Your political philosophy is noted. I do not run from facts, evidence and data so I agree with your personal thinking.
Yes, you do, and, no, you don't. (Awaiting next foray into psychobabbling nonsense.)
What I do not agree with is the singularity and un-nuanced view of the 1930s.
(I did not have wait long.)
Your inclusion of the laughing smilie is evident, in my view, of the noted tendency to react to others' ideas with mockery and sarcasm.
I react that way because the "other's ideas" do not reflect any known reality.
In my opinion it does not contribute to skillful communication or collaborative problem-solving. I think people engage in sarcastic emotions because of the sarcasm they encountered as children. Fully functional adults seldom use such tactics.
Thank you, Dr. Freud. You may resume your seat.
At least whenever I do it, I try to be accountable for my own immaturity and wrong-headedness.
:darwinsm: Pharisaic humility. I'll bet you're glad you're not like the rest of men, even this publican. (Luke 18:10-14 (KJV))
No, it isn't. You are one of the arrogant elites.
Roosevelt was an elite who realized the day to day conditions of the American working man.
Yes, and he prolonged those conditions to his political advantage.
And he governed accordingly, such that the U.S. conservative military (plus Wall Street banksters) were involved in a plot/coup to overthrow FDR.
Roosevelt went back to the "economic royalists" with his hat in his hand when he soon discovered that a war could only be waged with the help of wealthy financiers to turn the tide against families like the Bushes and other U.S. supported multi-nationals who were unabashedly supporting Hitler in the 1930s.
That is the stuff from which tinfoil helmets are made.
During the 1930s, Roosevelt did what any good liberal does. He expanded government at the expense of the people, gutted the military to the point that, by 1937, we had an almost impotent defense against foreign aggression. The Empire of Japan read the signs rather well and planned accordingly. The Third Reich read the signs also, but did not plan accordingly.
Such ideological frameworks like A causes B and leads to C are bankrupt today. They might have held sway in the 19th century but are largely dysfunctional today.
:darwinsm: Mankind has not changed one whit in thousands of years.
Today's global culture presents us with a web of interlocking ideas that do not present themselves as some Newtonian game of billiards.
Whatever that might mean, it's nonsense.
Influence and causation are no longer as cut and dried as you present. The effect of the coming war was only one factor.
Really? World War II looked pretty well cut and dried to me.
Tyrannical systems tend to denounce nuance and relativity.
Do they now? I have no idea what you're trying to get at here.
That is why, say, Adolf Hitler's brownshirts were intolerant of different ideas. It goes with the territory.
Any different from Obama's gestapo?