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Apologist said:Nuff said.
Who cares about what does or does not follow from one's understanding of the scripture? Certain things don't have to follow from one's understanding of the scripture. It can be concluded via sheer logic.
No it can't.
Listen, eternal torment is singularly the most disturbing concept ever put foreward by anyone. This most monsterous of doctrines might easily be attributed to someone like Satan. But the Catholic position is that it is the teaching of Jesus of nazareth, the Holy Prophets, the church and anyone using "sheer logic" to be what Father God actually concieved of doing in creating humans with free will.
I say that needs to be proved.
So far you haven't.
Mother Church does not make mistakes! :sozo2:
Another premise that needs to be proved.
Good luck with that one.
A) Copy/paste particularly the relevent part concerning Manichaeism and the soul.
The most striking principle of Manichee theology is its dualism, a theme gleaned from the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. Mani postulated two natures that existed from the beginning: light and darkness. The realm of light lived in peace, while the realm of darkness was in constant fight with itself. The universe is the temporary result of an attack of the realm of darkness on the realm of light, and was created by the Living Spirit, an emanation of the light realm, out of the mixture of light and darkness.
A key belief in Manichaeanism is that there is no omnipotent good power. This claim addresses a theoretical part of the problem of evil by denying the infinite perfection of God and postulating the two equal and opposite powers mentioned previously. The human person is seen as a battleground for these powers: the good part is the soul (which is composed of light) and the bad part is the body (composed of dark earth). The soul defines the person and is incorruptible, but it is under the domination of a foreign power, which addressed the practical part of The Problem of Evil. A human is said to be able to be saved from this power (matter) if they come to know who they are and identify themselves with their soul.
Ahura Mazda is the beginning and the end, the creator of everything which can and cannot be seen, the Eternal, the Pure and the only Truth. Zoroastrian morality is summed up in the simple phrase, "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" (Pendar-e Nik, Goftar-e Nik, Kerdar-e Nik in the present day Persian, Homaato, Hokhto, Hovarasht, in Avestan). Daena (din in modern Persian) is the eternal Law, whose order was revealed to humanity through the Mathra-Spenta "Holy Words". Daena has been used to mean religion, faith, law, even as a translation for the Hindu and Buddhist term Dharma: it is the correct order of the universe, which humanity naturally must follow through the Kusti "Holy Path" in order to be a Behdini "Follower of the Proper/Good Religion".
Central to Zoroastrianism is the emphasis on moral choice; of life as a battle-ground between moral and immoral forces, represented by Spenta Mainyu and its satanic antithesis Angra Mainyu, the 'good spirit' and 'evil spirit' emanations of Ahura Mazda. This opposition may have emerged from the Indo-Iranian distinction between two forms of spiritual beings, ahuras and daevas. In Zoroastrianism, daevas are portrayed as demonic and destructive while ahuras help to uphold the moral law.
Additionally, there are some 20 abstract terms that are regarded as emanations or aspects of Ahura Mazda. In later Avestan literature they are personified as an archangel retinue of The Wise Lord. Some historians believe that these archangels were reabsorptions of pre-Zoroastrian deities, daevas. There are six that are mentioned more often than the rest. These are: Vohu Mano (Good Mind), Asha (Truth), Khshatra (Good Dominion), Armaiti (Piety), Haurvatat (Perfection), and Ameretat (Immortality).
B) Are you trying to say that the position is wrong because it resembles a pagan religion's stance? If so, then that is an Association fallacy.
No...I'm saying directly it originates from pagan religion...not Jewish, upon which Christian Faith is built.
The Bible paints a completely different picture to the one you are trying unsuccessfully to defend.
Rom 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
Rom 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
Rom 14:9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
It is unbelievable to me, that anyone could accept such weak arguments as though they constitute conclusive proof that billions burn for all eternity and then try to make people believe that this is justice as God defines Justice...that Father God actually created such a situation and called it "good".
Such a premise demands uncontrovertable proof, because it is God that stands accused and is being portayed as many, many times worse than the most evil of His creatures...