Incorrect, I'll let you figure out why (because it is obvious).
Irrelevant nonsense.
You realize you aren't saying 'marriage' either?
I think that, and by that, I mean you, speak for yourself that I don't need to redress it. However, lest you make a mess in the future, even 'pair' is a bit restrictive :think:
I was using the more accurate term for the phenomena we were discussing. And yes, rarely, more than a 'pair' of us will bond in this way, but it's quite rare and the rare exceptions do not disprove the norm.
You realize, that SCOTUS requires a rewrite of every dictionary in the English speaking world? Do justices actually have that power?
The term "marriage" in the dictionary has multiple meanings. And the specific attachment of male and female shouldn't have been imposed on the term in the first place, unless it's a religious dictionary. Nevertheless, dictionaries change words and definitions every printing because language is constantly morphing through use.
I don't think they are supposed to, but do a quick Google search on the term 'marriage.' They have all changed. It was a world concern, not simply a religious concern. The problem is much larger (and inept) than the small view here. Those 9 men were imperializing, dictating terms not to small groups, but to historical redefinition (encyclopedic), world trampling and etc. The decision was inept in that it did not count the costs and repercussion, nor see it coming, or were so arrogant that they didn't care (doubtful).
The Supreme Court does not set laws or standards for the U.S. or anyone else. It's purpose is to interpret the constitution and make specific determinations, accordingly. Your argument is with the U. S. Constitution, not the courts. And what other nations and peoples think about marriage is their own business.
The problem here is that the U.S. has been struggling to separate religion from government since it's inception. And each time we succeed in it a little further, you religionists perceive it is a loss of power. Which it is. But it was power you were never supposed to have in this country. Because this country was founded on the principal that the government does not endorse nor enforce any religious ideology. The government was wrong to have defined marriage via religious ideology in the first place, but it did, and it has done since the beginning. And it is just now coming to realize it, and finally stop doing it. And this is good for everyone. You just can't see that because you liked it when religion was being enforced and endorsed by the government, because it was
your religion being favored. And sadly, that's all you care about.