On Rape (the original statement)

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Well-known member
No one here lacks sympathy for actual rape victims. Not even Sod (I think).

A man is falsely accused of rape, convicted, jailed. The woman later recants or is found to have lied. The accused man did not rape her. This happens frequently. Yet the man's life is ruined. Their reputations are sometimes irrevocably ruined. Some commit suicide, faced with a no-win when they know they're not guilty but no one believes them.

Do you have any sympathy for them?


like marbles on glass
And you claim i don't because i refuse to tell you what you want to hear instead of the truth. Your faith crisis is due to your focus on others instead of your focus on God and His truth. Thats the truth.

I even said as much in your thread to both you and when i defended you after what nick said.

What kind of christian would i be, if i didn't point you back to God where your faith should be anyway (instead of in others who need Him as much as you do??

This thread isn't about my faith.


New member
Hall of Fame
No one here lacks sympathy for actual rape victims. Not even Sod (I think).

A man is falsely accused of rape, convicted, jailed. The woman later recants or is found to have lied. This happens frequently. The man's life is ruined. Their reputations are sometimes irrevocably ruined. Some commit suicide, faced with a no-win when they know they're not guilty but no one believes them.

Do you have any sympathy for them?



like marbles on glass
No one here lacks sympathy for actual rape victims. Not even Sod (I think).

A man is falsely accused of rape, convicted, jailed. The woman later recants or is found to have lied. This happens frequently. The man's life is ruined. Their reputations are sometimes irrevocably ruined. Some commit suicide, faced with a no-win when they know they're not guilty but no one believes them.

Do you have any sympathy for them?

This thread isn't about men falsely accused of rape.


New member
Hall of Fame
This thread isn't about men falsely accused of rape.

yes, some of the scenerios presented are exactly that, but you keep pretending otherwise. (as well as dishonestly representing whats said in ways not said to begin with)

Hint: get back in reality instead of the dream land you wish existed so you can punish those you are angry with.


like marbles on glass
Hello, you invited my comments, you told me to spit it out. Your regret now, is not because of me. I didnt just rape you because you dont like what just happened.

Hello, I thought your comment would have something to do with the thread topic.

I don't regret asking, what a lame assumption on your part. :chuckle: I just don't see the benefit to your commenting on my faith or defending your witness to me, on a thread about rape. That's all.

I didnt just rape you because you dont like what just happened.


like marbles on glass
Do you have sympathy for men falsely accused and even convicted of rapes they did not commit? I ask because I do have a point directly related to this thread.

Of course I do. But I'm not going to go down a side bar on the subject. I'd appreciate if you could start a separate thread for that.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hello, I thought your comment would have something to do with the thread topic.

I don't regret asking, what a lame assumption on your part. :chuckle: I just don't see the benefit to your commenting on my faith or defending your witness to me, on a thread about rape. That's all.


The point is that you are misrepresenting lots of things and lots of people lately to excuse yourself, and others from accountability for their own action and for your own actions, and thats EXACTLY what this thread is about. (if its actually based on the original or is it based on a lie you want to push on someone in other words at attack tactic?)

Your pretense of otherwise, is your own doing.

PS - your thinking of what you believe my thinking and actions should be AFTER the fact, is how some women cry rape, when no rape occured. Not liking the outcome doesnt mean rape.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

this does not remove any responsibility from the rapist - he is just as guilty for raping

but it's a recognition that the woman's behavior is a contributory factor

if you're going to act like a whore, don't be surprised if guys expect you to be a whore

"Just as guilty"? Says it all.

The only guilty party is the rapist, nobody else whether or not they're dressed conservatively or in a g string and tarted up to the hilts.

And what exactly is "acting like a whore" in your cranked out little world anyway? How about a lingerie model?



Well-known member
Of course I do. But I'm not going to go down a side bar on the subject. I'd appreciate if you could start a separate thread for that.

No need, here's my point: THAT is the reason many of us have grown skeptical of rape claims and no longer knee-jerk to defend the woman.

See, it's bigger than just our common sense bafflement at women putting themselves in situations they KNOW are potentially more dangerous to them than the same situation is to a man, then getting raped but being told "It's totally not your fault, lady." Sorry, that's a lie. It implies that they should expect to be immune from all harm in a world where evil people exist. It infantilizes and insults their intelligence (or it should, if they have any sense). It talks to them like they're spoiled, halfwitted little girls.

Flooring it down the wrong side of the interstate is to beg for pain. Same principle with a woman dressing in a tube skirt and getting drunk on her a** with a bunch of frat boys. If they actually rape her while she's drunk, THEY ARE RAPISTS AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL. But if they never touched her, or if she regrets what she willingly did with them while drunk and says it was rape, SHE TRIED TO RUIN THEIR LIVES AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL.

Of course you will disagree with every word I just typed, assuming you bothered to read them.


Well-known member
I don't think some understand what rape is. One can be raped while sleeping soundly in their home, or while stripping at a bar. Neither position makes them hold any responsibility for being raped. Rape is rape. The one being raped holds no responsibility.

And one should never ever think of rape as some whacy punishment for their provocative behavior, or to think of rape as a: Well, you should have expected RAPE by your behavior. There is no behavior that should expect RAPE.

I understand what rape is, and the rapist is always at fault.

I also understand that SOME women who are raped are at fault. And saying they bear no responsibility for their own actions is ignoring the facts.

We are all responsible for our own actions. If those actions put us in a dangerous position, we are at fault. I'm at fault if I take my kids in a boat with no life jacket and one of them drowns. I'm at fault if I don't watch my child and he wanders into the street. I know it....regardless of what anyone else says.

In the same way, the gal that stripped at a frat party and ended up getting raped would probably be quicker to accept her own blame in the matter than some on here are doing. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
No need, here's my point: THAT is the reason many of us have grown skeptical of rape claims and no longer knee-jerk to defend the woman.

See, it's bigger than just our common sense bafflement at women putting themselves in situations they KNOW are potentially more dangerous to them than the same situation is to a man, then getting raped but being told "It's totally not your fault, lady." Sorry, that's a lie. It implies that they should expect to be immune from all harm in a world where evil people exist. It infantilizes and insults their intelligence (or it should, if they have any sense). It talks to them like they're spoiled, halfwitted little girls.

Flooring it down the wrong side of the interstate is to beg for pain. Same principle with a woman dressing in a tube skirt and getting drunk on her a** with a bunch of frat boys. If they actually rape her while she's drunk, THEY ARE RAPISTS AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL. But if they never touched her, or if she regrets what she willingly did with them while drunk and says it was rape, SHE TRIED TO RUIN THEIR LIVES AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL.

Of course you will disagree with every word I just typed, assuming you bothered to read them.

Excellent post - now wait for your words to be distorted and outright lied about.


Well-known member
No need, here's my point: THAT is the reason many of us have grown skeptical of rape claims and no longer knee-jerk to defend the woman.

See, it's bigger than just our common sense bafflement at women putting themselves in situations they KNOW are potentially more dangerous to them than the same situation is to a man, then getting raped but being told "It's totally not your fault, lady." Sorry, that's a lie. It implies that they should expect to be immune from all harm in a world where evil people exist. It infantilizes and insults their intelligence (or it should, if they have any sense). It talks to them like they're spoiled, halfwitted little girls.

Flooring it down the wrong side of the interstate is to beg for pain. Same principle with a woman dressing in a tube skirt and getting drunk on her a** with a bunch of frat boys. If they actually rape her while she's drunk, THEY ARE RAPISTS AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL. But if they never touched her, or if she regrets what she willingly did with them while drunk and says it was rape, SHE TRIED TO RUIN THEIR LIVES AND SHOULD GO TO JAIL.

Of course you will disagree with every word I just typed, assuming you bothered to read them.

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