Pop psychology: Pay attention to the log in your own eye before you sarcastically point out the speck of sawdust in mine.Yes, you do, and, no, you don't. (Awaiting next foray into psychobabbling nonsense.)
(I did not have wait long.)
Keep digging.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I react that way because the "other's ideas" do not reflect any known reality.
I prefer standing.Thank you, Dr. Freud. You may resume your seat.
Ancient writers and historians had the goal of being as accurate as possible recording speeches and historical details, but they also felt at liberty to be creative in constructing speeches that were similar to what was really said--probably in summary form.:darwinsm: Pharisaic humility. I'll bet your glad you're not like the rest of men, even this publican. (Luke 18:10-14 (KJV))
The practice of the ancient gospel writers lies somewhere between literal dictation, on the one hand, and invention on the other.
We began with the Enlightenment to think that ancient peoples ("other" peoples) told dumb, literal stories that we were now smart enough to recognize as such.
Not quite.
Those ancient people told smart, metaphorical stories that we were now dumb enough to take literally.