I. The Jesus of Open Theism Merely Went Through The Motions
Hilston asked:
Was the incarnation a REAL change or a change in appearance only?
Knight said:
It is a REAL change. But YOU are the one reducing God's PLANNED changes to "going through the motions" and being "all an act." So tell me, in your view was the PLANNED incarnation a REAL change or was it "all an act"? Was the Son just "going through the motions"?
Hilston wrote:
It doesn't make sense on the Open View. There is no "was going to be" in the Open View, because the future didn't exist. On the Open View it can only become what it becomes. Period. The Open Theist cannot say anything about "what was going to happen," because what ends up happening is the only thing that "was going to happen."
Knight said:
That isn't true.
God has plans, intentions, desires all of which can act as a "going to be".
So what. So do I, but my plans, intentions and desires are not "what is going to be" merely because I wish them to be. On Open View premises, do God's wishes make them exist in the future? On the Open View, didn't God wish for Saul to be a righteous king? Was that somehow the future because God wished it?. "Going to be" is meaningless on the Open View, and is merely a God-wish according to the logic of Open Theism. The future doesn't exist for the Open Theist, remember? So there can be no "going to be."
II. The Open View's False Prophet God
Knight said:
God was going to overthrow Nineveh, that plan was a "going to be"! Yet Nineveh repented so God relented. His "going to be" changed in response to man (praise the Lord!!).
Open Theists refuse to acknowledge the obvious ellipsis and context of Jonah's prophecy, erroneously presuming that he was declaring the future, as opposed to giving a warning. The figure of ellipsis is one of the most powerful and pervasive linguistic devices in scripture. Add to that the numerical symbolism and the meaning of the passage and prophecy are unmistakable and ineluctable. Jonah's prophecy was warning Nineveh to repent, not announcing their future destruction, that's why they had 40 days. If Jonah were future-telling, God would have destroyed them on the spot, just like He did the sons of Korah. The plan was for the Ninevites to repent, not for God to "eventually" destroy Nineveh when He got around to it 40 days later.
Note further that somehow God The False Prophet gets a pass on failed prophecy. If God was telling the future through Jonah, Jonah should have been judged as a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13 and 18).
III. Open View Tears God Down, Raises Man Up
Please note the modus operandi of the Open Theist. bound and determined to turn God into the quintessential False Prophet. The impetus behind this goal is the Open Theist's reason for existence: To secure for themselves freedom from God, total autonomy and final authority.
How do they set about to accomplish this? The steps are as follow:
(1) Under the guise of "freeing" God from any association with evil, the Open Theist strips God of His transcendent attributes, i.e. His omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, impassibility and immutability, and in the example above, Knight turns God into a false prophet;
(2) Under the guise of extolling God's hatred of evil, the Open Theist over-emphasizes God's imminent attributes, i.e. that He is living, loving, good, personal and relational, all attributes that could just as easily apply to Snookie, my neighbor's cat.
(3) Under the guise of affirming justice, and all the while ignoring its true definition, the Open Theist makes man completely and totally autonomous by insisting that man's will must have libertarian freedom, otherwise God could not justly hold them accountable;
(4) Under the guise of affirming genuine love, and all the while ignoring its true definition, the Open Theist makes man the final authority by insisting that man must choose for himself whether or not God will save him.
What methods are used by the Open Theist to accomplish this?
(1) To sit in judgment of God by seizing upon apparent contradictions and failed prophecies in the Bible, and explain them by declaring God's ignorance;
(2) To sit in judgment of God by seizing upon apparent contradictions and failed prophecies in the Bible, and explain them by declaring God's lack of foresight;
(3) To sit in judgment of God by seizing upon finite and figurative descriptions of God as changing and emoting, and to explain them by declaring God's ignorance and lack of foresight.
This is what Knight does, just like every other Open Theist I've encountered over the past eleven years. He takes a couple passages of scripture that seem to contradict or appear, at first blush, to demonstrate a failed prophecy from God. He then eisegetically uses them as prooftext for his false theology. Does he bother to study them out to see what the verses really mean? No, there's not reason to. It says what it says. Nevermind that the linguistic device called "ellipsis" couldn't be more glaring. If the verse seems to support his view, there's no reason to check it. Instead he jumps on the apparent failed prophecy and declares: See! See! Either God is less than God and utters false prophecies, or else the Bible contradicts itself. And since the latter cannot be true, the former must be.
Such is the mission and purpose of Open Theism. If a passage seems to say that God is fickle, don't even consider that it might be a figure of speech intended to emphasize rich, poignant, and wonderfully important insights that the original audience would have readily understood. Use it to prove that God is fickle. If a passage seems to say that God is too dumb to see something coming (i.e. is surprised by something), don't even consider that it might be a figure of speech intended to emphasize rich, poignant, and wonderfully important insights that the original audience would have readily understood. Instead, use it to prove that God is a dimwit. If a passage seems to say that God is ignorant, don't even consider that it might be a figure of speech intended to emphasize rich, poignant, and wonderfully important insights that the original audience would have readily understood. Use it to prove that God is ignorant. If a passage seems to say that God uttered a false prophecy, don't even consider that there might be a figure of speech involved, intended to emphasize rich, poignant, and wonderfully important insights that the original audience would have readily understood. Use it to prove that God is a False Prophet. And so on, ad nauseum.
Here's the diffierence in approaches to such passages:
The Bible student who believes in a God who is really God sees these descriptions in the Bible and concludes, "God cannot be fickle, dimwitted, ignorant, or utter false prophecy, therefore these must be figures of speech conveying something even more emphatic and important than would appear on the surface; I'd better study this out."
The Unsettled Incidental Theist sees these descriptions and jumps immediately to the conclusion that God is less than God, just as Knight has done regarding the so-called "failed prophecy" of Jonah. God is infinite, unbounded, supreme. Nothing is greater than God, yet the Open View makes the future greater than God. God is not subordinate to anything, not time, not man, not man's judgment, not man's will. Yet the Open Theist will readily and eagerly seize upon any verse they can twist to make God subordinate to all of these. And since God's attributes of being "good, personal, living, relational and loving" (i.e., the Neighbor's Pet Attributes) take priority over everything else, then He really can't do anything, which is what has been demonstrated abundantly in my posts, abundantly evident in the inability of any Open Theist to tell me one thing that God actually, actively is doing in their lives on a daily basis. What is God actively doing in your life right this moment? The Open (Incidental) Theist has no answer.
IV. What are the results of Open Theist theology?
(1) God is reduced to an incidental being who does not know the future, cannot tell the future, and cannot really, actually, actively DO anything;
(2) Man is exalted to a level of total autonomy and final authority on all matters related his own life and eternal state.
What is the conclusion concerning Open Theism?
Open Theists have succeeded in created a God in their own image and have thereby committed the sin of Adam. They have sought to independently, on their own will, on their own judgment, authority and autonomy, to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that is, to acquire autonomous knowledge and judgment apart from God. Such a theology is powerful and compelling to the innate rebellion and sinful nature of man. This is the Broad Road, appealing to the basest level of sinful humanity. Open Theism impugns and denigrates God, thereby pulling Him down. Open Theism exalts man's freedom and autonomy from God, thereby giving man the final authority of all matters concerning his own life and eternal state. Open Theism is nothing new. It started in the Garden of Eden, and has existed in one form or another ever since. Its goal is to tear God down and to build man up, to make God less than God and to make man more than man. It is humanism with a Luciferian impetus. With man as the final authority, God has become incidental.
Job 40:8 Wilt thou also disannul My judgment? wilt thou condemn Me, that thou mayest be righteous?
Knight said:
The moment God had Jonah tell Nineveh...
"Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"
Do you believe that was a actual possible version of coming events? I.e., Was the threat a real threat?
All of God's threats are real, even for the elect prior to regeneration.
Knight said:
Clockwork? Interesting choice of words.
And a fitting one.
Hilston wrote:
The changes of the hands of a clock are real changes. Just like the incarnation of Christ was a real change.
Knight said:
We agree! (I already stated that in my last post)
You CAN'T agree, because the incarnation was PLANNED, remember? By your logic, there wasn't REALLY any change. Since the Son was just "going through the motions," it was merely "all an act." With every post, Knight demonstrates in widescreen high definition, that the Open View not only poisons the mind, it also sufficiently distorts the ability to reason, perverts one's sense of honesty and integrity, and is simply unable to sustain a consistent and biblical conception of God and history.