Obey Jesus


New member
Ok. Sure. Why not? Uhhhhhh, what does that mean exactly ? Can anyone give an example from their life where they made a decision or committed an action that was commanded by Jesus?
We aren't to speak of our own actions in following the two commands of the Christ. We are to be faithful silent servants.

There are a multitude of cases one could speak of in truth though.

peace friend

Thanks for the new, relevant thread.

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New member

Can we not approach this topic without the presupposition that any are wrong?

Can we find evidence of effecrual faith and blessed obideince without attempting to make men openly boast intentionally attempting to incriminate them against the words of scripture?


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New member
We aren't to speak of our own actions in following the two commands of the Christ. We are to be faithful silent servants.

There are a multitude of cases one could speak of in truth though.

peace friend

Thanks for the new, relevant thread.

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You can talk all day long about your obedience and yet not provide one shred of evidence for it? If obedience is as important as you say it is, you should be able to provide even a fictional account of someone being obedient and why you think it's an act of obedience in the first place.


New member

Can we not approach this topic without the presupposition that any are wrong?

Can we find evidence of effecrual faith and blessed obideince without attempting to make men openly boast intentionally attempting to incriminate them against the words of scripture?


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It's only boasting when you bring it up without any one asking you to. You claim that your actions are obedient without anyone prompting you to say it all the time. That is boasting. Paul defended his actions to his accusers and that was not boasting, however, if he had brought up his actions without prompting in order to show others that it's proof he is saved.....that is boasting.


New member
You can talk all day long about your obedience and yet not provide one shred of evidence for it? If obedience is as important as you say it is, you should be able to provide even a fictional account of someone being obedient and why you think it's an act of obedience in the first place.
That would be kinda like a lie wouldn't it?

I know of a man. A sinner who has done many things for the glorying of the Lord and GOD. He supposedly actually tells people to not mention it when they thank him, and tells them he deserves no thanks, but that only One deserves all thanks. In reality these things that are done are a form of thanks giving though such a concept may be lost to many.

From housing those in the cold to giving the very last dollar to facing persecution of law for those in need to actually giving one of two coats to one percieveimg as desperately in need.

I also know of a man that is old and small yet glows with vitality and health. This blessed man has guided others in quite subtle humility. He was without perceivable flaw or fault. From what I gathered he was chaste in all ways and yet wholly humble.


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New member
You can talk all day long about your obedience and yet not provide one shred of evidence for it? If obedience is as important as you say it is, you should be able to provide even a fictional account of someone being obedient and why you think it's an act of obedience in the first place.
That would be kinda like a lie wouldn't it?

I know of a man. A sinner who has done many things for the glorying of the Lord and GOD. He supposedly actually tells people to not mention it when they thank him, and tells them he deserves no thanks, but that only One deserves all thanks. In reality these things that are done are a form of thanks giving though such a concept may be lost to many.

From housing those in the cold, to giving the very last dollar, to facing persecution of law for those in need, to actually giving one of two coats to one perceived as desperately in need.

I also know of a man that is old and small yet glows with vitality and health. This blessed man has guided others in quite subtle humility. He was without perceivable flaw or fault. From what I gathered he was chaste in all ways and yet wholly humble.


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New member
It's only boasting when you bring it up without any one asking you to. You claim that your actions are obedient without anyone prompting you to say it all the time. That is boasting. Paul defended his actions to his accusers and that was not boasting, however, if he had brought up his actions without prompting in order to show others that it's proof he is saved.....that is boasting.
Show where I said I was obedient please?

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Ok. Sure. Why not? Uhhhhhh, what does that mean exactly ? Can anyone give an example from their life where they made a decision or committed an action that was commanded by Jesus?

Ya , the word pisteuo . it's used 248 times in the NT . It was mistranslated into the English because the English has no verb form of the noun Faith or pistis. Pisteuo was mistranslated when they used the words believe , believer , and believing . the English should have had the words faithe , faither , and faithing.

Pisteuo means , Vines definition : "A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

When we surrender our lives to Christ and after He tests the surrendered life , He seals the Holy Spirit in us. As the result of our continual surrender to Him and His Spirit being in us , we have obedient acts from time to time . But those acts are not our own , it's Gods nature , His obedience shining through .


New member
That would be kinda like a lie wouldn't it?

I know of a man. A sinner who has done many things for the glorying of the Lord and GOD. He supposedly actually tells people to not mention it when they thank him, and tells them he deserves no thanks, but that only One deserves all thanks. In reality these things that are done are a form of thanks giving though such a concept may be lost to many.

From housing those in the cold to giving the very last dollar to facing persecution of law for those in need to actually giving one of two coats to one percieveimg as desperately in need.

I also know of a man that is old and small yet glows with vitality and health. This blessed man has guided others in quite subtle humility. He was without perceivable flaw or fault. From what I gathered he was chaste in all ways and yet wholly humble.


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So how are either examples of obedience to Jesus?


New member
Show where I said I was obedient please?

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GT is constantly harping on how she totally obeys Jesus all the time. You never call her on it and actually praise her posts. You seem to approve of her theology. If you think you're salvation is dependent upon your initial and continued obedience, then it's incumbent upon you to flesh out the nature of that obedience clearly .


New member
GT is constantly harping on how she totally obeys Jesus all the time. You never call her on it and actually praise her posts. You seem to approve of her theology. If you think you're salvation is dependent upon your initial and continued obedience, then it's incumbent upon you to flesh out the nature of that obedience clearly .
Answer the question. Support your assertion or don't make it.

I wouldn't say anything about you I couldn't verify to some level.

So I claim I'm obedient by thumbs upping her posts at times.

Definitely sound logic there.

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New member
You can talk all day long about your obedience and yet not provide one shred of evidence for it? If obedience is as important as you say it is, you should be able to provide even a fictional account of someone being obedient and why you think it's an act of obedience in the first place.

This is the truth bomb that blows all their boasting clean out of the water. The fact that we would never boast of works has not crossed their darkened, unredeemed, unregenerate and unrepentant minds.


Ya , the word pisteuo . it's used 248 times in the NT . It was mistranslated into the English because the English has no verb form of the noun Faith or pistis. Pisteuo was mistranslated when they used the words believe , believer , and believing . the English should have had the words faithe , faither , and faithing.

Pisteuo means , Vines definition : "A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

When we surrender our lives to Christ and after He tests the surrendered life , He seals the Holy Spirit in us. As the result of our continual surrender to Him and His Spirit being in us , we have obedient acts from time to time . But those acts are not our own , it's Gods nature , His obedience shining through .

Bumped for a reply CS .