Then spend your time in Gal 3 and Heb 8 where our theology is stated in complete and necessary form, instead of trying to figure out why or how certain things happened or were misunderstood. There is no need or point to MAD.
The fool says that because he thinks Gal. 3:17 is asserting some sort of voiding of the Law "they of the circumcision which believed," were under as Israelites.
Its all "one size fits all" to him, hence his fool use of the phrase "the gospel" - it is a "one size fits all" to him.
In his blindness, he fails to see that when the phrase is used in the Scripture, it's user always makes obvious his particularly intended sense.
Only book based buffoons and those who go by their own "what this means to me" use that phrase in a "one size fits all" manner.
In contrast, this is why heir, for example, ALWAYS rightly refers to "the gospel OF OUR SALVATION."
Out of her CONSISTENT awareness of THE NEED to EVER point that out to people in general, given the mess that Interplanner and their lot having been making of "the gospel OF OUR SALVATION" ever since the Apostle Paul himself found himself EVER NEEDING TO point this DISTINCTION out.