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