Obeying Jesus' teachings or commands is requirement for salvation.


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Meshak doesn't accept the Old Testament nor the writings of
Paul. She ONLY trusts in Matthew , Mark, and Luke.

I know, even thought she is quoting from John in her op, when she has previously claimed that book illegitimate.

Meshaks bible look likes this:



I do accept his Word. Those that love him do what he commands. Why did you follow him if you did not believe in him?

You have been fighting against to accept what the OP verses say that they are not condition for salvation.

they are all connect to be saying obeying Jesus' commands is requirement for salvation.

Ok I bring them one by one.


1. John 14:15
◦New King James Version
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.

You see, this is Jesus command. You say you love Him don't you? Then keep them. If you don't keep them, you don't love Him.

If you don't love Him, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

Do you get that so far?


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You see, this is Jesus command. You say you love Him don't you? Then keep them. If you don't keep them, you don't love Him.

If you don't love Him, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

Do you get that so far?

Do you get that He commanded we believe in Him?

What do you think He died for, if just following the law saved anyone, He died for nothing.


New member
when you say "I am saved", that says a lot about your faith, friend.
As Angel said... I do trust Christ as my Savior.
But, I'm not understanding your replies as you seem angry. I'm sorry if I said something that upset you.


Active member
You see, this is Jesus command. You say you love Him don't you? Then keep them. If you don't keep them, you don't love Him.

If you don't love Him, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

Do you get that so far?

That makes perfect sense. Except you must somewhere have believed him to love him. Believing is the salvation but it is not without good works. If someone does not have good fruit then they will be cut down. This is a sign they do not have salvation. Obeying is the sign.

I met a friend in Christ. He and his wife wanted to help in Central America. They inquired with many Christian organizations but none would have them without strict adherence to the organizations beliefs or teachings. They were denied from all the formal christian organizations. Without any formal organization they pooled their own money and left to help whoever they could find. Later they met up with an organisation in Central America like doctors without borders and were able to help. Do you think they believed in Christ before obeying or do you think they did this for salvation?


That makes perfect sense. Except you must somewhere have believed him to love him.

I honor Jesus' teachings. Yes, I strive to obey everything He commands and teaches.

Why do you have problem with that?

You see, you have arrogant spirit. Nothing is wrong to try to please Jesus. You don't seem to know Jesus will accept His followers strive to please Him. You are adding your own idea to Jesus' simple word.

So you don't accept this simple word of Jesus.

Now you are stuck. You will not accept the rest of the verses.


As Angel said... I do trust Christ as my Savior.
But, I'm not understanding your replies as you seem angry. I'm sorry if I said something that upset you.

I am just stating as I see. I know "I am saved" faith is widely accepted by most churches.

You don't seem to know how arrogant that statement is. You don't seem to know Jesus is the judge of who will be saved or not, ourselves.

You guys need to know Jesus is the judge of all of us. You are usurping Jesus' authority.


You think I am upset?

Yes, I am.

I don't see much of you showing respect for Jesus' authority to judge who will be saved or not.

It is pathetic.


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I honor Jesus' teachings. Yes, I strive to obey everything He commands and teaches.

Why do you have problem with that?
No problem with that at all, except when you claim obedience to laws, is what results in salvation and or that not being able to or messing up results in loss of it.

You see, you have arrogant spirit. Nothing is wrong to try to please Jesus. You don't seem to know Jesus will accept His followers strive to please Him. You are adding your own idea to Jesus' simple word.

So you don't accept this simple word of Jesus.

Now you are stuck. You will not accept the rest of the verses.

Now you are acting like the lost pharisees and showing yourself a whitewashed tomb who knows nothing of the love of Christ.


You guys boast to be saved all you want.

You maybe surprised what Jesus has to say at the Lord's day.


Well-known member
"I am saved" is boastful spirit. It is not of Jesus.

Humility is must for Jesus' followers.

Declaring that one is saved is not boasting in self.
It's boasting strictly about what He has done for us.
It is glorifying HIM!

"Where is boasting, then? It is excluded."- the Apostle to the Nations


New member
Hall of Fame
You guys boast to be saved all you want.

You maybe surprised what Jesus has to say at the Lord's day.

Galatians 6:14 But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
We boast about Him, not our dead works.

Unless you learn the difference and receive Christ in Spirit and Truth and understand what He did for you, it is you who will be surprised what Jesus says about you boasting in your dead works on your own authority instead of His.

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.