So this is how it works...
Scientists go out and conduct radiometric dating on the Hell Creek formation, where these fossils are found.
The use 40Ar/39Ar total fusion and get a result of ~64 million years old.
They use 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and get a result of ~66.0 million years old.
They use 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum again and get a result of ~65 million years old.
They use 40Ar/39Ar total fusion again and get a result of ~65 million years old.
They use K-Ar and get a result of ~65 million years old.
They use Rb-Sr isochron and get a result of ~64 million years old.
They use U-Pb concordia and get a result of ~64 million years old.
Then a group of creationists conduct C-14 dating on bones from the formation and get dates of around 30,000 years. Why would they do such a thing? The above results clearly show that the formations in the area are over 60 million years old, and we know C-14 dating isn't useful for dating things that old.
So basically you have a group of creationists who misuse a tool, and when they get anomalous results, expect everyone else to just blindly toss out all the work that has been done before and go with
their results, even though they were derived incorrectly.
Good job creationists!