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Consider the following, please:
As the early Egyptian settlers along the Nile lost virtually all truth they had before the flood and through their ancestral family of Noah, they replaced that lost knowledge with strange and fanciful myths. And, as they lost knowledge of the True God, which brought them safely through the flood, they began worshipping man-made gods. Although they lost sight of the True God and His teachings, they did not, however, loose sight of the world’s first giant lie.
That first recorded lie in history survived the first couple of thousand years, survived the flood of Noah’s day, survived the expansion of civilization in Mesopotamia, through all the myriads of Egyptian mythology, the Exodus, the four world-ruling kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, survived the introduction of Christianity into the world, survived the Dark Ages, the Middle ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, survived the modern translations of Scriptures, and is presented flourishing in a frenzy of Christian world evangelism.
This "damnable heresy," is taught and believed with such vigor and enthusiasm, that to speak the Scriptural truth against it is to open oneself up to ridicule and persecution from the Christian community. Any outsider coming into the Christian faith would surely believe that it was God who said, "you shall NOT SURELY die," and that it was Satan who said, "you shall SURELY die" for that is what the Church believes and teaches, contrary to the hundreds of Scriptures which state otherwise.
This lie is the very bedrock of not only orthodox Christian theology, but also that of virtually every pagan and heathen religion on the face of the earth, throughout the history of the world.
The fear of the hereafter; the fear of being tortured in some hellhole of eternal fire, the fear of the clergy and the authority of the Church, this hideous, hideous fear, is the goose that lays the golden eggs. It is in fact, the money machine that keeps the wealth flowing into the Christian coffers.
God said: "to die, you shall surely be dying," (Gen. 2:17) and "Adam… DIED" (Gen. 5:5). Paul said that "For ALL have sinned," and that "The wages of sin is DEATH…" And therefore: "…in Adam ALL DIE…" (I Cor. 15:22). What theologian calling himself a Christian would deny these profound Scriptural statements of Truth?
Well, now that you asked, I’ll give you one such example. Recently I turned the channel to TBN, while Jack Van Impe was on. I thought I heard the statement, "we never die." "Once we are born we NEVER DIE." Followed by this statement: "That soul, that spirit goes on to live forever."
What can I say to that unscriptural nonsense except, Oh really? By the way, although Jack claims to have tens of thousands of Scripture Verses memorized, not one verse was quoted to back up either of these quotations from his program. And how is it even possible that the "soul and spirit" can be confused as to be one and the same thing. Let me give you a Scripture verse on that:
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit…" (Heb. 4:12).
Clearly, the soul and the spirit are two different things which can be separated one from the other. I’ll bet that Jack even has this verse memorized. But of what value is it to memorize these verses and not teach or believe what they say?
God said to Adam: : "you shall SURELY die" (Gen. 2:17)
The serpent said: "you shall NOT surely die" (Gen. 3:4).
Theologians say: "you shall NOT surely die."
Christianity says: "you shall NOT surely die."
King James says: "you shall NEVER die" (John 11:26).
Van Impe says: "Once we are born we NEVER die."
So who ya gonna believe?
The whole "orthodox" Christian Church teaches that man’s soul is, "immortal."
Albeit God contradicts the whole Christian World by saying: "you shall surely die." Man is not immortal. Man has no immortal soul. God only, and "only He has immortality" (I Tim. 6:16).
I will now put the final Scriptural nail in the coffin of the "immortal soul" doctrine. I will now give you a Scripture that states that there was no such thing as an "immortal" soul, or an immortal anything concerning man in the Old Testament Scriptures. Certainly there is such a thing as "immortality," but it assuredly is not something that any man save Jesus has ever possessed:
Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His Own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is NOW made manifest by the APPEARING of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who has abolished death [no one abolished death in the Old Testament], and has brought life and IMMORTALITY TO LIGHT THROUGH THE GOSPEL" (II Tim. 1:9-10).
There it is. It is ONLY through the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that the knowledge of a coming "immortality" for mankind was made known, and even then, it is something that is yet future; something that must be "put on" at the time of the resurrection of the dead (I Cor. 15:53), not something that any sinning human has ever possessed.
Consider the following, please:
As the early Egyptian settlers along the Nile lost virtually all truth they had before the flood and through their ancestral family of Noah, they replaced that lost knowledge with strange and fanciful myths. And, as they lost knowledge of the True God, which brought them safely through the flood, they began worshipping man-made gods. Although they lost sight of the True God and His teachings, they did not, however, loose sight of the world’s first giant lie.
That first recorded lie in history survived the first couple of thousand years, survived the flood of Noah’s day, survived the expansion of civilization in Mesopotamia, through all the myriads of Egyptian mythology, the Exodus, the four world-ruling kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, survived the introduction of Christianity into the world, survived the Dark Ages, the Middle ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, survived the modern translations of Scriptures, and is presented flourishing in a frenzy of Christian world evangelism.
This "damnable heresy," is taught and believed with such vigor and enthusiasm, that to speak the Scriptural truth against it is to open oneself up to ridicule and persecution from the Christian community. Any outsider coming into the Christian faith would surely believe that it was God who said, "you shall NOT SURELY die," and that it was Satan who said, "you shall SURELY die" for that is what the Church believes and teaches, contrary to the hundreds of Scriptures which state otherwise.
This lie is the very bedrock of not only orthodox Christian theology, but also that of virtually every pagan and heathen religion on the face of the earth, throughout the history of the world.
The fear of the hereafter; the fear of being tortured in some hellhole of eternal fire, the fear of the clergy and the authority of the Church, this hideous, hideous fear, is the goose that lays the golden eggs. It is in fact, the money machine that keeps the wealth flowing into the Christian coffers.
God said: "to die, you shall surely be dying," (Gen. 2:17) and "Adam… DIED" (Gen. 5:5). Paul said that "For ALL have sinned," and that "The wages of sin is DEATH…" And therefore: "…in Adam ALL DIE…" (I Cor. 15:22). What theologian calling himself a Christian would deny these profound Scriptural statements of Truth?
Well, now that you asked, I’ll give you one such example. Recently I turned the channel to TBN, while Jack Van Impe was on. I thought I heard the statement, "we never die." "Once we are born we NEVER DIE." Followed by this statement: "That soul, that spirit goes on to live forever."
What can I say to that unscriptural nonsense except, Oh really? By the way, although Jack claims to have tens of thousands of Scripture Verses memorized, not one verse was quoted to back up either of these quotations from his program. And how is it even possible that the "soul and spirit" can be confused as to be one and the same thing. Let me give you a Scripture verse on that:
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit…" (Heb. 4:12).
Clearly, the soul and the spirit are two different things which can be separated one from the other. I’ll bet that Jack even has this verse memorized. But of what value is it to memorize these verses and not teach or believe what they say?
God said to Adam: : "you shall SURELY die" (Gen. 2:17)
The serpent said: "you shall NOT surely die" (Gen. 3:4).
Theologians say: "you shall NOT surely die."
Christianity says: "you shall NOT surely die."
King James says: "you shall NEVER die" (John 11:26).
Van Impe says: "Once we are born we NEVER die."
So who ya gonna believe?
The whole "orthodox" Christian Church teaches that man’s soul is, "immortal."
Albeit God contradicts the whole Christian World by saying: "you shall surely die." Man is not immortal. Man has no immortal soul. God only, and "only He has immortality" (I Tim. 6:16).
I will now put the final Scriptural nail in the coffin of the "immortal soul" doctrine. I will now give you a Scripture that states that there was no such thing as an "immortal" soul, or an immortal anything concerning man in the Old Testament Scriptures. Certainly there is such a thing as "immortality," but it assuredly is not something that any man save Jesus has ever possessed:
Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His Own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, but is NOW made manifest by the APPEARING of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who has abolished death [no one abolished death in the Old Testament], and has brought life and IMMORTALITY TO LIGHT THROUGH THE GOSPEL" (II Tim. 1:9-10).
There it is. It is ONLY through the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that the knowledge of a coming "immortality" for mankind was made known, and even then, it is something that is yet future; something that must be "put on" at the time of the resurrection of the dead (I Cor. 15:53), not something that any sinning human has ever possessed.