One Gospel Proven.


Because some on here know that Book, and know it well.

People who know "that book" don't claim that there's going to be a secret rapture. They don't then claim an anti-christ is going to make a covenant with Jews and rebuild a temple. They don't claim Jesus is going to come back to planet earth a third time, sit on a man made throne, and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Those are't people who know "that book". Those people are followers of John Nelson Darby.

You Danoh, are a Darby follower.

You need to give up Dispensationalism, and believe what "that book" actually says.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I still only see one gospel.

So, he concedes he does not know what the term "gospel" means.

The book's testimony: plenty of good news in the book


You: I see only one piece of good news in the book.


The 11 eventually understood what Christ was saying...


Slower-irrelevant to your "argument." The 12, including Judas, preached the gospel/good news of the kingdom, for almost 3 years, at a time that the DBR was hid from them. Get it? The good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV included the DBR.

You made up this "just one piece of good news."

The 11? There were 12.

And you are proposing to argue on TOL?

He was preaching the one gospel even though the 11 did not understand what he was teaching until after his dbr which was still before Paul became of faith.

The DBR was hid from the 12, while they were peaching the good news/gospel of the kingdom.

You can't be this stupid.

I do take acception with John equating what Christ taught to what Judas may have taught.

You argue "one gospel."

Judas preached good news. Did he preach the good news/gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV?

Yes, or no?


New member
People who know "that book" don't claim that there's going to be a secret rapture. They don't then claim an anti-christ is going to make a covenant with Jews and rebuild a temple. They don't claim Jesus is going to come back to planet earth a third time, sit on a man made throne, and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Those are't people who know "that book". Those people are followers of John Nelson Darby.

You Danoh, are a Darby follower.

You need to give up Dispensationalism, and believe what "that book" actually says.

I've never read Darby, so let me ask you something [I know; time for your excuses].

But I mean this - you assert you are very familiar with his conclusions.

I realize this question is beyond you ability, but what methods of inquiry do you see in his approach; what steps?

I use Induction - Working Premise - Deduction - Working Conclusion - Contrastive Analysis - Conclusion - Assertion.

Or, Induction-Premise-Conclusion for short.

If you even know what I am talking about, as you have yet demonstrated yourself unaware of your own approach, let alone, that of someone else you apparently have remained clueless about.

Now's your chance to prove you are not the moron you continue to prove you are.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Then when they saw him risen they fully understood the DBR. The 11 preached the DBR before Paul was converted.

No, Peter was guided by the Holy Spirit to preach that he was raised up to sit upon the throne of David, in accordance with Isaiah 9. The Holy Spirit did not reveal to him that he died for their sin, that they were reconciled by it.


Literal lunatic
No, Peter was guided by the Holy Spirit to preach that he was raised up to sit upon the throne of David, in accordance with Isaiah 9. The Holy Spirit did not reveal to him that he died for their sin, that they were reconciled by it.


You cant say Peter didn't know he died for their sins.

For he most certainly did.

Pentecost was after Christ expounded the scriptures to them.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
People who know "that book" don't claim that there's going to be a secret rapture. They don't then claim an anti-christ is going to make a covenant with Jews and rebuild a temple. They don't claim Jesus is going to come back to planet earth a third time, sit on a man made throne, and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Well, well, well,....satanic Craigie shows up, slithers in, late at night, with his Darby" stumper, as that is all he has, and spams, for the 666th time this year, his cute little "They don't then claim an anti-christ is going to make a covenant with Jews and rebuild a temple. They don't claim Jesus is going to come back to planet earth a third time, sit on a man made throne, and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement" demonic charge/cliche.

And why do you care about a rapture, catching away, by force, Craigie? Jealous, because you are going down, when you die, weasel? Yes....

"man made throne"-cutie weasel Craigie

Tell us wimp, as I've asked you over 20 times:

Are these "man made"?:

-the tabernacle in the wilderness
-the temple
-the cross
-the Lord Jesus Christ's clothes
-the house that the Lord Jesus Christ lived in Nazareth

Watta ya say, sweetie? Yes, or no?

I thought so, you demonic weasel, engager in sophistry, deception.

And the child of the devil, deceitfully adds to the book, changes words, as no scripture has "man made." Your father the devil taught you well, weasel.

lThose are't people who know "that book". Those people are followers of John Nelson Darby.

You Danoh, are a Darby follower.

That's the punk's best volley. Wow, weasel.

You need to give up Dispensationalism, and believe what "that book" actually says.

Wow, Craigie. That was so impressive. We hadn't thought of that. Your family must even laugh at you, weasel.


Active member
So, he concedes he does not know what the term "gospel" means.

The book's testimony: plenty of good news in the book


You: I see only one piece of good news in the book.



Slower-irrelevant to your "argument." The 12, including Judas, preached the gospel/good news of the kingdom, for almost 3 years, at a time that the DBR was hid from them. Get it? The good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV included the DBR.

You made up this "just one piece of good news."

The 11? There were 12.

And you are proposing to argue on TOL?

The DBR was hid from the 12, while they were peaching the good news/gospel of the kingdom.

You can't be this stupid.

You argue "one gospel."

Judas preached good news. Did he preach the good news/gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV?

Yes, or no?

I know that gospel means good news. Is that all you can do is attack and attack? No substance, Lots of noise. I do not know how anyone can read your replies. You think belittling someone makes you win? Is this how you think you show the truth? You call everyone satanic but you not have looked in the mirror. I pray God will show you the way one day. I pray the holy spirit will give you eyes to see and ears to hear.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Joh 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Joh 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

1 piece of fruit? How much?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I know that gospel means good news.

Then you are a deceiver, "arguing"...

"I still only see one gospel,"...

=you see only one piece of good news in the book.

That is satanic deception, which you are attempting to promulgate on this site.

Is that all you can do is attack and attack?

I always "attack" deception, and those who deceive, to protect the lost/babes/sheep, against poison, such as what you are attempting to force down others' throats.

Why don't you? That's biblical. Oh, yes. You are a wolf, and deception is your ware.

No substance, Lots of noise.

Nice cliche sound byte.Wrong-you made that up. It is you that merely asserts, pounds the podium, with NADA scriptural backing, declares "Victory!," and returns to his "only one piece of good news in the bible" echo chamber, Oprah(i.e., opinions), while I give you chapter, and verse, in which to soak your ignorant head, that there is more than one piece of good news in the bible.

I do not know how anyone can read your replies.

Solve that 1 Cor. 2:14 KJV problem, and you will. Dig? Good.

You think belittling someone makes you win?

Well, Sparky, it depends on how you define the concept of "win." If you mean, that I protect others, by exposing error, and those who promote error, such as yourself, and exposing/identifying/marking the deceivers, warning others of them/you, and showing others the truth, which is demonstrating love, well, yes, then I win.

You: Do not "belittle" those who poison others!!!!!! Les showa messa love!!!!! Kumba ya, my Lord........

Save it, "Rodney Kung. Jr."

Is this how you think you show the truth?

Yes-Paul did. I follow Paul, which is following the Lord Jesus Christ in this dispensation. Why don't you? Let me guess: You are a "sweet" guy, not wanting to offend anyone. Paul calls that "man pleasing." I know the type. You love the praise of men, rather than the praise of God. The symptoms are spinelessness. I suffer from no such illness.

You call everyone satanic but you not have looked in the mirror.

Yes I have, and, in humility, I admit that I look quite dashing, cool, especially in a very red tie. I'll pass on the red sport coat, however.

I pray God will show you the way one day. I pray the holy spirit will give you eyes to see and ears to hear.

The old reliable, "We will pray for you, my dear misguided John W....You are not being led by the Holy Spirit.....," of course said, in extreme carringness, on your part.

Save it, condescending, "most holy" one-seen it before. Standard fare.

I nominate this responding post, as "SDROTY"-"Shut Down Response Of The Year."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dr. Breen is great promoter of the Covenant of Slow Down What Indeed Is Your Hurry, from New York City. He did a massive tour of the south in the 60s, in which he lured in saint john w as a disciple.

Yes, I found "Evvy" quite "therepetic."

The best to you, and yours, Mayor.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You could sit and listen to Harrison Everett Breen and Leonard Blush for hours on end , couldn't you saint john?

I could, and probably still have time to sell real estate, and vacuum cleaners. It's a big world out there, Mayor....

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It's a big world out there, Mayor....

Yes sir, you said a mouthful there.

Just beyond the courthouse, over the fence, was a major freeway running through the evil Los Angeles.

And, Hogan's Heroes and Gomer Pyle were filming just at the edge of town, beyond Wally's.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes sir, you said a mouthful there.

Just beyond the courthouse, over the fence, was a major freeway running through the evil Los Angeles.

And, Hogan's Heroes and Gomer Pyle were filming just at the edge of town, beyond Wally's.

You kidder! You're as smooth, as when you maneuver putting your arm on your galfriend, while "watching some TV." I shore cain't figger how you manage to watch TV, in the dark, Mayor. Curious.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You kidder! You're as smooth, as when you maneuver putting your arm on your galfriend, while "watching some TV." I shore cain't figger how you manage to watch TV, in the dark, Mayor. Curious.

I can't watch Columbo on dates, I have to concentrate to keep up.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can't watch Columbo on dates, I have to concentrate to keep up.

That certainly clears that up, sir....But I just have one more question....Something is bothering me....

I take off on Columbo. I wonder why he wore a raincoat in LA? It's a mite spooky of him.