Obama's Gay Lifestyle Before He Became President

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yep, call me a red neck cause I ain't some liberal fruit cake. :banana:

I didn't call you a 'red neck'. I'd sooner be more honestly blunt and just call you a moron because on the basis of this and earlier responses it's what you are, at least in relation to this topic and Trump.


New member
The logic of the left .....
One person posts a photoshopped pic, and everyone else here that already knew Obama swung towards males believed it to be real.
You can't make this stuff up!

And you thanked PJ for posting that fake picture. Were you thanking him because you thought the picture was real or were you thanking him for perpetuating a lie?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member


Captain photodupe's back again...

You've actually managed to overthrow Musty as the forum conspiracy crank PJ. There should be an award for that although not one worth having...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I posted a thread about Obama being a homosexual on this site many years ago with excerpts from the articles that exposed him.
It was deleted in the purge of old threads.
People heard about this years ago.
Hardly any were surprised he was, as they already had that vibe about him.

patrick jane



> The New York Post has accepted a full-page ad declaring Barack Obama’s real biological father is the late Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama."



New member
Y'all get dumber by the second.

Is he "draining the swamp" yet? He just expelled 60 Russian diplomats over a baseless accusation and has chosen John Bolton, the very worse Neocon swamp creature in Washington, to be his national security adviser. Bolton makes Dick Cheney look like Mr Rogers when it comes to war. He's not draining the swamp, he is the swamp. He's the very embodiment of the swamp and if you haven't figured that out yet, then you're the one who's really "dumb". Perhaps you'll figure it out when he starts WW3.

The Barbarian

Not at all. It's like trying to reason with Alex Jones on dru...

Actually, it's just like trying to reason with Alex Jones.


Actually, Alex Jones once admitted he was wrong. He admitted the "Hillary Clinton's pedophile dungeon under a pizzaria" story was false. If you go back and check, you'll find that GO never admitted he was wrong about anything like that.

So Alex Jones is a touch more sane than GO. Which is like saying George W. Bush was a better president than Donald Trump is. True, but sort of an indictment, anyway.