I already did. You said the 10 commandments express the values of all society, because... they express the values of all society. Well, no they don't. Take the first almost half of them and try to apply them to all of American society, because, well, they express their values.
They express 80% of us, are included in our Declaration (see my sig) and are expressed publically many times by Presidents and Statesmen. Would you erase our history to simply favor a bias?
I'm talking about the 'all society' that you've specifically stated that the 10 commandments represent. Let's focus on all society.
Again, as you now claim 'other' I've no idea what you now embrace, but is it a bad thing to tell you to love the Lord your God? Yes or no? Is it a 'bad' thing to tell an atheist to love the Lord his/her God? The answer is no.
Catholic heritage. For good or for ill, there's a lot of American history that didn't originate in the 13 Puritanical colonies.
Doesn't that tell you why they are on our properties in the first place then? Why are we trying to 'undo' America? To what end?
You were talking about what "the next generation should understand about us and that will benefit them in observance." Should that be the Quakers who don't believe in wars started by misguided Christian presidents? Or native Americans who didn't want to be forced into Catholic worship? Or Japanese Americans forced into internment camps by another misguided Christian president?
They all have monuments and museums btw. Do you want the oriental district to remove it's icons and monuments remembering it? Why must we 'erase' whatever isn't liked and put up incredibly small special interest groups. They already have their own icons without trying to usurp what is on government lawns. I am not at all demanding crosses replace them. I'm saying we shouldn't be removing any of them willy-nilly. If it offends, that's too bad, because it isn't being 'Christian' to embrace them, but American. I think everyone in the US should embrace Christianity but that's not political and I wouldn't post John 3:16 in the Whitehouse halls.
The Constitution doesn't need, or advise, monuments to the 10 commandments. Plain and simple.
I disagree. This is just going back and forth in assertion now.
Oh, it works. You just can't see it.
You're out in the weeds on this.
This isn't about me, so don't make it about me, and I'm not going to follow your line of thought on anything related to me.
:nono: Look:
I'm talking about the "Christian" behavior you and others ignore because they're on the "right" side of your issues and/or beliefs. I wasn't thinking about myself, but about the many, many times that nasty behavior by "Christians" is not only tolerated here, but celebrated. Celebrated, Lon. That's on you, and any Christian who doesn't speak out against it.
Also. This also isn't about how much you "out-give" and volunteer. Do you realize how many times you've told us how wonderful you are about giving?
About 5, but "I'm wonderful" was never part of the conversation. Rather, 5 kids living in third world countries IS wonderful. I am humbled (and obedient) to have been used to do it. My point always has been: Talk is cheap (and often disgusting with self-indulgence while others are in need).
I don't care about me, I care about them, and their neglect. I rarely start the comparison game, but surely want to be the one to end it with "put your $ and time where your mouth is" to them). The self-centered are often criminal in their hypocrisy and ivory tower judgements. It is a sin against all men and God in every literal sense.
Do you realize how self-serving it sounds? I have no doubt there are those here who've done and given more than you have and never breathed a word about it. I asked you once about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing but I don't think you answered.
Yes. Paul too said he was foolish for tipping his hand. His point and mine, is that at times such is necessary to help another rightly weigh their own wrongness and hasty conclusions. Does it strip me of joy or a crown? No, it just places it in your hands. If you see the good of it, that's my crown. If it is thrown with the swine, that is my offering, then. It was no waste of expense, but well-thought-out as to the loss. What volunteer work are you doing, Anna? What children are alive today because you gave (rhetorical)? The atheists were silent, and disdainful. Sad that, these are the men you've come to love.