On Bob Enyart's Condemnation of John & Patsy Ramsey

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I think this guy is an opportunist fag who wants attention. He wouldn't have come out with this before Patsy Ramsey died because he knew she wouldn't have believed him -- obviously, since she herself was involved in the murder.


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badp said:
I think this guy is an opportunist fag who wants attention. He wouldn't have come out with this before Patsy Ramsey died because he knew she wouldn't have believed him -- obviously, since she herself was involved in the murder.

Oh yeah, obviously. Because a man who attacks a female child is so clearly gay. And because the mother was so clearly involved in JonBenet's death.

Really, with stupefying dogmatism like this, who the hell needs a legal system anymore? Congratulations, man! You have just revolutionized law enforcement and the criminal justic system permanently. Make a declaration loud and long enough and just settle on it being so.


TOL Subscriber
Bob Enyart said:
John Mark Karr has confessed to killing JonBenet Ramsey, and through Bob Enyart Live, I have strongly condemned the Ramseys for murdering their daughter, and the Boulder Colorado justice system for failing to convict them. If Karr’s confession is true, then I owe a deep apology to the Ramseys and Boulder, and I would make such an apology with more than just words, and realizing that there is not much I could do to undo the damage, at least to demonstrate sincerity, I would donate $1,000 of my own money to a charity supported by John Ramsey (one that is consistent with biblical truth), which amount would be painful to me and my family to give out.

If Karr’s confession is not true, then our position stands.

Some have said to us, “If Bob Enyart was in charge, the Ramseys would have been wrongly executed.” We can show this is false in two ways. Firstly, in my novel, The First Five Days, I present the KGOV.com view of how a biblical, Christian government should function, and how America should transition. In this novel, the brand new Christian government announces it will “execute all 3,000 death row inmates on the following day,” except that a review of every case had to be completed first, and “twenty-seven cases” had not yet been reviewed, thus in the novel (the world as we believe it should function), we would not even expedite execution of convicted men on death row until our judges reviewed the cases, because we did not sufficiently trust the existing system. Back to real life, regarding the Ramseys, of course, we would never execute someone on the strength of media reports. Secondly, the swift and painful death penalty is a significant deterrent (which we would impose including for child pornography crimes), so a huge percent of the ten-thousand plus annual U.S. murders would not occur, which could have resulted in JonBenet’s life being spared, and the Ramseys never being suspected.


-Bob Enyart

Excellent post Bob. I appreciate that you are eager to admit you are wrong if proven so and that you do more than just say "I'm sorry" and walk away.


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badp said:
I think this guy is an opportunist fag who wants attention. He wouldn't have come out with this before Patsy Ramsey died because he knew she wouldn't have believed him -- obviously, since she herself was involved in the murder.
That's sort of been my take on this thing too.

I think he feels guilty for being such a pervert over the years. He's bothered that he can't control his urges and his addictions. So, he turns himself in as a way out of his sin. Unfortunately, the justice system can't save him, only Christ can.


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I'm stunned by the ignorant tabloid rush to judgment here.

If a six year old boy was murdered and a woman was arrested for the crime would any of you armchair psychologist/detective types assume she was a lesbian?

Nathon Detroit

Granite said:
If a six year old boy was murdered and a woman was arrested for the crime would any of you armchair psychologist/detective types assume she was a lesbian?

And why?

Because certain types of people behave in predicable ways.

It's called profiling, you should try it sometime. It helps you to stay ahead of the curve. :)


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Hall of Fame
Knight said:

And why?

Because certain types of people behave in predicable ways.

It's called profiling, you should try it sometime. It helps you to stay ahead of the curve. :)


Assuming Karr is gay says a lot more about you guys than it does about me. Whether he is or not, frankly, doesn't even matter.

Nathon Detroit

Granite said:

Assuming Karr is gay says a lot more about you guys than it does about me. Whether he is or not, frankly, doesn't even matter.
Good for you!

Why are you so obsessed over how others use common sense?


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Freedom Train said:
I think Bob's post shows strength of character but I agree it may not be warranted at this time. Just because a suspect was nabbed the judicial process must occur and like others I am not convinced this fellow is the culprit as of yet. Let the wheeels of justice turn and we'll see.
Yes, but I'm anxious, and the wheels of American "justice" are square, and and we stopped using axles over the last few decades.


New member
On Bob Enyart's Condemnation of John & Patsy Ramsey

Bob’s opinions may have not been entirely wrong!

On another forum that I frequent, I found this story written by a “Alex Constantine” in the year 2000. This is a story that I find too preposterous, to even begin to wrap my mind around, due to it’s contents. However given the fact that we are living in the last days of this age and that it is prophesied that we all would be faced with the most evil generation just before Christ returns, then I have to wonder if there might be some truth in what it says.

I caution you that this site is very disturbing and you may not want to read its contents.

If you do then click on the following link and read “The JonBenet Ramsey Case: Emerging Child Sex-Ring Allegations, Political Connections and a Suspect;”

http://www.newsmakingnews.com/archi...egations, Political Connections and a Suspect

Also read about the confessor at this link:


Scroll down the page until you see the following article. “Single Pervert Theory”

After forcing myself to read this article, I find that Bob may have inadvertently put the full blame on the Ramsay family, but was possibly correct in identifying them as parties to its occurrence.

I guess we will just have to wait and see if anything will unfold or is the case really closed by powers greater than we can ever imagine.


New member
Bob Enyart said:
Granite, that's actually a good idea, except it has a major downside. It would be seen as just a shameless promotion, since the ad would include my name, and who I am.

Armor not needed (here).
So, it's okay to publicly condemn someone, but not to publicly apologize to them? As if people weren't aware of the promotion value of your condemnation, but would pick it up in your apology? Perhaps, just perhaps, such an apology could be crafted in such a way that it is just that, an apology, without the CYA and self-promotional tone of your initial post? For sure you'd better wait until more is known about Karr and his role, if any, in all this, because you surely won't be able to avoid the "I'm sorry for smearing you, but ONLY if Karr is telling the truth!" bit!


Maximeee's Husband
aharvey said:
So, it's okay to publicly condemn someone, but not to publicly apologize to them? As if people weren't aware of the promotion value of your condemnation, but would pick it up in your apology? Perhaps, just perhaps, such an apology could be crafted in such a way that it is just that, an apology, without the CYA and self-promotional tone of your initial post? For sure you'd better wait until more is known about Karr and his role, if any, in all this, because you surely won't be able to avoid the "I'm sorry for smearing you, but ONLY if Karr is telling the truth!" bit!

He'd be wrong to you no matter what direction he took. The heathen response to this thread isn't surprising.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
aharvey said:
So, it's okay to publicly condemn someone, but not to publicly apologize to them? As if people weren't aware of the promotion value of your condemnation, but would pick it up in your apology?
That's precisely what would happen. With those who wish to criticise Bob's actions, no matter what he does it will be spun to Bob's disadvantage. Sort of like your post does, for example.

Perhaps, just perhaps, such an apology could be crafted in such a way that it is just that, an apology, without the CYA and self-promotional tone of your initial post?
See what I mean?! There is no such tone, you want there to be a tone and so you read the tone into it. Nothing Bob does will be right in your eyes - nothing.

For sure you'd better wait until more is known about Karr and his role, if any, in all this, because you surely won't be able to avoid the "I'm sorry for smearing you, but ONLY if Karr is telling the truth!" bit!
The whole fact that he's come out at the first sign that he might have been wrong before such is confirmed is strong evidence (proof as far as I am concerned) that his intentions are good and his apologetic attitude genuine.

Resting in HIm,


New member
death2impiety said:
He'd be wrong to you no matter what direction he took. The heathen response to this thread isn't surprising.
Convenient dismissal, but wrong. I genuinely do not understand how someone can justify publicly condemning someone but not publicly apologizing when that condemnation was in fact unjustified. It's a question I ask of anyone who publicly condemned the Ramseys (and in case you hadn't noticed, Bob E wasn't the only one). I'm not surprised at Bob's hesitancy. It's against human nature to admit this kind of blunder, and it's certainly human nature, to, even when apologizing, spin it to minimize the damage one actually did, and it's even human nature to rationalize why one declined to step up to the plate.


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Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Good for you!

Why are you so obsessed over how others use common sense?

"Common sense" tells me that the guy has a thing for underage women, making his "homosexuality" kind of unlikely.


Maximeee's Husband
aharvey said:
Convenient dismissal, but wrong. I genuinely do not understand how someone can justify publicly condemning someone but not publicly apologizing when that condemnation was in fact unjustified. It's a question I ask of anyone who publicly condemned the Ramseys (and in case you hadn't noticed, Bob E wasn't the only one). I'm not surprised at Bob's hesitancy. It's against human nature to admit this kind of blunder, and it's certainly human nature, to, even when apologizing, spin it to minimize the damage one actually did, and it's even human nature to rationalize why one declined to step up to the plate.

This is a public forum. He would publish an apology but as he said, it would look more like an advertisement. Had he taken the route you're pushing for from the beginning you'd be singing the same tune.

How can you say "I'm not surprised at Bob's hesitancy"? Am I taking crazy pills??? Minimize the damage? Offering a public, genuine apology and a monetary act of contrition isn't enough for you, I'm sure nothing would be.

Declined to step up to the plate :rotfl: you really have lost it haven't you.

Nathon Detroit

Granite said:
"Common sense" tells me that the guy has a thing for underage women, making his "homosexuality" kind of unlikely.
Uh... did you forget Karr was planning on getting a sex change operation? Thus making his homosexuality not only "likely" but positively real.


New member
Knight said:
Uh... did you forget Karr was planning on getting a sex change operation? Thus making his homosexuality not only "likely" but positively real.

At the very least, he's a lesbian.


New member
Bob Enyart said:
Granite, that's actually a good idea, except it has a major downside. It would be seen as just a shameless promotion, since the ad would include my name, and who I am.
I have to agree with aharvey on this one. Recalling some of the lyrics from the closing moments of many of the BEL shows - “Do right, don’t stand on fences. Now what ever you do, do right, with all of your might, do right, do right.”

I don’t recall any of the Biblical figures recoiling from open declarations of what was right, even when it almost certainly would result in a personal backlash against them. Do right, and if people read your apology the wrong way, that is to their condemnation. As it is, I am getting the feeling of déjà vu, reminding me of Pres. Clinton finding ample reasons to avoid coming directly out and admitting his failings in the Lewinsky affair.
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